Sharky00, great idea starting the GT3 topic. Hopefully it will be much easier getting info specific to GT3 in one place. I am GT3B, which seems to be rather rare in N.A., Europe, etc., and seems to be more prevalent in Asia, particularly around the Philippines area. I started tx on Oct 26 and some numbers are: AST down from 74 to 23, ALT down from 140 to 21, and viral load down from 5.6 L.IU/mL to 2.2 L.IU/mL as of tests after 16 days tx. I am doing 12 weeks of the Mesochem Sof/Dac but bought it and encapsulated it myself. I actually rounded up the order so have extra and will probably do the entire 14 weeks of meds that I have. Sides have been minimal, sleeping 5 or 6 hours nightly but not tired upon waking, much, much more energy - almost too much so was/have been a bit wary as to whether it is "real", much better mentally and physically, much more patience with everyone/everything and a return of an appetite, which I need to start controlling. I feel so good that I have started exercising on a more regular basis. I had been considering adding Riba depending on the results of my next blood tests but after reading the study that Dr Freeman posted I will definitely not be adding it and will do 24 weeks, if needed, of Sof/Dac only. Anyway, good luck to everyone with their tx!