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    You are so kind thank u!
    It’s very encouraging to hear your story!

    I’m in Dubai presently. I have Skype.

    I’m delighted to hear your boy is doing well, just fantastic! It’s good to chat with all of you as I get a better perspective rather than worry all the time.

    I really appreciate the time taken to respond.

    Thank you!!!

    Avatar photoCJ
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    That’s ok, we all care.

    I’ll PM you, so look for it.

    J the young dragon slayer is:
    HepC 1a since birth
    Male aged 15
    VL 2000000
    Started Twinvir/ 10-11-15-then Sof/led.
    NO sides so far !
    after one week VL : 37
    after 4 wks VL : UND !
    EOT 2/2/16 UND.!
    4 wks. post tx results….pending….
    7/3/16 VL result : 4 week post tx: SVR !
    12 weeks SVR !
    24 wks SVR yeeaa!!

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    Hi All,

    Lily Joseph from NIGERIA. I just joined the forum. I hope to understand more and from a global space – on hepatitis especially C, the cures,challenges etc. I also have aged relative already diagnosed with HepC and type 1. Being talked into using Twinvir.

    Does anyone know and use this here and can comment on its usefulness and effects to assist his judgement? Especially as the drug is said to be a new one. Does anyone know also how Twinvir compares to hepantivir, ribavirin and other relevant Hep drugs?

    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Lily and welcome, :)

    There are quite a few people who have treated successfully or are currently treating with Twinvir here, no doubt some of them will be able to tell you more of their story but if you put that name in the search function you will find plenty of reading regarding it. It has been available for almost a year now but I understand the maker has only recently entered the African market.

    Twinvir is a generic version of Harvoni (Sofosbuvir 400mg + Ledipasvir 100mg) that is manufactured by Incepta Pharmaceuticals who are listed in our manufacturers section https://fixhepc.com/forum/daa-access/435-incepta-pharmaceuticals-sof-dac-sof-led-comb.html along with contact information. It is an effective one pill per day treatment for HCV genotype 1 when taken for the appropriate length of time.

    Ribavirin is an ‘add on’ drug that won’t cure HCV on its own, it used to be used in combination with Peg Interferon but these days is usually used to increase the effects of modern DAA (direct acting antiviral) medications such as Twinvir in difficult to treat cases such as those with cirrhosis or who have failed previous treatments.

    Hepantivir is a ‘herbal medicine’ that is claimed to cure all types of hepatitis, it doesn’t and there is no scientific or medical proof to show that it works. http://www.hepb.org/blog/buyer-beware-when-someone-claims-to-have-a-hepatitis-b-cure-its-a-counterfeit-drug/

    My recommendation would be to spend your money on tested and proven medications like Twinvir or the equivalent product from any one of a number of Indian or Bangladeshi manufacturers many of which you will find listed in our generic medications access section. http://fixhepc.com/forum/generic-medication-access-channels.html

    I hope that assists you and if you or your relative have any questions please ask.

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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    Hello all. My name is Hank (48yr) and I am from Virginia, U.S. I just started my first does today! I am taking HepcvirL (generic Harvoni) made by Cipla, licensed by Giliaed Sciences, in India via Redemption eTrial 3. Thank all who have helped my on this journey to a cure and better health. You are so very appreciated and words are hard to find to describe my gratitude.

    Avatar photoMatt-Kenney-google
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hey Hank, welcome!
    Glad to see you’ve started treatment. I hope you’ll be able to post your progress and share in the various discussions to be found on the forum. It’s wonderful to see yet another fellow resident get access to the treatment so many are denied in the US. I wish you a successful treatment and look forward to seeing you on here as your time and circumstances allow. It’s very educational as well as very supportive … not only that it’s great fun!!! :lol: Cheers, Matt

    GT1a; Got it some time in the 70’s; Diagnosed @1976
    Tx naive
    METAVIR: A2-F2
    SOT May 18, 2016: CMP: AST 162 ALT 241 VL 13000000
    3 weeks after SOT: AST 27 ALT 31 VL 138
    Reached EOT Aug. 10, 2016 / Received svr4 results Sept. 20, 2016: AST 22 ALT 24

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Lily from Nigeria and welcome. Well done on finding this site and you’ll find it a great way to do your research into everything you ever wanted to know about treating HepC.
    Gaj has provided you with a great overview in response to your specific questions. Twinvir and the new generations of HepC treatments do work and have minimal side effects. Many on this site have been cured by purchasing the cost effective generic medications from India and Bangladesh. They are the real deal and they work. You’re on the right path Lily.


    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Hank and welcome. It’s great that you have started treatment. I remember taking those first tablets and it’s such a good feeling to actually be doing something about defeating the virus. I wish you a smooth run and look forward to some updates from time to time.

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Welcome Lily and Hank
    Wishing you both well with tx keep in touch with your updates and any questions etc
    This is a very educational and supportive site and group of people with one common cause to get rid of the virus and we are winning :+1: :+1:
    Good luck and go for it!
    Love from Ariel #love

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    Hi Hank!

    How did it go?

    I’m from California and I just started taking the pills for HepC – 1A two weeks ago. Wondering if you might have any insight into the side effects you recall in the initial stages, etc.

    And, did it work?!

    I hope you’re cured and I hope to hear from you, if you get this.



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