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    First realised it maybe possible when I was in India bedridden 3 days
    Hadnt taken Any Rec drugs in 30 years.
    Young Worker at hotel would come visit chat aboit life etc and used my Shower to smoke.
    Anyway I ended upvtrying it snorted
    I was amazed yhat I was up about walked for 2 hours.
    Met friend back in Oz laid lines coke out joked one was for me he nesr fell over when i had one. Very clean made world of difference.
    Over the years have tried to find cheaper alternative from China RCs etc.
    This year I tried Old School Speed / Whiffer etc many names.
    I was amazed disbelief in what i could do and had best 7 months for years.
    During this time I tried other rec drugs with some degree of success
    Often I would deliberately take a break but wasnt long before say 3 to 4 days and felt weaker.
    I havnt been able to afford fir last month but I hope to have couple of operations that have been put on hold by Gov ? last 3 years.
    For me their is No doubt that they work for me. 100%. But when I check history of intended purpose of creating these it has been BIG PHARMA + Governments that have stopped access to Quality and in lots of cases stopping treatments for Cures for so many illnesses.

    Even the Cannaboids worked very well for me for sleep. Oil rub on skin fir Cramps Pain in joints etc.
    Fuck the Governments bowing to the almighty $$$
    Even Poms have sought to have Coke Mdma Dmt Lsd etc to be available from pharmacy.
    Portugal has Legalised drug use and decriminalised and seems to be working.
    Cops here dont want their cash bonuses stopped.
    Imagine how much time and money would be freed up.
    Clean drugs will help society as most of Overdoses is caused by the cuts in the drugs maxing profit.
    Poor old Tasmania has been blamed on the USA Fentanyl problems.

    All good I Get upset reading even one report of mine but in all honesty Fuck at least i am alive and I celebrated 5 years since given 6 months to live.
    Thank You to the Man
    My Hero
    Sir Doc Freeman an absolute Legend Superstar.
    Total Respect Sir.

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    To finish update for me best meds have been.
    Hard to explain but best way is Severe stomach pain is levelled out across guts not like sharp dagger being used.
    Mentally it feels like pressure on head is released the squinting frowning whincing in pain is no longer there.
    i have epstein barr virus for life so i last 2 to 4hrs then laydown
    i freaked myself out by lasting 5 to 6 hrs at first daily 7 days week
    then after 3 to 4 weeks i was laying down less but also lasting up to 10 to 16 hrs a Day.

    Like being told i have x years left 7 times I did believe it. Mate said to me one night ffs ever thought that they are wrong again i laughed as stupid as it sounded No i hadnt.

    Best times people etc 7 months with only 3 bad Illnesses. I called the place Paradise and it truly was and is. I ran out of Speed but didnt worry as just another test. Over 3 to 4 weeks I gradually got more pain felt tired then got great news Cancer Free even though Guts Worse pain.
    I also have breaks in guts lining that they butchered in op and told do not lift anything heavy well how can i work without lifting feeling like i am back to being bed ridden again.

    I left Paradise as I cant bludge off people even best mate so now plan is. Get my guts fixed if possible as for 3 years I have trouble pissing
    Like even last night 1 hr sleep up Piss all fucking night and day. If I have a sleeper I get 3 to 4 hrd at a time. But fuck me Doc says No.
    I was finally referred to piss dept and urgent op in july but never received letter message and No one knows why again.
    I have Anal rape this monday coming at charlies.
    If I can get my guts fixed source regular medications I could be dangerous a part of life.

    I Shouldnt complain really as I have had good times and even the 90% low times are glossed over.

    I have att a couple if articles i found this week about the change in thoughts etc on drugs.
    Remember Alice in Wonderland haha she ate the magic mushroom i think hers contained Mesculin and our Gold Top mushys in the cow paddocks are Physilliciben sp?? no idea.

    For me my 3 things that turned my Life are.
    #1 / Clean Cocaine / Speed DMT
    #2 / Arguing with Authorities as in cops etc as feel energy boost.
    #3 / Meeting conversing with Young adults especially Women.
    I wish so many times I could ask for help or accept help but for whatever reason I cant and feel like all I do is bludge my way around.

