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    Avatar photoArcher
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    I am stage 4 a-b Geno 1A il28b TC 18.4kPa Female . I was going to order the sofosbuvir from India through Greg and – & the Daclatasvir from Mesochem. I am comfortable with the Sofosbuvir but still remain cautious of the Mesochem (simply because I don’t know anything about them & haven’t spoken with them)) – I would prefer it was tested. I have been hoping for compassionate access here in Oz (on the basis that I can get Sofosbuvir access) but I it seems that just as Mesochem have restricted provision to manufacturers and researchers – Oz may not allow generic Gilead products used with patients in their facilities or provide them with scripts.
    So I am finding myself back purchasing generic Sofosbuvir from India but with no second DAA arm of treatment. Nor do I know how to get a script for the Sofosbuvir. My only hope if it were available might be Viekira Pak – about which I am apprehensive because of the advanced state of my condition. I am told that at my stage it may be more risky. Obviously I would prefer a gentler drug like Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir.
    I have been cirrhotic since anywhere between 2007-2009 and am tx naïve because I decompensated (ascites) after emerging from a non-related coma and am since not able to use peg-interferon. I also have varices.
    Sleepless – I need to decide a way through. Firstly I need a script …I would love to actually speak with Dr Freeman …does he really exist ? :lol: I need a script for Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir but haven’t yet decided in what form I anticipate purchasing it – Im not sure how even a script can be written. I don’t think active ingredients will suffice for a script – I believe I need a brand name as well, of course, as the dosing. I want to decide in the next few days and get the products on their way – or my only back up position, if available, might be trying a compassionate appeal for some non Sofosbuvir tx – like Viekira Pak.. I have edited this post , cut it down a lot because it was too long & unnecesarily wordy, I didn’t explain things well & I was a bit embarrassed by it. But the main points are there. Any Advice – is welcome. Archer

    Avatar photoemilio
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    So Archer you are in oz hey? Just book in and talk to Dr Freeman get a script and get this done. I’m really not sure why you are cautious with mesochem I have not seen one bad thing written this company and I’ve seen a few receive API’s and I can assure you that not much too much has changed apart from the need for a script. Perhaps your concern is more about the script situation post 4/10 announcement via Greg’s blog? I finalised my package after this announcement and mine is here being tested as we speak and there is a fair chance yours will be from the same batches. Anyway, mesochem will fill your script for sofosbuvir and dalatasvir with 36g of sofosbuvir and 6g of dalatasvir (approx) and from this end there is absolutely no issue with customs, in fact GP2U send your documentation directly to them. Customs know what’s happening here. I know you are desperate to access so please stop reading all the side conversations and look at the people who have recently accessed. We are here and supporting others but I don’t know, maybe we have been infiltrated by big pharma and from some of the alarmist conversations I really I don’t know ? I can assure you that based on information from Tassie Buyers and discussions I’ve had with rachel from mesochem, this supply chain still happening. Who else but the Chinese to stick in to the FDA backed American Pharma , kings in grass castles I’d say. Get this done Archer. Em

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
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    Hello Archer, yes I exist.


    Use the contact form to send your phone number and it will filter through. I’ll give you a call.

    Best Regards



    Avatar photoChester
    • Guardian Angel
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    Can we PM?

    Archer have you made enquiries about compassionate access to Dac. I got mine through Royal Hobart Hospital. Am taking it with Indian Sof and Riba.

    Dac is made by BMS not Gilead.

    Avatar photoemilio
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    Yes we can Chester I’ve got the chat thing happening down in the right hand corner Public and Private chat. Em

    Edit: Sorry dah, I thought you were asking does the feature exist. Realise you want to speak with Archer, thanks Chester. Em

    Avatar photoChester
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    That’s OK. I stumbled my way through it! And I do mean stumbled.

    Avatar photoArcher
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    yes certainly, sorry I haven’t responded sooner – still trying to find my way around this site. Not sure how to do private messages independently of the “chat” facility. Please respond. archer

    Avatar photoChester
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    To PM, expand the blue chat bar by clicking/tapping on it, click the little cog wheel icon to see chat options, choose pm. Once the pm page opens, select the user you want to message and type in the box with the pencil icon. Do not tap return/enter to create paragraphs as this will send your message. Something I have a great deal of trouble remembering. :S

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