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    Avatar photoflyingfox66
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    Its a bit complicated Gaj, because the GP who gave me these bloods is not the GP who prescribed my meds. So I don’t really want to make him do the clarification. Like I say he’s a bit clueless, which is why I decided to go elsewhere in the first place. Trying to make him sort things out would be a chore for all concerned. I could go see the prescribing GP, except she didn’t want to test at all, which turns out to have been a bad idea, because if I hadn’t tested I probably would have ended up seriously low in sodium.
    Luckily I have a specialist appointment on the 28th so I’ll try and get some sense from him. Not sure there’s much point in chasing this lot up. It’s good enough really, for week 4 bloods.


    Avatar photoisaing4
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    flyingfox66 wrote:

    Thanks Isaing :)
    Thats the thread that sent me back down the roller coaster. At least it has a happy ending!

    Hi flyingfox,
    Check this out, Dr. James explanations also!, Viral Load On Treatment – What To Expect.

    Congratulations, very good bloods within statistics after 4 weeks of tx .
    #love #love #love

    HCV since I don’t know. Diagnosed in 2010.
    GT1b, F0/F1, VL 9M, ALT 44, AST 42, Tx naive,
    started 12 wks Twinvir on 06.12.2015. Feeling great and grateful 🙂
    virus not detected 06.02.2016 & SVR24

    Avatar photoflyingfox66
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    Thanks Isaing for being so helpful and kind. #love #love #love
    And congratulations on your excellent results!


    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi there, with an unquantifiable result showing outside the readable assay range it is a great time to request a PCR RNA they cost nothing. make an appointment with any GP and ask for one. Even a 24 medical centre will write one up. Dorevitch do a great assay, here. Sullivan Nicholedies on Qld are the best. This will then show a clear UND or not. It is that simple.
    If you read my first month blog on Ariel takes the plunge you will see a similar issue I had an unquantifiable at Day 25, came back UND at day 32 on this path request I am describing.

    I simply followed this bloods procedure FF. I requested this test as per James explanation. PCR RNA. . If it comes back as UND you are clear. At present there is a “smudge” yes it can be dead or alive LG, I heard this too and have read it and have had it confirmed by doc. FF make sure the GP ticks the Bulk Billing box on the path request or you will pay.
    I bet you come back UND
    Cheers, Ariel

    Avatar photoflyingfox66
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    Thanks Ariel :)
    I do think you are right and if I did a qualitative at this point it would be undetected.
    There must be a wide variety of tests out there because it seems some quantitative tests do give back a detected or undetected result as well as a VL count, whereas others do not. A whole mass of potential confusion going on for those of us who like to watch our bloods.
    Testing during tx isn’t being encouraged in the current regime of PBS meds, and its probably for the best in most cases, but for those of us who already know too much its never going to work out. Hence my using requests from here there and everywhere.
    I will try to get my specialist to give me a qualitative test on the 28th. Think I can live with this for now. Tired of getting my blood sucked out!


    Avatar photoAriel
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    Totally understand
    I’m in the Public Hospital Liver Clinic but all my path is done via GP since that similar result came in via Monash and I realised that their take on path was super relaxed. Even the 8 week one I walked out with lacked a PCR RNA request and so what was the point I figured I had asked for it just didn’t get what I wanted. I’m told “oh you’re self funded” anyway, so they don’t mind if my path is just cc to them from Dorevitch. My bestie surf buddy up there works for Sullivan N’s and they do a great assay range and fast turn around PCR RNA if it helps for info
    I’m hanging around waiting for SVR 4 bloods it’s vile, I keep misplacing everything!

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