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  • #19145
    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Nice movement :whistle:


    :evil: :evil:

    P.S. by mistake, I forgot to place the post in Media & News area….

    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    Avatar photoTina-Hill-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi rohhcvfighter an organisation Act up London has also put on some monumentous protests as well, they have a facebook page if you would like to check it out.


    SVR 24

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I tried to contact Act up, but there did not seem to be a link to email anyone.

    I’m sorry, but I am old and cynical. You can’t shame these companies, they are making too much money too care. Do you realize the CEO of Gilead received $260 million in stock options last year?

    He is dancing on the graves of the dead :evil:

    If you want to help anyone (And I know you all are doing this) promote FixHepC, and also generic manufacturers of Aids medications. Are there generic Aids medications? Folks, the USA and most of the world allow generic importation.

    These piece of shit first world pharma companies are living too high on the hog to care for patient suffering, when they live like kings.

    They will never drop their prices. But people can access generic medications! You can’t fight Goliath, but you can run around his feet; and effectively hurl a rock in his eye :cheer: :+1:

    Fuck em’

    Avatar photoTina-Hill-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Greed

    this link has their contact details https://actuplondon.wordpress.com/

    Tina :)


    SVR 24

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    This article called “Time for a better capitalism” makes interesting reading:



    Over the past few decades, the US economy has undergone a profound change.

    This change has helped rich Americans get richer. But it has also contributed to growing income inequality and the decline of the middle class. And, in so doing, it has fueled populist anger across the political spectrum and slowed the growth of the economy as a whole.

    What is this change?

    The complete embrace of the idea that the only mission of companies is to maximize profit for their shareholders.

    Talk to people in the money management business, and they’ll proclaim this as a law of capitalism. They’ll also cite others, including the idea that employees are “costs” and competent managers should minimize these costs by paying employees as little as possible.

    These practices may help boost stock prices, at least temporarily. But they aren’t actually laws of capitalism.

    They’re choices.

    Not long ago, America’s corporate owners and managers made different choices—choices that were better for average Americans and the economy. They also had a profoundly different understanding of their responsibilities.

    “The job of management,” proclaimed Frank Abrams, chairman of Standard Oil of New Jersey, in 1951, “is to maintain an equitable and working balance among of the claims of the various directly interested groups… stockholders, employees, customers, and the public at large.”

    By paying good wages, investing in future products, and generating reasonable (not “maximized”) profits, American companies in the 1950s and 1960s created value for all of their constituencies, not just one. As a result, the country and economy boomed.

    Over more recent decades, however, this balance has radically shifted.



    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Tina, but I don’t see an email link.

    I’m telling you, this website is the real deal for Hep C. Dr. Freeman is the only one who has made a BIG difference. Providing generic medication to thousands. Look at his trials….Worldwide coverage. So much so Australia is being pressured to censor him.

    IMO, if Dr. Freeman had not received press about his generic trials, this censorship would not have occurred. Gilead is scared. So are the pharma companies.
    These Act up people are running around naked trying to get Gilead to drop their prices…..HA! Good Luck!

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    You’ll never convince me :( :-1: :cheer:

    I know some wealthy people. They literally could not care less about anyone’s suffering. As long as they have money, a big house, vacations and the best of everything. If everyone else lives in the dirt, well, that’s their problem.

    A guy making $260 million in one year from stock has jets, yachts, the finest hookers, great food, vacations, and more hookers and jets.

    You think he cares about anyone? I promise you he does not.

    So screw this guy….get the word out about generics. I promise you tell someone who has had Hep C for 20 years he can get cured for $1500 and that is all he can think about. That’s how I was; and I don’t have money, but I came up with it fast.

    Avatar photoTina-Hill-facebook
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Greedfighter wrote:

    Hi Tina, but I don’t see an email link.

    I’m telling you, this website is the real deal for Hep C. Dr. Freeman is the only one who has made a BIG difference. Providing generic medication to thousands. Look at his trials….Worldwide coverage. So much so Australia is being pressured to censor him.

    IMO, if Dr. Freeman had not received press about his generic trials, this censorship would not have occurred. Gilead is scared. So are the pharma companies.
    These Act up people are running around naked trying to get Gilead to drop their process…..HA! Good Luck![/quote

    Hi Greed
    When have I suggested that Fix hep C has not made a difference? and you can get in contact with Act Up via their facebook page. As far as im concerned anyone who makes a stand big or small that draws attention to the ruthless profiteering of these corporate fuckers (clothes on or off) is a star in my book.

