Recently I received a call from a nurse that I’m undetected for second time. I had one more pill to take to complete my 84 pill protocol, but pretty damned exciting? I know the final EOT test will be in three months, but things are looking very good. How amazing, HepC for 50 years, 16 million viral load to start and now I just might live a few more years. The most amazing results for me has been that the itching that has been going on for almost 4 years is gone. I realized about half way through the pills it just wasn’t a problem anymore. I’m sleeping much better. I sleep longer before waking up. All through the protocol I never had one problem; none! I want to say again, I did keep a daily log, which turned out to been fun and made the days more meaningful and I set my phone for a 5pm alarm for the pill. Gerry Rafferty and I took the pill together? The importance of Dr. James Freeman and his wonderful staff in my life can not be overstated. Without your involvement Dr. Freeman I would have continued to put off addressing my HepC because of the cost; so thank you for getting involved, in such a critical way, with a world wide health problem. I intend to stay involved with the website and will contribute anything I can over the years. Thank you again and be well