No reason to break any patents in any case. Gilled have been very responsive in their licensing deals for the generics and take, from what I've read, something like a 7% royalty – although I need to verify this.
The Australian agreement is interesting, also, with the price from Gilead being in the ballpark of $30,000 per treatment, which is only double what the Peg-interferon used to cost ($14,000–15,000). Some shrewd negotiating on both sides. And no reason for anyone here to complain, as the government will be footing the bill, which is an extraordinary thing!
So, in addition to Gilead, FixHepC, and the Australian Government, we really need to extend our thanks to the taxpayers of Australia, who will be underwriting this whole exercise.
This is all quite extraordinary!
G4, F4, cirrhosis.
Thank you to Gilead, Michael Sofia, and the terrific folk at FixHepC for making this adventure possible.
YEAR..... ALT..... AST..... GGT... FERRITIN........................................
2009....... 210..... 215..... 953..... 1400........... (Bad health, stupidity)
2015....... 60....... 45....... 150..... 360............. (Improved diet and health, FixHepC treatment)
2016....... 20....... 24....... 25....... 156............. (SVR 12)