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  • in reply to: No good deed goes unpunished #11332
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    I wonder if I can get Juvederm from China :unsure:


    in reply to: New-Onset Diabetes from Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir #11272
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    Yes, the whole thing is suspicious. Why hadn’t they said anything about so many people developing high blood sugar? Probably the same reason they didn’t check BUN and creatinine on the Harvoni studies.


    in reply to: New Delphi Forum #11271
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    Make sure you put a disclaimer on the front page.


    in reply to: New Delphi Forum #11269
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    We’ll list your forum as a friend of ours. Hope it helps.


    in reply to: GT3: High SVR rates with Daclatasvir #11268
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    I’m wondering why they haven’t tried predosing the Ribavirin for a couple weeks. When it was done on interferon studies it dropped the viral load.


    in reply to: Americans … Idea! #11238
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    How about a picture of a jet gun to go along with your post…


    in reply to: VA in USA urged to invoke emergency powers #11234
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    A congressional hearing just started in response to the CBs story so we’re getting some action.


    in reply to: Americans … Idea! #11228
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    You don’t cease to amaze me. Your children should be very proud of you.

    “So if Price and Zion are each talking to the reporter we may get some action on it.”

    Here’s the second part of the CBS story. It came out today and it includes a Veteran who got generics.

    P.S. Zion is now “undetected”

    in reply to: New-Onset Diabetes from Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir #10394
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    Perhaps only a few are failing because the meds get rid of the virus so quickly. Maybe they become insulin resistant after they have already cleared the virus so it doesn’t affect them.

    A fasting of 126 on two consecutive occasions would be considered diabetes.


    in reply to: VA in USA urged to invoke emergency powers #10383
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    Mike, I asked a friend who was the head of the Buyers Club in New York what kind of meds they imported and he said….

    “Essentially drugs not yet approved in the US. It was a grey market area and people needed a Rx and to fill out a personal use importation form. At the time, it included drugs like tinidazole, memantine, polylactic acid, roxithromycin and the like.”

    Ha! “Not yet approved in the US”. We can use that. That’s discrimination. If they allowed them to do it then the same should be done for others.

    I also asked where the meds came from and he said…

    “Different places…a fair amount from Mexico. Some from Europe. this was before India became a player, mostly in the 90s and early 00s.”

    in reply to: VA in USA urged to invoke emergency powers #10381
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    So you don’t thinsk I should start my answer with…..

    “As a nurse, Hepatitis C advocate and the mother of someone who served in Afghanistan and Kuwait I am appalled by your answer.”?


    in reply to: VA in USA urged to invoke emergency powers #10378
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    “What is the problem with your legislators”

    I sent a letter to my local representative. My letter talked about the number of Veterans infected with Hepatitis C by the jet injectors used to immunize them and how the VA is now denying them treatment and the fact they are not allowed to treat with generics. Since he’s a doctor I explained how the jet injectors got contaminated and the evidence we have. I also told him I collected 200 signatures from local doctors and nurses who agree with me (and who are also his constituents). I asked him to help us make jet injectors an official risk factor because that will help us find the Veterans still undiagnosed.

    His answer says NOTHING about what I talked about. The part about doing videoconferences so Vets don’t have to travel is BS since they would still have to travel to a secure site at a VA facility to do the videoconference.

    Here’s the response I got…..

    Dear Mrs. PP

    Thank you for contacting me to express your support for our nation’s veterans. I appreciate the opportunity to hear about the issues important to the individuals I serve. It is an essential part of our democratic process, and I am grateful for your input.
    As a member of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, I am committed to fulfilling our country’s promise to our veterans and their families in recognition of the sacrifices they made to protect our nation and the freedoms we enjoy. This includes providing the care, treatment, and benefits they have earned through their service.
    Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) estimates that more than 135,000 veterans benefit claims across the country have been pending for over four months. I am appalled that the claims backlog has been allowed to reach this level of delinquency. That is why I introduced the Veterans Access to Speedy Review Act, H.R. 732, which gives veterans the ability to choose to use videoconferencing during an appeals hearing as a substitute for attending in person. This relieves the burden of having to travel for appeal hearings and increases the annual number of hearings the VA can conduct.
    Additionally, when H.R. 2029, the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2016, was considered on the House floor, I offered an amendment to direct funds for digital scanning of health and benefit files. By committing resources to digitizing these files, we will further increase the VA’s capacity to tackle the claims backlog, ensuring veterans receive the benefits they have earned in a timely manner.
    I am proud to have introduced The Veterans’ Survivors Claims Processing Automation Act, H.R. 2691, which would help survivors of veterans receive benefits without undergoing an overly burdensome claims process., This bill would permit the VA to adjudicate and pay claims for survivors’ benefits without the beneficiary filing a formal claim if evidence of the survivor’s right to the benefit already exists. Bereaved families should not be burdened with duplicative paperwork during their grieving process simply to obtain benefits that have already been earned. I will continue to work to advance these solutions and am actively reviewing additional legislation to find ways to improve the efficiency of government and provide the appropriate care for our veterans.
    Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. As your Representative, serving my constituents is my top priority. Please continue to share your ideas regarding the VA so we can provide the best services to our veterans. To find more information regarding current legislation, constituent services, or to sign up for my e-newsletter, please visit my website at:

    Raul Ruiz, M.D.
    Member of Congress

    I’m going to give him one more chance.


    in reply to: lymphocyte count borderline low #10376
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    How about neutrophils? They defend you against bacterial infections.


    in reply to: New-Onset Diabetes from Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir #10362
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    Craving sweets and carbs can be a sign of insulin resistance.

    I found this….

    The recently approved sofosbuvir, simeprevir, ledipasvir, and the combination of paritaprevir, ombitasvir and dasabuvir have ushered in the era of interferon-free therapy for HCV hepatitis. These direct-acting anti-viral treatments (DAA) achieve SVRs of more than 90% for most treatment groups[71]. With such an effective treatment available it is likely that the effect of IR will be less evident. However, a recent preliminary report suggests that metabolic factors such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia still compromise the effect of DAA treatment. This was based on the results of a recent study that examined SVR at 12-wk in 54 non-Caucasian populations in the United States, 65% of whom were Hispanic and 24% had diabetes. SVR in this study was 81% which is lower than the rate reported in previous studies. A pre-treatment glucose level of less than 126 mg/dL was shown to be linked to a higher rate of SVR[72]. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effect of IR and diabetes on the response to DAA treatment. – ”

    in reply to: #10337
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    I was kidding.

    But seriously, maybe that’s the answer. The FDA can’t keep people from participating in a trial, right? To be in the trial you need the meds.

    The part where the FDA said the meds are unapproved, in the 1980’s they allowed the HIV group to bring meds from Mexico. I’m asking some of the people who opened Buyers Clubs what they were allowed to import. It would be discrimination to allow one group to import but not the others.


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