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I have private insurance as well I am covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Program) and you cannot receive anything but emergency health services in Ontario without an OHIP card. The problen lies with OPH (Ontario Public Health) which is the Canadian equivalent of the CDC. They force all Doctors within the OMA (Ontario Medical Association) to use one specific lab for ALL HIV and HVA/B/C testing in Ontario creating an enormous backlog. My Doctor phoned them again today and they said I will need to be retested because they do not store results less than 15 IU/mL in their system. Ontario seems to think that less than 15 means that the person isn’t infected anymore or they can’t be bothered because even if they mess up they are guaranteed the business by the government . Liquor and marijuana also work the same here where the government gives the job of selling to the public to one seller and throws everyone who tries to sell it in jail. Even collecting blood samples is only permitted by 3 businesses in Ontario where each is given a certain percentage depending on how much they pay the government. I am not an activist of any kind and am only stating facts that are publicly known and agreed upon. If I had lived 12 KMS to the north in Quebec I would have had the results more than 2 weeks ago.
This is what the Doctor said was told to him when he called to ask where the results were last Friday. I took the test on the 19th of March and unless the patient is enrolled in an OPH sponsored treatment plan they do not file any result less than 15 for serum/plasma greater than 2.5 mL samples and less that 1000 IU/mL for DBS samples.
Ontario Public Health does NOT return any results if a serum test returns less than 15 IU/mL and if a dried blood spot test is less than 500 IU/mL. Basically good luck with your treatment but they don’t have time to return all results. This is from a receptionist at OPH and from their official website.
I guess I will have to get it done privately in the US , Canada doesn’t care.
I advised 4 past sexual partners to get tested and 2 from Quebec and 1 from Alberta and 1 from BC received their results within 10 days of testing. Alberta tests for HVC/B antibodies as part of their standard full screening. I love where I live now and have lived from coast to coast over the years , crime rates , culture , employment can’t be beat. Not the same can be said about the medical system here. eHealth was a nepotistic program that took 1 billion dollars out of the system and I have worked in a large francophone chain of clinics and the doctors had to go to battle against OPH in about 1/10 cases. My doctor was told today that when the result is low or <15 they save them up for a batch transfer that can take 3-4 weeks after the results come back to amass enough to send. He practically had to demand that they send him the results by the end of this week.
The lab hires two medical clerks to do the results transfer electronically 2 times per month unless the infection is possibly acute.
Everywhere in Canada EXCEPT Ontario they take the RNA test seriously. They had to hire 2 extra lab technicians 2 months ago when the backlog surpassed 4 weeks on average. Rather than open up a new facility (blood testing will not go away any time soon) . They just gave the same lab more money to hire more people to keep the minimum for testing baseline. The general bloodwork labs are the same in this province (3 different labs) and each gets a specified amount of testing and it doesn’t change so they have no reason to improve service or testing quality because they already bought their share of the testing 6 years ago and they will not get any more customers , money or contracts in the future.
No results less than 5 weeks before testing in Canada because of a monopoly on testing that a single lab paid the government for 3 years ago. No testing except if you have an actively infected partner or jump through hoops to force them to. I will have to go to the US at EOT to get the final test done so I can get my answer before fall. A little disgusted with the Canadian health system at the moment. 1 year wait times for treatment after a 6 month wait after testing. Add a 2 month wait time for testing to make testing all but useless for during treatment progress. I will give the results once I get them back , not holding my breath for the Canadian system to wake up any time soon.
Have to wait a little longer , Ontario has a stranglehold on the test facilities for PCR testing (Only one is allowed to do the testing). Maybe by Friday I will know I hope.
Can a mod please move this into the appropriate section ?
Went for my 4 week test on Monday and will get the RNA results from my doctor on the 27th but the online results available that are abnormal are :
Platelet count = 132X10*9 /L (155 bottom of normal)
Monocytes = 0.9 x 10*9/L (0.8 is top of normal)Ferritin is normal at 84 thankfully
4 more pills left for the first 4 weeks and no side effects so far. I have 2 alarms set for 7PM and all doses have been taken within an hour of this time. I’ve tripled my water intake and the initial weight loss has stabilized (13 Lbs in the first 2 weeks). I have my referral for my 4 week blood work due on the 19th. Quantitative RNA /Ferritin levels / CBC . No AST for this one but I will get that for my EOT bloodwork. Much higher energy levels and no compulsory naps after work.
I am using disposable razors now and 3 days tops and they get trashed , tooth brush for the last four weeks is a pack of 20 cheapie ones pitched after 3 days of use as well. My main brush (Sonic Care is sorely missed and I bought new brush heads for it when I finally get to use it again.). L-Arginine and L_Lysine intake is through natural source only (red meat , fish and chicken) Just in case. No energy drinks and no supplements except Centrum 50+ , Omega 3 , 50 mg zinc and 1000 IU of D3 12 hours away from the dose.
On day 4 today and no side effects yet. Drinking lots of water and keeping my multivitamin and Omega 3 and Zinc tab 12 hours on either side of the tx. Doctor was contacted for 4 week blood work and my family doctor and the MD at the liver center are deciding who will manage the treatment.
The shipment was cleared by US customs in Cincinnati and is now with Canada customs since this morning.
Update : Cleared Canada Customs and a duty of 56.93$ CAD was charged and paid online. Clearance time from arrival in Canada , 44 minutes
Out for delivery , I can’t believe that shipping from India to Canada took almost 2 whole days , I thought it would never arrive lol.
You prescribed Sofosbuvir + Ledipasvir not the other two though. The Harvoni generic is just as effective as the other two for GT 1a ?
Received my Visa card today and ordered the Harvoni generic for 12 weeks. Not the wait for it begins
. If the 12 weeks needs an extension would it be better to take a broader based generic such as Epclusa for the second 12 weeks ? I have be diagnosed with GT 1a but several types can coexist with the dominant GT showing up on the RNA so I am not sure that attacking the known dominant type without ruling out all others is such a good idea.
Saw Dr. Freeman yesterday and Harvoni was the decision. This site doesn’t take Amex so I ordered a Visa from the bank and am awaiting its arrival in 8-10 days.