    SVR 24

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Tina,

    I know you never stated anything bad about FixHep C.
    I’m not on Facebook. That is my choice, but I won’t waste my time protesting against corporations with patents. I have advocated generics in many venues on the web. I have helped some people. I know you have too, and also Ariel. So together we helped more people than all the naked Act up people combined! :cheer: :+1:

    Avatar photoGT2
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    ….get the word out about generics. I promise you tell someone who has had Hep C for 20 years he can get cured for $1500 and that is all he can think about. That’s how I was; and I don’t have money, but I came up with it fast.

    :) :)

    Very true.

    Big Pharma’s Fat Cats (not sure if I spelled that last word correctly :dry: … ) have no shame … however, any attention to the cause is good attention.

    1983: Hospitalised with Acute non-A, non-B Hepatitis after ICU blood transfusion 3mths earlier => HCV GT2
    22/02/16: (pre-tmt) ALT 61, VL 2.48 IU/ml Hepascore 0.32 (F1/2), fatigue, brain fog, bloating (Treatment Naïve)
    10/04/16: (Start tmt) Sofovir +DaclaHep (SOF + DCV) by Hetero Labs in India
    09/05/16: ALT 34, VL: NOT Detected :cheer: 🙂 , FBG 11.9 :huh:
    17/6/16 FBG 5.7; PPBG (@14.22) 6.9 (@ 20.45) 7.1; BP 124/72
    🙂 (Accu-Chek Mobile & Omron Auto BP Monitor) 🙂

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    You know I think all you guys are the best! Tina and Ariel, I love you guys :cheer: #love

    I’m just a cynical guy. In my mind, the best allocation of my time is telling someone about generics.

    You tell someone about generics it’s a paradigm shift. They don’t care about getting approval from their insurer or health system.

    They want to know what day the package is arriving :cheer: :+1:

    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    In the 90’s the US govt. entered NAFTA. The Chinese govt. slept in Lincoln’s bedroom. Corporations began outsourcing our manufacturing base as never before. Our blue, and white collar jobs went away, and the multi national corporations andtheir public sector lap-dogs never looked back.

    In the early 2000’s we (the US), continued outsourcing jobs, borrowed money from the rest of the world, and especially the Chinese, to pay for nation building (theirs not ours), and social programs we could no longer afford – because the US manufacturing tax base, the powerhouse that built the machinery that won WWII, and then spawned the economic miracle to beat all economic miracles, was no longer there. We had outsourced it. It was gone, and it wasn’t coming back.

    While all but the wealthiest among us learned to get by with what was left, the multi-national corporations made money hand over fist, and speculated with easy money, printed not earned, until in 2007- 2008, when the bubble finally burst, and the economy came crashing down.

    The outsourcing continued, the trade deficits skyrocketed, one regime’s ineptness and corruption was traded for another’s, we printed money to bail out Wall Street and the multinationals, the borrowing accelerated, and the US national debt ballooned from 10.6 Trillion, to almost 20 Trillion dollars.

    Now we are paying $94,000 for a course of HCV treatment that costs $100 to manufacture, and we’re mortgaging our children’s future to pay for it.

    How stupid are we?

    Shunning corporate branded HCV medications for generics isn’t just the intelligent alternative, its a civic duty.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    The US debt is not measured in billions – it was $14.6 trillion when the US hit the debt ceiling.

    This is still the best short statement about the US debt situation I’ve ever seen on it…. It originally appeared on live leak under the title “Balance the fucking budget”



    Avatar photofitz
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Right! :lol: . Thanks Doc! I’m like Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies!

    We are looking at different reference points, mine is 2009 when the current regime took office. US national debt was 10.6 Trillion (with a ‘T’;) at that time. The video, which is brilliant, refers to the ‘Debt Ceiling Crisis’ of 2012(?), at which time the US had added another four Trillion or so to the national debt in just three years. After that, it seems the ‘ceiling’ has completely evaporated. Now everyone on both sides of the isle just holds hands and jumps in with both feet, with barely a word uttered when it comes time to raise the national debt, again.

    I was actually surprised to go back and find that the debt had been rejiggered from 8 trillion (the amount reported when Bush left office) to 10.6 trillion, the amount now reported for that time. I guess it depends on who is in charge of the Congressional Budget Office at any given time.

    Somehow, I seem to have missed the part where our govt. misplaced another 2.6 trillion in debt, and then found it.


    EIGHT BILLION dollars!” – Dr. Evil

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