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  • in reply to: Drug companies paying hundreds of NHS officials #12199
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    The big difference is in whether the funding helps patients or helps yourself.

    I’m not ashamed to admit that I used to be a speaker for two drug companies. Back then, the medical group I was working for allowed patients a dose of Ribavirin of 800mg daily for all genotypes, while the rest of the world was using 1000mg-1200mg. My being a speaker gave the patients under my care the extra amount they needed from free samples When they got anemic it gave them Procrit which until then we’d been unable to get for them.

    I got paid $500 for doing a 45 min lecture. I did lectures for support groups and donated the money to them. You should have seen, I was a very popular speaker ;)

    in reply to: Drug companies paying hundreds of NHS officials #12100
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    Many of the doctors who participated in Gilead’s Sofosbuvir clinical trials are either paid speakers for Gilead or are members of Gilead’s advisory board. What’s even worse, Dr John Mchutchison who did at least 20 of Gilead’s Sofosbuvir studies (see link below) is Senior Vice President, Liver Disease Therapeutics for Gilead and is in charge of “research and development efforts supporting the company’s programs in liver disease, including hepatitis C”.(see second link).

    That is a HUGE conflict of interest and totally unethical. I can’t believe that he was allowed to do that.–president-liver-disease-therapeutics

    in reply to: Tiredness after Eating #12097
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    berrinice wrote:

    I do have a fat stomach and I am interested in the X syndrome theory -Dr Sandra Cabot. Lost my appetite cause I have a bad cold. I was going to stop treatment – only a couple of weeks left but because its so little I am going to stick to out to the end. 24 weeks. kindly

    The first time I heard about “Pre-diabetes” was at a diabetes conference. An endocrinologist giving the lecture started by saying she’d just gotten married and showed us a picture of her wedding. She and her new husband were standing in profile and his big belly was sticking out of his belt. It looked terrible. I remember thinking that she should have chosen a better picture.

    Then she pointed to her husband’s belly on the picture and loudly said, “PRE-DIABETES”.

    What a way of making an impression. When we stood to leave, we were all sucking our belly in. A fat belly (waist larger than hips) is a sign of pre-diabetes. Having pre-diabetes means that you’re insulin resistant and it gives you a higher risk of becoming a diabetic later on in life.

    Insulin resistance can be caused by the hepatitis C virus so getting rid of the virus can help you eliminate that risk. So hang in there, you’re almost there.


    in reply to: Statins as a 3rd DAA? #12095
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    That may be why Veterans like you.


    in reply to: Vietnam Veterans Blame Jetguns for their Hep C #12093
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    Great idea Tina. I attached a picture of a jet gun so people can see what one looks like.


    in reply to: Vietnam Veterans Blame Jetguns for their Hep C #12088
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    The first time I heard about Veterans was during a support group meeting when a speaker said Veterans had a high rate of hep C and asked how we thought they’d gotten it. Nobody answered so I guessed and said battle wounds, unsterile instruments and transfusions and the speaker said , “PP No! It was IV drugs”. I felt sorry for them, like I had to somehow defend them and said that had I been in the middle of a horrible war maybe I too would have done drugs.

    My only excuse is that I knew nothing about Veterans back then. Faced with the same comment now, my answer would be very different.

    P.S. At Xmas, my kids used to ask me what I wanted for a present. I always said, “A jet gun”.and they laughed. I finally decided to get my own.

    in reply to: Vietnam Veterans Blame Jetguns for their Hep C #12083
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    They’ve been saying it for years but they couldn’t prove it. The VA has always blamed them for doing drugs and getting it that way. Now we have collected lots of evidence. Now it’s our turn.

    I already disproved the drug scenario. You see, the VA doctors did a large study with thousands of Veterans. Anybody who got hepatitis and turned yellow got admitted to the hospital for one month. Over 500 got jaundiced and got admitted to the hospital. Out of that number, guess how many had signs of using IV drugs?

    That’s right, NONE….and they can’t question the source because it was their own study.


    in reply to: Statins as a 3rd DAA? #11975
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    I’ve gotta start making bets with you.


    in reply to: Americans … Idea! #11951
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    We have a newspaper story coming out today on Vets being infected by jet guns….and yes, we told the reporter about this site.

    One of our sister orgs in New York is having a Press Release Feb 26. They’ve invited some of the prominent Vets in the area to get tested and talk to the media. We’re lending them a jet gun and they’ll pass out pamphlets on generics.
    They’re using this poster (see attached).


    • jetgunposter.jpg
    in reply to: Tiredness after Eating #11934
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    Are you still anemic from the Ribavirin? Are you thirsty and urinate a lot? Do you have a family history of diabetes?


    in reply to: Tiredness after Eating #11932
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    The_1B_Dude_Abides wrote:

    You also might request a hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c – shows your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months I think, could be 4 months) be done at your next bloods.

    Although I agree with you that checking her blood sugar would be a good idea, checking a HEMOGLOBIN A1C (HbA1C) would probably not be accurate because the test is done on hemoglobin and she took Ribavirin which lowers hemoglobin.

    The_1B_Dude_Abides wrote:

    Interestingly, and as an aside, an acupuncturist told me that the Chinese word for diabetes means something like “tiredness after lunch.”

    Diabetes Mellitus means sweet urine.


    in reply to: New Delphi Forum #11679
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    2B and Gaj:

    You need to log in on the Delphi page, NOT Mike’s forum page.


    in reply to: Here is exactly why the VA should own Sofosbuvir #11338
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    The next story will be on how they got infected by jetguns . We proved 100% contamination rate and we have mountains of evidence. Let’s see what the American public will say then.


    in reply to: Here is exactly why the VA should own Sofosbuvir #11337
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    During the meeting, one of the members of Congress talked about how the meds cost very little in other countries and then asked why can’t they just give Veterans a first class ticket to one of the places that had cheap meds. He said, ” it would be cheaper, we should look into that”


    in reply to: Here is exactly why the VA should own Sofosbuvir #11335
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    Dr Schinazi retired two days before the meeting where he was supposed to testify.
    Now he’s saying that he didn’t discover sof. That a doctor workin for him at Pharmasset did.

    The Congressional meeting….

    They are such liars. They started off by saying there are 200,000 veterans with hep C, then Dr Chang said it was only 180,000 and at the end Dr Shulkin said there are 116,000. Liars.

    Last year, Dr Ross, Director of the Hepatitis C program told us there are 233,000 Veterans with Hepatitis C under the care of the VA, 180,000 diagnosed and the rest undiagnosed.

    Dr Shulkin also said the VA cannot disclose how much they are paying Gilead for treatment. But they have disclosed it in the past.

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