Hi Dr Freeman,
I am looking at the 'Nearly one-third of patients with previous HCC recur after DAA therapy April 14, 2016'.
This article that in the middle states:
1. “A history of previous HCC was the strongest predictor of the development of a new HCC after DAA therapy. The more advanced liver disease and younger age were risk factors for HCC recurrence in the subgroup of patients with previous HCC,” Stefano Brillanti,
MD, assistant professor of medicine, University of Bologna, Italy, said during a press conference at the International Liver Congress 2016.
2.This large, retrospective cohort study included consecutive patients (n = 344) without HIV who had hepatitis C-related cirrhosis of Child Pugh A or B. Patients received various DAA combinations, none of which impacted sustained virologic response or HCC occurrence. Researchers followed them for 24 weeks after therapy concluded.
It is not clear to me with regard to:
1. above - having a previous HCC, by definition seems to be a good predictor of a recurrence of HCC, and I expect regardless of being cured of HepC?
2. above - does this just reflect what is said about HCC recurrence anyway? What was reported about quality of life by participants? Does not really says on the medpage website.
This paper seems to give a double meaning - HepC over the long term causes HCC, but at the same time, getting rid of it precipitates HCC?
The rest makes sense, but does not say how long post HCC the 29 per center's were were and what treatment they got - transplant, resection, radiation, lipidol?
Have to admit this virus stuff is all very fascinating.
GT3a 1990 Failed Inter 1998, comb in 2000. HCC 2012
Started 24/52 Sof/Dac 27th October 2015.
1. Bloods 2 October 2015: AST - 165 (20-40), ALT - 265 (5-40), GGT 189 (5-50)
2, Bloods 20 November 2015: ALT etc normal; VL 19
3. Bloods 8 January 2016: AST - 40, ALT - 59, GGT 48 VL RNA UND
4. EOT 12 April 2016 - blood tests: all is well, CT scan: okay
5. AFP 11 June 2016: 4 ref< 11
6. VL July 2016: DET
7. Oct16 start treat - June17 UND
8. Jun 18, lfts okay, platelets a bit low.