Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories New to Forum I was a skeptic, but…

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    Hi All, so this place has changed! It must have been over 2 years ago I stumbled on this site and asked a question something like “Hey, is this legit?”

    There wasn’t much here at the time but I kinda went, “What have I got to lose?” Can’t afford the real stuff, maybe this will work… I’d done the whole PEG/Riba thing and that sucked big time.

    Looks like I’m not the only one to take the leap of faith, and looks like the results have been pretty good.

    I’ve been undetected for over 2 years so I guess that means it’s stuck?

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello stingray,

    Welcome back and thanks for the leap of faith. Yes, you may well have been in the first few with the cojones to take their own health into their own hands.

    Glad to hear you’re still clear, and yes, that means it’s stuck.

    I hope you enjoy your new Hep C free life. It’s good to get the monkey off your back so you can move on.

    We’ve seen quite a bit of that. People arrive here, get treated, get better, and move on. In some ways it’s sad to see them go, but it’s the way it should be.


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