Hi to all,
I'm treatment naive, GT 3, VL 1.283,000 IU/ml, fibroscane result is 1,2 m/s, so i think, F1. Today is day 22 of 12 weeks Darvoni treatment. No sides. On day 14 basic blood tests are good and AST is 24 Alt 26, like never before. I read on Gregs blog this: "The research suggests that people G3 and without cirrhosis should do a minimum of 16 weeks of Sof+ Dac" What do you think, whether to go on 12 or 16 weeks?
Thank you all and best wishes.
G3 since '93
VL 1.283,000 log 6,11
Fibroscan 1.2 m/s
Prior TX-Naive
16wk Tx - Sof/Dac DARVONI 08/03/16
Pre Tx = ALT 70 AST 49
22/03/16 = ALT 26 AST 24
21.06.2016. EOT UNDETECTED
20.09.2016.SVR 12 UNDETECTED