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  • in reply to: Thank You Doc Freeman #29670
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    Hi All
    Hope you all well.
    I am Woobia 22 as cannot logon under Woobia 23???

    Anyway I am still battling myself and the Useless Absolute Circus that is the F..king health system.

    For 6 years I Refused Pain Relief even after Surgery I would have Max allowed overnight if I stayed that long as I leave 3 hours after as prefer to not catch more crap from in hospitals.

    2018 I had to change and started taking painkillers to have Any Quality of Life. I sourced one from China to help as it was Cheaper than what I normally use. But it did have few unwelcome side effects so I stopped taking it.

    Funnily enough my Bloods in August were BEST since I began yet I was / Am in Pain 24/7 it feels like I am carrying around something I can’t control in My Guts. At times I collapsed in pain once in Perth CBD and that day I started with Pain killers control. After young DOC at emergency laid it out sensibly to me.

    I still feel my Tips / shunt? Stent maybe is blocked partially but similar horrific pain same as last time. SCGH liver mob said oh that’s not our department you need to get your own Doc to refer bla bla Shit. I said hey You Pricks shoved this wrong size in originally and through heptology dept.
    They forget they just Fuck ing pass me by each time by doing a half job oh he gunna die soon just patch him bye.

    Emergency DOC said oh when was your last Colonoscopy I said last time it blocked?
    He said Oh You are supposed to have them at regular 3 month intervals. He shook his head as he knows what is happening and My Attitude these last 3 years Sucks as I have Zero Respect for the F.. At some S specialists that have Butchered me so much with Stupid half jobs.
    Oh sorry Barry we can’t operate as you will bleed to death
    Oh Sorry Barry we can’t fix your Crumbling teeth that cut your mouth everyday as you MSY bleed to death. Ffs.

    I ended up through experience finding the Combination that Allows me to Actually participate in Life
    BUT even Now yesterday I went to my 8th DOC this year for scripts for Pantaprozol (reflux) and Rifaximan ?? But prick puts on script Private?? I was asked to pay
    $466.97. Like I can’t even get pain killers as Now after I told SCGH get Fucked I have No Specialists hahaha .

    Australian Med mob have said No more Pain killers as Now I have to see a Pain Specialist ffs.
    So I said Okilly Dokilly can I see his/her ex p evidence as too what Pain etc they have had to endure.
    Oh of course just from a book ok gotcha ya.

    I asked for my Pension to be transferred O/s so I can get Quality Drugs to Live some kind of life. Oh yes phone this # in Tasmania??. Oh why can’t I apply online then interview etc.
    Nah so I get setup ready.
    Like I am a Pig headed arrogant prick of a person Angry at incompetence etc. But try hard sometimes

    I waited waited weeks go by and Presto yesterday success Whafukinhoo
    They actually do Answer.
    I said my name spelt it 3rd time
    Gave my Centre # 5 times after Spelling the Numbers 2 people walked by laughing and said they are just playing with you calm down. So I calmed down they listened all good then just as they laugh and walk away she repeats ## back F…….Wrong Again.

    Fuck this World I want to die in Peace DOC Nitchke Fuck Yeah.

    My biggest mistakes have been

    1/ not standing up to them when I had a chance for liver transplant

    2/ Not Finding Da Man Doc Freeman Earlier.

    3/ Not leaving earlier while I had better health for O/S where Quality drugs are Available at fair prices.

    4/Having to let My Private insurances go as We couldn’t afford anymore. It’s funny but I went to see ins mob in Perth they were great extended for me but I couldn’t make it happen.

    567… Who cares get me out of here hahaha
    Have Great Year may All your Thoughts be Positive.
    My Life is bearable when I have access and always think Positive keep refusing to look back.
    Then I go to see a Doc after 4 visits and they say Oh look Barry what do you really want me to do ?????
    You do realise you are Very complicated ……….
    In Other words Fuck Off as We only have 7 min for consultation sorry.

    I will share the Slider of Life to the Great man himself before I leave.
    I must say that If anyone had told me the Combination I have been using allows me to Function in Normal state for days at a time.
    I would laugh but One has to Look outside the Box.

    Take Care All Best if Luck to All
    We are All here to
    Eat Shit &:Die. Whahoo

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