Home Forums Main Forum FixHepC Admin Cimivir-l purchased in India/ Other medical judgments of Hep. C

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  • #25730
    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    § 4. Individuals can for personal use for disease prevention or treatment when entering bring legally purchased drugs intended for human use.
    PCS. 2. From countries that are not members of the European Union or covered by the EEA Agreement, may be maximum allowed drugs for three months’ consumption.
    When shipping to Denmark

    Parvez – his email is alimul@inceptapharma.com has told me he is successfully shipping medication to Denmark.

    3 months of medication can be “brought” into Denmark from a non EU country – Brought = Shipped via a courier, Incepta uses DHL. They are shipping these medications into Denmark from Bangladesh. Most countries allow for personal importation of 3 months of medication via the TRIPS treaty. I’m not trying to be a jerk or confrontational. I want to help patients in Denmark who cannot travel obtain medication like I did.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Gert,

    Would you be kind enough to post this in Danish? If you put some background in the top like this:

    It is possible to import affordable generic Hepatitis C DAA medication into Denmark (+ whatever else you think people might be Googling for).

    I can publish that on the Blog part of the site. That will help people Googling in Danish find it.

    We did the same for the Russians and it helped people find information they need http://fixhepc.com/blog/item/74-new-russian-forum-for-hcv-with-doctors-http-gepatitka-ru.html


    Avatar photoGert
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    § 4. Individuals can for personal use for disease prevention or treatment when entering bring legally purchased drugs intended for human use.
    PCS. 2. From countries that are not members of the European Union or covered by the EEA Agreement, may be maximum allowed drugs for three months’ consumption.

    The law says – if you travel to other countries outside the European Union you may bring medicine for personal use, for maximum 3 months. When you travel back to Denmark –
    It must not be sent directly to Denmark – it is illegal.

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoGert
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    Hi Paul Jarman-facebook

    I do not understand what you want me to write on Danish and where I need to write it?

    Have a very nice day

    Hugs from Denmark

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    If you write a generic medication access guide for Danish people in Danish we can put it on the site here, or you could just post it.


    Avatar photoGert
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    Hi Paul Jarman-facebook

    It sounds like a good idea, you will received a guide here on Danish as I thought in fits on the page here where it is easy to find.

    I have written the Danish Medicines Agency and tomorrow I will ask them if they want to ensure that the medicine which is purchased outside the EU and sent to England and from there is sent to Denmark – do not get stopped at customs, as they told me to is legal to send from England to Denmark.

    A friend of mine that a parcel with HepC medicine on the way sometime in the coming week, sent from India to a friend in London who sends it to my friend for Denmark – looking forward to how things are going and he hopes postal package before Easter.

    I actively works to help people with HepC in Denmark .. to buy the new medicine many here do not know this option.

    The message to be spread – it is possible To become cured from HepC

    Hugs from Denmark

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoGert
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    On April 7, 2017
    5 pills back of the treatment :-)

    Is grateful I am about to be in goal with the treatment of my HepC.
    When I thought back to how I was doing, I took my first pill … it’s wonders what happened to me physically and mentally, so much better I’ve gotten it, lots of energy, even though I the last week have had the side effect of sleep so well … I’m well on the way.

    Want to wish you all a great weekend

    Love and hugs from Denmark

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoGert
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    April 7, 2017
    Update on medicines from India to London and then sent to Denmark:

    An update on my friend’s medicines that were sent from India on Monday April 3, it arrived in London yesterday Thursday, April 6,
    Today send my friend who lives in London, further to Denmark
    It is legal to do it that way.

    Think First someone in Denmark do it that way, all previously traveled to London or India or some of the other countries on HepC mecicin can buy “cheap” and legally

    Love and Hugs to everyone from Denmark

    I make later a guide as I write in Danish here – some can help people from Danmark.-

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoGert
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    On April 19, 2017

    I took my last pill April 12
    Got taken blood sample on the same day and I first got the answer today because of Easter.

    Virus was again undetected
    Got this time also measured my AST has not been measured before – it was 34 which is within the normal range.

    I have been very excited about how I would feel if my treatment was over, I would be set to have the same energy. The first few days I was tired.
    The last four / five days I again had lots of energy.

    Feel very grateful because I I took the decision to buy HepC medicine from India.

