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    Hello people!
    I have the HCV genotype 3a. I’m a patient at a public hospital in Buenos Aires. My doctors are great and up to date going to every international congress there are. But, it is very hard to get the new drugs from the public health system. No problem at all getting the traditional Interferon plus ribavirin treatment, but, sadly they advise me to wait because they fear I will not be able to cope with their side effects.
    So, although I haven’t yet told my doctor, I decided to search for the chances to get the full 12 weeks treatment by my own.
    I’m not sure but it seems that the combimation such as Twinvir will be the right way to go for my genotype.
    My last fibroscan was between F1 and F2, the same as the last results before three years ago, but this time with a very fatty liver.
    Anyway, I should ask her for professional opinion the next time I see her.
    I would really thank you guys if anyone of you could give me some advice about how to get the drugs. I would not hesitate to take a plane to fly to buy them :)
    Until today that I came across this forum I was almost clueless about what to do.
    Thanks and kind regards to all of you.

    Avatar photoAlsdad
    • Guardian Angel
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    Welcome to the forum Puzzled. First off, your best option for Genotype 3 is Sofosbuvir (Sovaldi) and Daclatasvir (Daklinza), probably for 12 weeks with your fibrosis score.

    Subject to Argentina’s importation laws, you can get your meds from Dr Freeman’s Buyers Club here following a Skype consultation with him (see the tabs at the top of the page for this). Or you can get them through Greg Jefferys: http://hepatitisctreatment.homestead.com/

    But the first thing to do is have a good look around this forum and website. There really is a wealth of info and knowledge here

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    Hi, you may be best sending an email off to Greg Jeffrey’s, Google Greg Jeffrey’s help blog , you will see on his latest blog he mentions patients in Argentina being successful in getting the generic medication, if you email him he may be able to give you the best answer on how to go about it from your country or may be able to put you in touch with a fellow Argentinian who can explain how to go about it lawfully and with the minimum of cost.

    GT 3, F3, Contracted 1993 Tx Naive
    V/L 1,267,000 AST 67 ALT 65 6/10/15
    commence Sof/Dac (Mesochem) 6/11/15
    AST ALT normal 24/11 *
    *V/L UNDETECTED 24/11*

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    Hi James, I’m Puzzled from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Genoype 3a, between F1 and F2 and a very fatty liver.
    I was told in this forum that the best option for me would be Sofosbuvir + Daclatasvir. Do you agree? Will I need to add Ribavirin to those two? I really wish not to need the later… but, doctors opinions come first.
    I’m seriously thinking about taking a trip to Hobart to get the meds. Checking on the net for flights and hotels, but not knowing how long I’ll need to stay there before coming back home with the meds. I understand I have to do it thru the buyers club.
    Anyway, probably in ten days I will be able to see my doctor and talk to her about it.
    Another question is what medical information I should ask her for in order to do it right.
    Will a prescription from her (she is a senior specialist in an important public hospital in Buenos Aires) be good enough? Should it be written in English or Spanish will be Ok?
    I’ll thank you for clearing out my doubts… Then I would be Unpuzzled… :)
    Best wishes

    Avatar photoklhilde
    • Guardian Angel
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    I just found this thread …. long time without your questions being answered.

    Yes, for Genotype 3 you want Sofosbuvir 400mg and Daclatasvir 60mg . It’s available from the Buyer’s Club both as a single pill from Bangladesh and as separate capsules of Chinese APIs. However the club can only ship within Australia, and you need an Australian prescription. Get that at GP2U.com.au

    Also with an Australian prescription you can get the Chinese APIs in capsules from either Kingwood Pharmacy or West Lindfield Pharmacy, both in Sydney, AU, and according to Greg Jefferys they might be able to ship to you … ask them.

    Otherwise, two Bangladesh companies are making Sof/Dac combo pills, including Incepta, but shipping may be a problem. PM Parvez here on this forum and ask him about the ability to ship to Argentina.

    Shipments of APIs directly from Mesochem to individuals seems to have been stopped for the time being, but you could still ask Rachel and see what happens. Rachel@Mesochem.com or you could try to get a pharmacy or lab or university to order for you.

    Several Indian companies will have Daclatasvir within a short time and over 11 already have the Sofosbuvir. The problem there is again about finding reliable people to take your order and ship to you.

    So here’s the takeaway answers

    If you want to travel to Australia then use the Buyer’s Club.
    If you can’t travel I’d try:
    1) Talk to Parvez by PM here on forum and ask him about Sof/Dac combo.
    2) Email Greg Jefferys … GregJefferys@outlook.com
    3) Check with either Kingswood Pharmacy and/or West Lindfield Parmacy and ask about their shipping abilities. If they can/will do it, get your prescription through GP2U.com.au
    4) Email Rachel … Rachel@Mesochem.com … and ask her for a price quote. Read the first couple pages of this thread first to know how to approach her with your questions: http://fixhepc.com/forum/buyers-club-nodes/305-us-importation-legal-or-not.html

    I hope you found the info you were looking for on the site and I hope you got good info from your doctor, but if you still need more info please ask again. There are getting to be more and more knowledgeable people here to help answer questions.

