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  • #15859
    Avatar photoStew-H
    • Topics: 2
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Although I have finished treatment for Hep C I still feel very ill and think the cause maybe bile reflux.
    Ever since I had my gallbladder removed in 2014 I have progressively been getting worst.
    When I drink water or eat I have heart palpatations, sweats, nausea, dizziness, abdo pain with occasional vomiting.
    My attacks also come without eating or drinking early in the morning around 2am.
    I have celiac disease and ulcerative colitis which seem to be under control.
    My GP put me on Ursosan which seemed to work but doesn’t any more.

    Diagnosed Hep C 2013
    Geno Type: 1a
    Treatment: Naïve
    2015 GGT 227 AST 79 ALT 89 Platelets 88
    2016 Treatment Generic Harvoni Finished 29 March 2016
    GGT 30 AST 19 ALP 67 Platelets 91
    Qualitative Test Results April 12
    Hepatitis C NAT (NA): Not Detected
    P.C.R Test for Hep C 4th July: Negative
    Virus Free

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Stew,

    That seems a bit NQR. I don’t like Not Quite Right.

    It could be “we” as in modern medicine are missing something.

    My advice would be to see another doctor, not because your current GP is not good, but just for a second opinion, devoid of bias from all past knowledge.

    I would be looking for things like

    Making sure you have SVRed of course and have normal liver functions

    If you are SVR but your LFTs are off a bit I would be looking for a retained stone in your bile duct, hemochromatosis, bile duct stricture or bile duct/pancreatic/liver/blood cancers

    My approach would be along the lines of “if you hear hoof beats think horses” and if I found no horses I would start looking for zebras…..


    Avatar photoStew-H
    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 28
    • Total: 30
    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    I had a bad attack May 8 around 12.30am and then 2.30am in which I ended up in hospital for the day – released 4pm. The Dr’s gave me various medicines including a ‘pink lady’ to help with my reflux but to no avail. The burning sensations in my mouth, chest, arms and hands continued for another 2 weeks. It seemed antacids only made things worst. Every time I would take a tablet, drink water or eat I would either get a spontaneous attack ( burning sensations, sweats, nauseas, dizziness and abdo pain ) or one several hours later which would wake me from my sleep. I ended up losing 2 kilos in weight in 1 week. After seeing 2 Gastrologists im back where I began in 2013, when this started after having my gallbladder removed. Some don’t think its bile reflux yet are unable to verify what maybe causing the problem.
    After research through trial and error it was established the anti depressants I started a week or so before the May 9th attack partially caused my attack by reacting with another drug I was taking, leaving me feeling better yet anxious about having another attack as this has been going on to a lesser degree since 2013.

    Diagnosed Hep C 2013
    Geno Type: 1a
    Treatment: Naïve
    2015 GGT 227 AST 79 ALT 89 Platelets 88
    2016 Treatment Generic Harvoni Finished 29 March 2016
    GGT 30 AST 19 ALP 67 Platelets 91
    Qualitative Test Results April 12
    Hepatitis C NAT (NA): Not Detected
    P.C.R Test for Hep C 4th July: Negative
    Virus Free

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