    I thought that when my fibro scan “only” 4.4 then I would not be so affected by my HepC – but my body has been very influenced by living with HepC virus in the body for many years.
    Looking forward to the blood test at 12 weeks after my treatment ended.

    Hoping for the best for all of you – have a good day
    Love and Hugs from Denmark

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoGert
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    Hello everyone
    Blood test 4 weeks after treatment is over:

    Then I finally got a response from my blood test on May 10th.
    Virus undetected. #love :woohoo:

    Have had a few days after I finished my HepC treatment, where I have been tired.
    My sleep is so much better and deeper than I remember I’ve done before.

    Feeling grateful and happy.

    Have a nice day

    Love and hugs from Denmark

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    That deserves a dancing man. Here’s one I prepared earlier:



    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Great news Gert!

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Avatar photoGert
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    Hello James & Gay
    Thanks for the dancing man or woman :-)
    Has always been in support of this since I wrote the first time on January 19, 2017, the same day I started my treatment.

    Fixhepc has been an inspiration and helps me to become more clever on living with HepC, which harm my HepC has caused calm and I’ve always looked in the wrong direction and therefore not found answers.

    I really can now see how much influence HepC has had on my life …. bad stomach, bad sleep, blurred vision, lung problems (shortness of breath), fatigue, itching, dizziness.
    In all areas, I’ve all got better, but have continued a lung disease that is conical bronchiectasis, which I suspect I’ve got because I’ve been treated with an untreated HepC.

    Thanks to all who supported me on the way – the journey continues – thanks

    Love and hugs

    Probably infected 30 years ago Genotype: 1a
    Fibroscan 4,8 – 18 january 2017
    Virus in the blood 18 January 2017 10.400000 / Alat 102
    Started treatment January 19, 2017
    Feb.15 – Alat 76 – virus: UNDETECTED
    March 15 – Alat 34 – virus UNDETECTED
    April 12 – Alat 40 Asat 34 – virus UNDETECTED / Taking the last pill
    May 10 SVR4 – Alat 36 -virus UNDETECTED
    July 5 SVR12 – Fibroscan 3,8 Alat 39 – virus UNDETECTED
    Sep. 27 SVR24 – ALAT 24- virus UNDETECTED
    Marts 14 – 2018 SVR48 – ALAT 26- virus UNDETECTED

    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Gert wrote:

    Jeg skriver dette opslag på dansk. (blevet opfordret til det fra fixhepc)

    Overvejer du selv at købe HepC medicin?

    Har du spørgsmål i forbindelse med at selv at købe din hepatitis C medicin hjælper jeg dig meget gerne med at du får kontakt en pålidelig sælger af HepC medicin.

    Jeg har lavet en vejledning inden købet:
    her er et uddrag af vejledningen.

    Før købet:
    Spørg sygehuset/egen læge om de vil monitorerer (tage blodprøver) under din behandling hvis du selv kommer med medicinen. Blodprøve dagen før du starter, efter 4 & 8 & 12 uger
    den ”store” test 12 uger efter behandlingen er slut samt 24 uger efter og den sidste 1 år efter.

    Få at vide hvilken genotype du har:
    46 % genotype 1 (G1a (34 %); G1b (12 %)), 43 % genotype 3,
    8 % genotype 2 og 3 % genotype 4; genotype 5 og 6 er sjældne.

    – få målt dit virus tal (virus mængde)
    – hvad er dit ALAT tal? (Alat er en organmarkør, normal området for mænd er 10-70 / kvinder 10-45)

    Få lavet en Fibroskanning – skal være 10 eller derudover før du får tilbudt behandling i Danmark.

    Skriv en privat besked herinde så kontakter jeg dig

    Vi fortjener alle at få et liv uden HepC <img style=ick:' />

    (Opfordring til Fixhepc webmaster at ligge dette opslag et sted hvor det er lettere at finde for mennesker fra Danmark)

    Hi Gert,

    Thanks. I moved your post above to its own thread as requested with the title in your language so other Danes who come here can see and read it.


    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Sending you congratulations to Denmark Gert!! I’m so happy for you and understand how wonderful it is to feel better and to be able to be positive about the future. Sorry to hear that you still have issues with your lungs but at least now you will be able to focus on this rather than having to deal with so many other things.

    Best wishes to you. #flower #flower

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