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Searched for: treatment
26 Oct 2015 13:04
update on my treatment : day 7 week 1 completed . The Tinnitus continues being in the range of 5/10 intensity. Most difficult time is trying to sleep. However It may also be some insomnia weighing in as that is a common side effect of sof/led. The slightly drugged feeling I was having when taking the capsules post 1 hour has completely gone,. No headaches, no nausea. Definitely increased wellbeing, energy and feeling less of a tendency to become grumpy . Better moods. Apart from the ringing in my ears I can say this is a very good start. I recently shared emails with our leader Mr. Greg Jefferys discussing Api from china, he confirmed for me that the quality is excellent and there is no difference in treatment quality with taking two capsules of sof/led compared with the new gens of single tablets which are coming from India and Bangladesh. I thought this is worth mentioning as new names of treatments are changing and being offered, it is sometimes confusing as to what to do and which one to take to give yourself the best treatment. I think the best advice for all of us is take action buy ASAP because we cannot know how long these avenues will be open. But Iam beginning to think this is way too big and powerful for anything to stop it now.
Category: Patient Stories
26 Oct 2015 06:30
Just want to check if anyone else suffers from eczema and what you use to keep it under control.

I'm not on treatment, but have itchy skin with red patches. I have a sweet tooth, difficult to refuse a biscuit. I want to try to improve the skin before I start tx(possibly mid November).

I bought some calendula oil, use aloe vera gel. Gp only prescribes steroid creams.
Category: Q & A
25 Oct 2015 20:45
IThank-you Alsdad - I shall go In search of your / Dr F's link! When you think that I am 2 stone less than half your weight for example, it seems kind of crazy to me that we would have the same dose!

It would still be interesting for me to know people's rough build , eg light, medium, heavy build I know frame and body mass are considered for example, when deciphering the 'ideal' weight for your size /height.

Everything about me is small,; bones, height , frame, shoe size but weight has severely dropped with muscle-loss now too. I eat loads, it just doesn't stay ! Everything seems geared towards losing weight, it's hard to find much on gaining weight. I want to gain some weight before starting treatment, have been trying, but over a concerted effort for over a year, I have managed to gain 1 - 2 kgs. I want to gain weight for me, as a person, not just for treatment, although I just know it would be helpful. I sometimes worry about absorption of Meds too, as I don't seem to absorb anything much at all!

Would like to add, this will NOT deter me from treating, but may help in organising time to start with work/life responsibilities etc
Category: Experts Corner
25 Oct 2015 19:23
I am 1b,treatment naive,vl off the scale,enzymes not far above top of normal range,positive for, as far as I can quess ,38yrs ,fibroscan 14.1.fibrosis unknown but assumed to be f3/f4.no sign of cirrohsis when ultrasound done 3yrs ago . when I was told to wait,but probably there now.3 wks into tx with no side effects worth mentioning,and feeling better than I have for donks.I can really feel this stuff killing off the virus day by day.Cant wait to see what the 4wk test results produce.
Category: Patient Stories
25 Oct 2015 18:27
Miko 3 , what is your geno, fibrosis , past treatment ?
Category: Patient Stories
25 Oct 2015 15:04
I'm geno type 1a, treatment experienced, fibrosis 3-4 bridging cirrhosis .
So being Gt1a is 24 weeks & early cirrhosis my doctor told me to be sure to be sure, we've included 12 weeks of Ribavirin
Category: Patient Stories
25 Oct 2015 12:34
Hi all ,
I've just started my treatment 4 days ago.
Only early days but no side effects to date.
Is there anyone on here doing this same treatment ?
Category: Patient Stories
24 Oct 2015 11:23
It depends on if you need treatment for 12 or 24 weeks.

I don't know its possible for any of these Reps to ship outside of Bangladesh.

We are in the middle of setting up a Verified Vendors thread it will have a list
of, Sellers, methods of payment, and where they ship too.

In the mean time. Only speak with Reps we have checked out.
Category: Media & News
24 Oct 2015 09:21
@ Ann Bee your symptoms seem like mine in that I've had tinnitus for many years and now a week into treatment it appears to have settled down somewhat. I was so used to the tinnitus it stopped bothering me.

Category: Q & A
24 Oct 2015 08:24
I was developing severe tinnitus and a head full of cottonwool and fog with some increasing dizziness and general 'weirdness' in the head for the month or 2 before I started dac/sof treatment about 6 weeks ago. The fogginess etc cleared I think within the first week or 2, and only just realized that tinnitus has subsided to about a 2/10 as opposed to about a 7/10. Woo hoo. The other way to think about it increasing is that it might have been aside effect of die off of either the virus or the liver cells themselves. Often when treating a virus/bacteria there is a toxic load increase in the blood or maybe the liver which is cleaning the blood of debris. Might explain why some increase in toxicity/damage could be causing an increase in tinnitus in susceptible patients. Whereas I believe my toxic viral load or liver damge was increasing prior to treatment and was quickly brought down by treatment as evidenced by the dramatic improvement in liver function.
Category: Q & A
23 Oct 2015 23:13
True, I did not test them also...

Jolie wrote: hi, this is good to know, thanks for sharing Umair,

Did you have any problems with importing it to your country? where do you live?
Did you need any documents or doctor script?

Testing in the Western countries is very expensive, we're talking $0000 (!).
The API's most people used here were tested by Buyer's Club, but others who don't live in Australia did not test them & still found the meds safe & effective.

Good luck with the treatment,

Category: Patient Stories
23 Oct 2015 19:01

Strangely, my instincts told me not to consider this treatment. Seems rather a jumbled mix of quite a few meds to me which must be a strain on the liver. The irony is, there is a warning of 'severe liver damage' with this treatment. Call me ignorant, but aren't these treatments supposed to be trying to prevent that very thing as part of the intention?
Category: Media & News
23 Oct 2015 07:12

LondonGirl wrote: Almost exactly the same situation as in the UK - although NICE have recently approved the treatments for some patients, not all. Unfortunately, while the headlines look good, the reality is, they have 3 months to implement it and there are severe waiting lists and as the current Gvt are conveniently devolving health authorities to their own devices, there are many hospitals that just don't have the funds to provide the treatments. In other words, just because they are 'approved' - it doesn't mean patients will get access to them and it will be a post-code lottery.

Excellent interview with Mr Freeman senior, maybe someone in England could listen and learn.

Hi & thanks for the radio interview, totally agree there with you LG, almost an exact situation here in the UK. :angry:
I believe NICE aims to have the final tx recommendation next week (?), but if the prices are not cheaper it will not work.
Even if they only treated the HCV & ignore all other diseases in the UK, still there won't be enough money to pay for everyone's HCV treatment at the insane prices such as they are :angry: so it's not going to happen.
My own hospital which is one of the largest teaching hospital in the country has bankrupted 2 months ago, 2 top directors have resigned & there is no money left. :( The hospital is now borrowing in an excess of £2 millions pounds per day to survive!
Category: Media & News
23 Oct 2015 06:53
Almost exactly the same situation as in the UK - although NICE have recently approved the treatments for some patients, not all. Unfortunately, while the headlines look good, the reality is, they have 3 months to implement it and there are severe waiting lists and as the current Gvt are conveniently devolving health authorities to their own devices, there are many hospitals that just don't have the funds to provide the treatments. In other words, just because they are 'approved' - it doesn't mean patients will get access to them and it will be a post-code lottery.

Excellent interview with Mr Freeman senior, maybe someone in England could listen and learn.
Category: Media & News
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