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  • in reply to: Hepcvir-L & it’s process inside the body?? #22089
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    • Novice

    Laughing Gaj at your apology to chemists and biologists…. however perfect explanation for my limited knowledge of chemistry and biology.

    Thank you also to Chapel & Greedfighter who took the time to respond. I’m sorry if my communication was unclear, I wasn’t so worried about
    side effects but rather wanting to satiate my inquisitiveness into how the drug actually works.

    I appreciate you all in this supportive and helpful community.
    Thank you,

    PS; and now can report that the effects of insomnia are kicking in… reporting live at 1.37am Colorado time.

    in reply to: Supplements – Protein Powder #22036
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    • Novice

    Hi Everyone,
    Thank you for your replies, I couldn’t sign back in how I originally got set up here so I had to create a new account….lol.
    Ok, I have continued to take the protein powder for lack of anything that would suggest otherwise on the internet.
    Having read your replies I will discontinue whilst on the medication. And YES the medication from FixHepC & Monk Med is Hepcvir-L…
    I got quite nervous as I made a dash to the cupboard to check I had been sent the right one.
    I was only taking the protein powder as extra supplement in my smoothies in the morning to make sure I was getting adequate protein. I’m making an aryuvedic dish called Kitchiri that turns into a complete protein as the rice and lentils are cooked together, so this will suffice.
    It’s day 14 today and yesterday was my hardest day. The first day I actually experienced side effects including Headache, body ache (including face and cheek bones especially) and upset stomach.
    I think the problem was I left the house without water. I drank 2 gallons in the last 24 hrs and the symptoms have gone, just not much energy.
    My Blood work results prior to beginning the meds have been normal for years (I believe due to excellent plant based diet and zero consumption of alcohol or even pharmaceuticals).
    Thanks for all of the support and advice… glad I found my way back in.
    Regards, Lisa

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