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    Hi klhilde!
    I thank you very much for your concern. Sorry about the delay on answering but I have been away for a while.
    I’ve exchange a couple of mails with a person named Anamul Haque from Julphar, a pharmaceutical company from Bangladesh.
    In the hope of not breaking any forum rules, I transcribe his answer to my request. As you will see it has all the info I needed but it also is kind of charming. :)

    “Dear Sir,
    It’s pathetic to hear from you. We do hope your rapid cure to god. We are able to provide you Dalcatasvir, Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin.
    We can send it through DHL or you also able to collect from us physically.

    Price of Sofosbuvir (Hepcee)- US$ 8.3 for each Tablet

    Price of Daclatasvir (Daclacee)- US$ 5.2 for each Tablet

    Price of Ribavirin (Ribacee) – US$ 0.47 for each Capsule

    You have to provide your prescription (if any) and your passport copy to get the medicine.
    We will wait for your further reply for processing the goods.


    I haven’t heard nor have any references about this company, so, if anyone knows about them I’ll appreciate any info you may have.

    Anyway, I must first see my doctor because I am going to need not just the prescription which as you mentioned there are other avenues to get it, but, as a patient of a public hospital I have access for free to every study needed before, during and after treatment. Otherwise, if I have to do it privately it will be very expensive. Besides my hospital is the very best concerning viral illnesses in my country.

    Maybe, just maybe, I may might be able to find a way to importing the meds legally. A lawyer, friend of mine is giving me a hand looking into our laws to find a way thru.

    The local prices of both, sofosbuvir and daclatasvir just went up following our currency’s devaluation after the recent change of government and the new policies regarding public health are not promising at all.

    So, thanks to you and everyone that’s giving me a hand, sooner or later I’ll get my treatment…!!!

    Best wishes

    Avatar photoAlsdad
    • Guardian Angel
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    Initial tests of Julphar samples sent to the Buyers Club indicated that the quality is good.

    Tariq, the Julphar rep on here, stated that a prescription is not required:


    Avatar photoklhilde
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hmmm … “Pathetic” lol

    Spoiler for
    Speaking of pathetic, how unfortunate is the name Animal Hack?

    I don’t know why they would ask for your passport, you are not the seller, and the vast majority of Hep C patients on the planet will not have passports to provide. The vast majority of US citizens do not have passports. Furthermore, providing a passport copy to an unknown person only makes the danger/fraud potential greater.

    The reason for needing positive proof of identification is that the buyer is sending cash to an otherwise unknown person in return for possibly NOTHING. The seller has no such danger and if this person doesn’t understand that then ….. I wouldn’t deal with him.

    Julphar, as a pharmaceutical manufacturing company is completely legitimate, check our Pharma’s Market section … the problem as always is confirming that this person is actually connected to Julphar. It’s the shipper that is the potential problem not the manufacturer.

    Someone named Tariq with a Julphar email address has said that no prescription is required to buy from them. Check the Julphar thread to see. Also a patient in Italy reports that he has successfully received shipment from Beacon, also in Bangladesh.

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    Hi Guys!

    I failed to copy the signature on the mail I received from the guy from Julphar, so far it seems legit:

    Md. Anamul Haque

    Sr. Executtive, International Marketing
    RAK Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
    RAK Tower, Level-10, 1/A, Jasimuddin Avenue,
    Sector # 3, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh,
    M + 88 01 988881152, T + 88 02 8963772
    F + 88 02 8961972

    Email: export@julpharbd.com

    Website: http://www.julpharbd.com

    Skype: julpharbd/anamul_135

    I exchange a couple of mails with him, one of the questions I asked was about going there to get the meds in person or the chance of having them shipped to me. The reference about a prescription was (I believe) as an answer about my question about the language it has to be written (English or Spanish) I find it hard be able to get one written in their language… :)
    Anyway, a prescription would be needed to enter the meds into my country either way of doing it, in person or by DHL.
    For me it will much easier and off course far cheaper to get them via DHL.
    After writing to you today, I talk on the phone with someone in the Minister of Health stating that (as I was told by my doctor) that both, Dac and Sof, were provided by the state only if I were at the F4 stage. I told her that I had no intention of getting the meds if there were not enough for everyone because there are lot of people in more urgent need of those than me. I just asked for a permit to import them by my own because I cannot afford the +/- 80.000 USD they cost here… She referred me to our own version of the US FDA.
    I’ll try to see my doctor again next week and see how she can help me with it. Bouroucracy is the main enemy.
    That Julphar is for real is good news but is not the only pharmaceutical company on sight. Bangladesh seems to be the cheapest way.
    It seems that before beating the virus I’ll have to beat bourocracy wich might take even longer and with even worse side effects…!!! :)
    Kind Regards to you all!

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