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  • #27016
    Avatar photoerica
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    I keep looking at these results going “Is this real?”

    My ferritin has gone from full-blown next level hemochromatosis at 988 to vampire victim out of range 8.
    My new APRI score is .211
    Everything else is nicely in range except absolute neutrophils is 1256 (Range 1500 – 7800). I’m just chalking that up to a side effect of the DAAs.
    Oh and drum roll…

    HCV Quant: <15 UND!!!

    This girl needs a steak. For real.

    XO erica

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Great news on your UND and AST and ALT levels. Congratulations!!

    diagnosed in 2006
    Tx naive
    Treatment started 8/12/16, Ledipasvir/ Sofosbuvir (Harvoni) supplied by Monkmed
    8/1/16 ALT 36 AST 40
    1/4/17 ALT 17 AST 21
    7/13/17 ALT 17 AST 25
    12/28/17 ALT 22 AST26
    2/22/18 ALT 19 AST 25
    7/10/18 ALT 26 AST 32
    1/8/19 ALT 16 AST 28
    7/2/19 ALT 16 AST 26
    Hcv Rna, Quantitative Real Time Pcr <15 NOT DETECTED (IU/mL) NOT DETECTED

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Brilliant news Erica! I can imagine how unbelievable it is- but as you see, that is what happens here, take the pills, wait for results which feels like forever, then it seems like it took no time at all for the miracle to happen. Enjoy.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Great to see it running according to plan.

    Provided you have 0.5 of a neutrophil we are happy.


    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
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    Love your figures Erica! It’s a great feeling. Congratulations! :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Avatar photoerica
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    Great to see it running according to plan.

    Provided you have 0.5 of a neutrophil we are happy.

    I have a few more than that. So I guess we’re happy then. :)

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoerica
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    Thank you so much, coral! I’m definitely pleased with how it’s going!

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoerica
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    Hazel wrote:

    Brilliant news Erica! I can imagine how unbelievable it is- but as you see, that is what happens here, take the pills, wait for results which feels like forever, then it seems like it took no time at all for the miracle to happen. Enjoy.

    Hazel, it’s pure magic. It’s not hard. It’s not painful. I’m so grateful the technology has advanced to this point, and I’m grateful that Dr. Freeman saw fit to take on the goal of ridding the world of Hep C. What a saint. How lucky we all are.

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoerica
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    beahavan wrote:

    Great news on your UND and AST and ALT levels. Congratulations!!

    Thanks so much, beahavan. I’m very relieved. And I’m just eating more steaks to boost up my iron. That’s an easy handling. And it makes me feel wayyyy better. I do love steak. :)

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

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