Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Viral Load Results labs and their techniques?

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  • #24076
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    Thank you for that.
    Looked again at my test – 673.62 fmol/L
    May be it is not “l” but “1” as it looks similar..
    Never mind , I had 2 bloodbtests before with one if them given readings in units so notbthat relevant. If monitoring labs give results inbthe same format I shal make enquiries. Will keep your conversion table handy :)

    Diagnosed September 2016.
    ALAT in 40s.
    VL 460 000
    Fibroscan 12.5
    Start of treatment 18/10/16
    Wk 2 VL 145
    Wk 4 VL detected unquantifiable
    Wk 8 VL detected unquantifiable
    Wk 12 undetected
    week 30 after eot – undetected

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    You are amazing Gaj. Seriously. #flower #flower

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    What does get reported in fmol/L is HCV CORE ANTIGEN. This is a test like PCR (in that it is looking for and counting how much virus it can see).

    Here is a paper: http://www.ejmm.edu.eg/beta/images/articles/April_2014/67-74.pdf

    In the paper it says:

    Based on this equation, it was possible to calculate that 3 fmol/L of total HCV core Ag is equivalent to 263 IU/mL HCV RNA

    So that would be 1 fmol/L to 90 IU/ml of HCV RNA – call it 100

    So your 673 represent a viral load of about 60,000


    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 39
    • Total: 45
    • Recovery Champion
    • ★★★★

    Thank you. Shall be ready to look at my 2 weeks results then. Curious it went from 460 000 to 60 000 without any treatment.

    Diagnosed September 2016.
    ALAT in 40s.
    VL 460 000
    Fibroscan 12.5
    Start of treatment 18/10/16
    Wk 2 VL 145
    Wk 4 VL detected unquantifiable
    Wk 8 VL detected unquantifiable
    Wk 12 undetected
    week 30 after eot – undetected

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