I feel better mentally, my anxiety levels dropped drastically after week 10. I steel feel tired during the week, but found a lot more energy on the weekends.
The light-headiness is still there, it might take time to settle. I saw a neurologist on Saturday and he doesn't think that it is neurological and referred me to the cardiologist, to check for blood pressure on the bed(up right/upside down, moving). Not sure that will help, but worth a try. It could be a couple of month before I get to see them.
Apart from that I'm fine. Will get my EOT result later this week. I'm not planning to test again until week 12 EOT, but going to see my hepatologist on the 9th, who might test me anyway
Same as you, it is a waiting game now and I want to try to stay healthy(food/exercise/mind).
Gen 1b, F1-F2. Naive.
Started Twinvir tx on 2 nd of December 2015 for 12 weeks.
Starting VL 400000, Alt 49/AST 44
1 week VL 29, ALT 44/AST 30.
4 weeks VL 12, ALT 33, Platelets 145, all other tests normal.
7 weeks VL Detected, ALT 28, all other normal
8 weeks UND, 12 week UND, 24 week SVR UND