Maybe that is what happened. It's the only way I can make any sense of it. Either way, someone determined that the virus was still detected at that point, so I'll go with that. It just must've been a low reading. A detected under <12 would've been a lot clearer though!
I think you're right about the testing. Eventually with time and experience they are bound to reduce the monitoring for majority of people. I will have another test at EOT and then I'm not sure what they intend to do post Tx.
I am feeling relieved. In the last couple of weeks I started imagining all kinds of things, that I hadn't responded at all and started feeling more tired and down than I had in the beginning. I think the intial uplift was more from the sense of relief and hope for the future. It really is an overwhelming rush after so much time spent waiting. It really is amazing what power the mind has over our wellbeing!
I owe a big thanks to Adam at Kingswood, Dr Freeman and everyone who works behind the scenes for all that you have done and continue to do to give people this opportunity. I am so grateful to be able to take this journey and I couldn't have done it without the wealth of info here and the forum. Seeing others stories gave me the confidence to take the plunge!
Best wishes to you all, may you all reach undetected