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  • in reply to: Tiredness after Eating #11741
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    I’m not saying you have diabetes, but extreme tiredness/drowsiness after lunch is what originally sent me to the doctor back in 2000. I was not undergoing treatment for HCV at that time, nor indeed had I even been diagnosed. So I was treated for diabetes and the tiredness after eating cleared up. Now, we (my doctors and I) reckon the diabetes (insulin resistance) is caused by the HCV.

    If this persists, you might have your blood sugar tested while fasting, and then again two hours after a normal meal. You also might request a hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c – shows your average blood glucose level over the past 3 months I think, could be 4 months) be done at your next bloods.

    Interestingly, and as an aside, an acupuncturist told me that the Chinese word for diabetes means something like “tiredness after lunch.”

    Don’t want to scare you, but the title of this thread raised a red flag for me. If it’s nothing, then well – better safe than sorry.

    in reply to: REDEMPTION is “Official” in the U.S.! #10107
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    This is huge!
    Forwarded to my dr. and am digitizing my bloods as we speak B)
    Thank you for all your hard work, Doctor!

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #10069
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    Crushes, eh Emilio?
    Shelly Fabares is about 7 years older than I, but that never stopped my being glued to the TV when the Donna Reed Show was on.
    According to wikipedia, Shelly has had her own serious liver health issues:
    USA Today

    Johnny Angel Jon :woohoo:

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #9878
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    Good one, LG! B)
    Christine Perfect AND Stevie Nicks :cheer:

    in reply to: MtGoat USA/AUS Fix #9745
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    Hey, good for you, Mt! Glad you got your meds, and hoping for great success for you. And thanks for sharing your story.

    One way or another, I’m right behind you, though a bit farther behind than I’m comfortable with (TPP – trans pacific partnership BS). If not for waiting until next Friday to see my new GI (whom my PCP tells me knows all kinds of ways to get the meds I need), I’d be pulling the trigger now. Well that, and waiting on my pre-tx bloods.

    And a fibro. There’s a blood test for that?? Interesting. Maybe one of those 6 or more vials of blood I had drawn last week included that. Hmm…
    Aand – but you were able to get your meds without that?

    All the best,

    in reply to: Peripheral Neuropathy ? Toes? #9565
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    Yes, I have had that for about 15 years. My feet are at the same time both numb and hyper-sensitive. A grain of sand in my shoe can feel like a pebble to me, yet my toes always feel numb. And cold, whether they actually are or not. My doctor attributed it to diabetes (type 2), as I was diagnosed with diabetes a year or so before hep-c.

    At first my neuropathy pain was unbearable. My PCP sent me to a neurologist who, after running tests, called it ideopathic peripheral neuropathy. The intense stabbing pains in my feet have subsided for the most part to the point that I only have them now and again. Maddeningly, they usually occur at night, interfering with my onset of sleep. The numbness and all that has been with me all this time, though.

    I was reading the thread Enkel posted a link to (above); it explains a LOT. So based on that I am hopeful that a successful hep-c treatment will clear that up, at least somewhat.

    in reply to: Splitdog in the US #9368
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    This is looking a lot like a plan! :D Now I can’t wait to get my pre-Tx bloods. And my fibro scan.

    So, did anyone ever find out if Kingswood takes scrips from the USA? Not that it matters, it appears; just curious.

    Many thanks to all y’all who had a hand in blazing this trail (I’m new here and don’t know all the who’s who), everyone who helped fill out this thread, making things clear, and Splitdog, you da man! MtGoat, way to go! Hope it all works out. B)

    in reply to: May give ‘er another whirl #9294
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    Chejai wrote:

    Welcome The 1B Dude Abides – Wow that’s a mouthful!

    Heh, yeah I went back to try and change it, but no good. :blush:

    Chejai wrote:

    You will find heaps of info and support here.
    Good Luck! I started Sof/Dac yesterday – G3a – having 16 weeks Tx.

    Good for you! B) I hope you’ll keep us up on how it’s going.

    in reply to: May give ‘er another whirl #9293
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    LondonGirl wrote:

    I’m on Redemption 3 – All went very smoothly, Licensed meds (Hepcivir -L for me) arrived 3-5 dats, no sx to note, apart from a ‘speedy’ morning & and brain-fooged evenings . Feeling great ! – Free yourself :)

    That’s great to hear; hope you keep sides-free for the duration. :) The brain fog? I’ve had it for so long I’m not sure I’d know how to act w/o it. ;)

    LondonGirl wrote:

    Best wishes to you, you’ve arrived at a good time.

    Yes, I am encouraged this time. Thanks :) Best wishes to you too.

    in reply to: May give ‘er another whirl #9291
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    sabrecat wrote:


    a good indicator of assessing what is going on here on this site, is to look at people’s “signatures” below their posts.

    People often post their treatment journey and will comment about VL (viral load). – Look for the ‘UND’ – you will know what it stands for.

    Well, this is my second rodeo, so yes I do know what UND stands for! :woohoo:
    Thanks for the info; I may have to dig out my last bloods and compile a sig. of my own.

    ETA: Sig

    in reply to: May give ‘er another whirl #9289
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    splitdog wrote:

    Yes, I recommend going for it. I started today. :)

    Good deal! I imagine you’re feeling relieved already. B)

    in reply to: May give ‘er another whirl #9288
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    klhilde wrote:

    Well, I don’t know how long it will take to get answers about your grants and all, but if you have your blood work, your fibroscan score, and your info on other medical conditions and current medications along with about $1400-1600 you can be on the REDEMPTION eTrials within a couple weeks. If you have a cooperative doctor who will write you your prescription you can order your own meds and be on treatment within 5-10 days for as little as $850 plus shipping (Sof/Dac) or ~$1200 (Sof/Led).

    That sounds very good!

    Yes, I’m playing a waiting game here. I’ve only just had my blood drawn this morning (lost count after 6 vials) and I’m to see the Hep doc week after next. He has a long waiting list but my PCP sort of fast-tracked me; I assume maybe because of some very bad liver numbers at my last blood test, and/or because it’s been 13 years since I failed the peg-int / riba. I dunno. Somewhere along the line I assume I’ll need a liver scan as well before I get prescribed.

    I imagine the Rx will be highly expensive here in the US, but I just don’t know. If it turns out not to be, then that may be a silver cloud in a dark lining – cirrhosis. But it’s good to know that there are better options now. The last treatment set me back pretty well, and that was with good insurance! The new treatments (y’know, the ones that actually work?) would wipe me out financially, as I am now retired.

    Anyway, thanks again.

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