Hi Don-Joe,
Your urine was not dark because of liver problems - these cause elevated Urobilinogen and Bilirubin.
It would have been dark from being a bit dehydrated is all.
Hepatitis B is much more infectious than HIV or Hep C, however, it's pretty difficult (but not completely impossible) to get from oral sex.
The best protection is vaccination. If you are not vaccinated for Hep B just do it.
It's good to know that 95% of all adults infected with Hep B will get rid of it themselves without any assistance.
Then it's good to know that, even in the most endemic areas in Asia the carriage rate is only 10% (<1% in most Western Countries).
And of those people with it, most (90%+) will be in immune control with no viral load (so not infectious)
So in numbers
Maybe a 5% chance of coming across it
Maybe a 0.5% of coming across somebody viremic
Maybe a 0.005% of getting it
Maybe a 0.00025% of keeping it
Call that 2.5 chances in 1 million. You are much more likely to die in a car crash this year.... If you live in the USA you are 10 times more likely to be murdered...
Do get vaccinated though, it will put your mind permanently at rest, and remember.....
If you can't be good, be careful!