Thanks Sir, I agree with your comments.
I suspect that as a group we are placing too much emphasis on VL results and doing the tests too often.
Probably testing at week 4 to confirm a large drop from commencement of Tx is sufficient to ensure the meds are working and give us confidence with another test at 8/12 or 12/24 depending on length of Tx to confirm we haven't developed resistant viruses which would show as a very significant rebound.(Note that I am not even suggesting we need to be UND at those points based on the research)
In my case I was concerned when the lab only gave me a detected result at 4 weeks so it was a relief to come in as <15 on retest. My next test will be at 12 weeks (I'm on 24 week Tx) but even if I had tested a couple of hundred at 4 weeks I like to think I would have been prepared to wait till 12 weeks for the next result as all the research says that we are only looking for a significant drop to confirm the meds are working.
So what is a significant drop? Basically anything where we go from hundreds of thousands or millions down to a couple of hundred or less would qualify. A significant rebound would be the same in the opposite direction.
The above is my understanding of the science which I like on a rational level but I also have an emotional side so can understand the need to have it confirmed that we as a person are doing really well. But as you say it isn't a competition or race to get there first, we just need to reach the finish line together, at low levels of detection.
Edit: For most of us the second test for resistance is not really a requirement but in my case with prior exposure to Dac it will give me a warm and fuzzy feeling when I pass it.