For GT 2 the SVR is 97% on 12 weeks Sof + Riba
The numbers for Sof + Dac are less solid.
You sound like you have been looking at the decision support tool.
Put in GT 2
6.1 in the kPa - which will set the Metavir to F0-F1
Failed Peg Riba
No containdications
EASL Guidelines
Then your numbers for platelets, weight, eGFR
Scroll down and press [Show Trials]
You can change the guidelines to see what AASLD say in their guidelines.
Personally I would do Sof + Dac for 12 weeks and skip the Riba. There is not a huge dataset backing that yet, but it looks good and the treatment course will be milder. If I failed I would do 24 weeks Sof + Dac + Riba.
What you have been prescribed is the standard treatment and the SVR rate is great. If you wanted to avoid the Riba you could use Dac and if you chose that I would like to add your data to what we already have because we are probably going to be the first people to have enough data to say if Sof + Dac is better, worse, or about the same as Sof + Riba for GT2.