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    Dear Dr James,
    Thank you for your reply.
    This make me feel more positive.
    I had very tired few days before get test and I feel tired , maybe reason is not hcv for increased alt and ast values.
    This morning doctor told me my last hcv rna says ‘no genotype dedected’ she said that there is no virus and no chance to came back
    Reference <12 - 10-8 IU/mL
    Method: Cobas Taqman
    She told me if there is less than <12 test can be show it even if I have 5 or 8
    Maybe she was wrong maybe back again. I dont really know.
    Hope everything will be better .
    Thank you very much for your support and kind reply..

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Kaju,

    Well the “no virus detected” is reassuring.

    It could be a different virus causing AST/ALT to have risen – maybe Hep C or maybe just common cold.

    It could also be things like Heamochromatisis.

    There are many reasons, and often we can’t even find a reason.

    So for now, there is no need to panic. The chances are you will be cured, but if not, we can retreat. With GT4 this is easy with Viekira+Sof+Ribavirin (this is REDEMPTION-XP trial) and so far (knock on wood) we have 100% success rate.


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    Hello Dr James,
    Thanks for good news,
    I hope I will not need retreatment. How I missed redemption-xp before.?
    I could start with it. You advised me before dac + sof but unfortunately my doctor just prinscripte harvoni so I had to go with it.

    If I failed and go with redemption-xp must I use ribavirin? How long it take 12 weeks or 24 weeks?

    Should I need to get resistant test before use the retreatment?

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello kaju,

    There is not need to worry when you are undetected.

    If that changes we do have a good option for you, but for now we should just wait. If you need it we’ll get it for you, but if you don’t there is no point in wasting money on treatment for a disease you no longer have.

    I know it is hard, but please be patient. The wait is hard, but passes quickly. Most people that relapse do that in the first 4 weeks so testing again at that stage would be reasonable.


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    Hello Dr. James,
    During treatment they increased before because of hard sport activity, but after deacreased again, since 1 week before last test I worked in one of organisation in netherlands and I get cold I was tired so maybe there is another reason. Because my ldh enzymes is high too with alt and ast. Maybe I just tired and get cold .

    I will just wait and after share the result with you. Hope it will be good news.


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    Dr James,
    Today I received my refresh hcv rna result.
    I am gladly inform you that it says ;

    HCV-RNA (real time PCR): viral genom not detected
    Dynamic range : 15 – 100000000 IU/mL
    Device:Cobas Taqman

    The only thing normally it takes 1 weeks but I received it in 3 days. I will ask this to doctor.

    I send you my deeply respects and thanks for all your support and answers.
    I hope after 6 month I will be still undetected.
    Kindest Regards.

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    Congratulation. Will look forward to your update in 6 months.

    diagnosed in 2006
    Tx naive
    Treatment started 8/12/16, Ledipasvir/ Sofosbuvir (Harvoni) supplied by Monkmed
    8/1/16 ALT 36 AST 40
    1/4/17 ALT 17 AST 21
    7/13/17 ALT 17 AST 25
    12/28/17 ALT 22 AST26
    2/22/18 ALT 19 AST 25
    7/10/18 ALT 26 AST 32
    1/8/19 ALT 16 AST 28
    7/2/19 ALT 16 AST 26
    Hcv Rna, Quantitative Real Time Pcr <15 NOT DETECTED (IU/mL) NOT DETECTED

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    Beahavan thank you for your help and sharing your experience with me. I hope will be good after 6 months.

    Avatar photocoral
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    Hi Kaju,

    I know what a worry it is when you are waiting for results so I’m really pleased to read about your good news. I’m looking forward to your 6 month update.


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    Thank you Coral,

    I still feel healty and strong , hope I will keep this for 6 month more :)

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    Hi Guys,
    I have refresh test results . When I looked back wow I opened this topic 8 month ago..

    After 1 month 10 days from 12 weeks treatment result is ;

    HCV-RNA (real time PCR): viral genom not detected
    Dynamic range : 15 – 100000000 IU/mL
    Device:Cobas Taqmanduring

    The only things is weird because my alt and ast values still higher than reference values. I have no hepatit b . I got test few months ago during treatment.

    But 2 day ego before test I used alcohol and 1 day ago drink much coffee and test day ı was tired and sleepless. Maybe because of this. I am not sure I will get test again 1 weeks later after calm week.

    Thanks to everybody again !!


    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hello Kaju,

    Well the undetected is certainly very good.

    Can you share your liver function tests (before starting and now)?


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    Dear Dr James,
    Thank you for your help. Hope there is another reason which I can solve. I am little worried guy about kind of things.

    Before treatment /February ;
    AST 84
    ALT 211
    ALP 60
    GGT 56

    I started treatment / 28th March

    04.04.2018; VİRAL LOAD 1.09E+3 COPY
    AST 33
    ALT 72
    ALP 60
    GGT 52

    24.04.2018 VİRAL LOAD 1.71E+1 ( test day I have abdominal muscle pain because of sit up exercise)
    AST 171
    ALT 96
    GGT 37

    27.04.2018 – and all hepatit b tests ar negative
    AST 51
    ALT 77
    GGT 36

    AST 20
    ALT 46

    AST 27
    ALT 37
    GGT 31

    26.06.2018- UNDEDECTED- (1 week was very bussy , I was standing more than 10 hours and used overally 20.000 step in a day. tired days before test days I feel little cold and tired )
    AST 114
    ALT 82
    ALP 57
    GGT 27

    31.07.2018 – UNDEDECTED ( I used alcohol 2 days ago and much Coffee 1 day ago from test day, I was little sleeples and tired because of vacation) I used more than 20.000 step in a day.
    AST 99
    ALT 100
    ALP 57
    GGT 27
    LDH 509

    I am 35 years old and . thinking about maybe I have kind of muscle problem but I do dumble exercies since almost 1 month and gained biceps ,triceps and deltoid muscles . And I dont feel any loss muscle since childhood , pain or muscle contraction before and after sport. I feel very healty about muscles.My ck enzme was high too but neurology doctor checked my reflex and mucles and told me all is good .

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Kaju,

    You are overdoing the exercise.

    While we see elevated AST and ALT with liver problems we see elevated


    (All of which you have) when people damage their muscles.

    This fits well with the fluctuations we are seeing.


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    Hi Dr. James,

    Thank you for your reply.
    Should I worry about muscular dystrophy or something like that.
    Could you please give me advise about this.
    As I informed you before I do fitness at home with dumbles ( but not with weighty ones) and ı gained muscle. I dont feel any pain during or after exercise . My muscle mass increased and I am feeling more powerful.I have no problem with stairs or with running. I increased the weight during exercise day by day and I have no problem.
    I am thinking about maybe because of hepetitc since 4-5 years my body and muscle was weak and they get damage easily if I push them hard, maybe exercise tolerance is no good? , maybe ?
    Now anybody who havent seen me long time when they see me they realized they tell me I gained muscle . I have no problem with get muscle proteins.Other thing is If I muscle constaction because of lift the heavy things before wam up exercise in 2 days I recover. So I think for muscle metebolism I am good too. I dont know …I am wrote very long….Sorry for this.

    I am little worry but for now I feel very healty.
    I will be very happy with your advise.

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