    Anything in life should be done in moderation and None of us truly knows why the fuck we are even on this planet for.
    If you want to have the best experience like when the bloke fed all these followers with x loaves bread remember they didnt have sliced bread and a loaf was as big as a table. Key to it was Tides Moon etc but yes they were all Tripping a Natural high from starving the brain of food.
    Fuck cant copy paste
    just google a few like portugal drug reform
    pommys petition for pharmacutical coke lsd etc.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Here’s the story about what Portugal did from Time magazine:


    The War on Drugs

    Seventeen years on, the U.S. is suffering its worst addiction epidemic in American history. In 2016 alone, an estimated 64,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses—more than the combined death tolls for Americans in the Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars. In Portugal, meanwhile, the drug-induced death rate has plummeted to five times lower than the E.U. average and stands at one-fiftieth of the United States’. Its rate of HIV infection has dropped from 104.2 new cases per million in 2000 to 4.2 cases per million in 2015. Drug use has declined overall among the 15- to 24-year-old population, those most at risk of initiating drug use.


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    Hey Doc
    Thanks for that report as it is what i thought would happen.
    I read where one Country in South America kicked the Usa DEA out and there crime rate dropped by 30 or 40%
    Like the amount of money wasted in the Drug Wars is Insane.
    Didnt take Any Drugs for 33 yrs still dont drink or smoke / occasional joint or butter and oil but I dont have to have them to live.
    But if I want to be part of life and feel so much better both mentally & Physical yes I want to have some Cocaine / Speed/ DMT etc
    I know we are all different but I was Shocked at the Difference to my life.
    Amazing and my Bloods are Best since 2012 so I do believe they work.
    The Deaths in the States also included the Oxy epedemic where Doctors received Incentives to precribe them and 2 brothers jailed over the rort.
    DEA are involved heavily in supply to most countries
    combine all these agencies governments cartels and Big Pharma what chance do we really have to access drugs that actually help.
    They just let us have Alcohol Tobacco and all the chemicals in them like even the shit they put in Coke zero pepsi etc.

    I have tried lots of diets alternative and legal drugs and in my case this definately has improved my life.
    I had to share this as it has made such a difference that I felt it a duty as this forum has helped me so much.
    Doc you Sir are a Legend and I can never thank you enough.

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    Ok New year’s Eve told cancer back after all clear September.

    Interesting I ran out of Speed Medications so maybe just coincidence but will try it again after 8th op next week.

    Have had severe level 9 pain in guts and Elbows X-rays today show I have Gout in both Elbows & feet.

    My medicine from O/s failed to arrive so haven’t been able to sleep well as Pain is killing me and have to get up every hour to so they don’t give me sleepers or Antis or Pain and No money to buy off street.

    Met a great Doc at scgh emergency today as He has Gout and explained it very well plus advice.

    Now if I can get my meds in 2021 will be a good year.

    Take care best wishes to you Doc and hope I get to post some positive results this year.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Barry,

    Sorry to hear you’re having a bit of a hard time.

    Do you want to catch up for a chat?

    Best Regards



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    Hi Doc
    Been struggling Big Time as had Ablation in January I think and spent 2 days in hospital weekend before with Gout.
    First time I never wanted to leave hospital as normally sign out the same day but not this time.
    My Luck got back to room and Vivid Lockdown for a week.
    So basically 3+ weeks in Bed as Pain has/is unbearable but it was funny as they gave me Heaps of Pain Killers when I left.
    Finally had meeting last Friday and they Burnt my Diaphragm whatever that means as Pain is 9+ 24/7.
    I can’t afford Speed or even pain killers and my Meds from OSeas are lost so I walk 5 KLM per day and in bed rest as Zero Energy and hope I can get some more PK from Scgh tomorrow.
    Get bloods again as they forgot Iron but my bloods are Best Ever.

    I laughed yesterday as the Scgh rang about my tests for Urinary problems I had in July 2020.
    Like I have to get up every hour to piss blessed if I get 2 hrs and had reported that in early 2017 so when he said operation should be in 4 to 6 months I said FFS probably not worth doing as unless you give me access to some Real Drugs it will be a waste of time & money.
    Finally all the Botched jobs they did & didn’t do because I was Gunna Die will finally be Correct. Haha
    Anyway Hope you are well and thankyou for all your help through the years Mate.
    You Sir are the Best.

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for the update! Better this side of the pavement, at least that’s what I reckon.

    Take care mate, and if you can’t be good, don’t get caught.

    Best Regards



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