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  • #26994
    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    On YouTube here you will find a video.

    Here is your chance to make a difference. This is the video I made of my presentation at the World Hepatitis Summit last seems to be resonating a bit. There have been 60,000 views in the last week (which is a lot for something Hep C). Views are one thing but this is a long video and a lot of people are watching to the end.

    Here is the request.

    Go to the video and add a comment. That could be “I got generics and got cured”, it could be “Is this true?” (this preserves your anonymity by not identifying as a patient) and will allow patients willing to speak to respond. It could be “Big Pharma sucks” – Post whatever, but post something.

    Write anything, in any language. Let’s see if we can get this thing to go viral.



    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    One comment in Romanian language added.

    I would love to see many more :).


    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I have to admit that sometimes I feel so alone that in my country people talk about hep C and generics mostly behind the doors and there exist almost no open/public discussion about HCV generics.

    However, when I see in how many languages this video has been translated and how many people have written their comments, I get optimistic.

    Thank you to all,


    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Rohcvfighter, you’ve been a great help in getting the word out. It is a long hard process but we are making small bits of progress.



    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I am bumping this back up, in case anyone missed it, because it has lit something of a fire- look at the number of views, going over 200k today probably! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7-i14IrrMM

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I’ve been doing a lot of clicking :-)


    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    I’ve seen the video has subtitles that have been translated in quite many languages.

    Unfortunately this is not that visible (one has to know how to activate the captions on youtube and then select the language for the subtitle).

    Perhaps an idea would be to create playlists for each language (italian, french, romanian) so that the video would be shown directly with the captions. I am not sure how this could be done or if it can be done…..


    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    YouTube will display captions in you language if

    A) You are logged in and have set your language preference

    B) Captions in your language are available


    You can force it like this by adding


    To the end of the video URL which would force “es” which is Spanish. “ro” is Romanian so



    Avatar photorohcvfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello dr. Freeman,

    I think I am doing a mistake somewhere as I always get the video with English captions…

    I did remember an alternative solution so that one can see the video with the desired subtitles in a web browser:

    1. On Youtube (no need to be logged in) we locate the video and then make a click on “share” and then on “embed”.
    We will get a string in which the https part is relevant for us

    2. To the https string we add the string “?ecver=2&hl=ro&cc_lang_pref=ro&cc_load_policy=1” where “ro”is for Romanian language and may be replaced with other strings (“es” for spanish, “fr” for french, etc).

    3. We may copy the string in a browser and see the video.

    The video with Romanian captions may be accessed here:

    Video with RO subtitle


    In fiecare an HCV ucide peste 500000 oameni.Medicamentele generice pentru hepatita C functioneaza. Nu deveni statistica! Cauta pe Google “medicamente generice pentru hepatita C”.
    HCV kills more than 500000 people every year. HCV generic drugs work. Don’t become a statistic.
    By sharing this Youtube video you might save someone’s life!
    My TX: HEPCVIR-L[generic Harvoni]-India
    SVR52 achieved

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Moving. Made me cry.

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    • Novice

    оставил свой комментарий,лучше позно чем никогда

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Putting this back up; I’m aware there are new people all the time looking at the website- if you are one of the now nearly 450k! people who have seen this talk and are visiting the forum to check us out, welcome, :) :) try a few search terms, look around the tabs, photos, ask a question.
    450k is very impressive for youtube!
    If you haven’t seen it yet, please view, like, comment. It all really helps.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

    Avatar photofretboard
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Yes, I just wrote a huge comment and subscribed to the channel! On youtube I’m fathandRobert, my hands used to swell really bad when I had HepC, not any more! I’m happy you put up a video, everything y’all do makes me happy!! Sometimes I think ppl in the USA think the information is hard to locate, so I’m happy to see the video, I gotta run but I was able to leave a comment, a huge one!! ~Cheers! :) :) :)

    G1a dx’d in 1992, Biopsy F2 VL 8mill +. Tried tx with Interferon/Riba, back in 2008 didn’t last long it felt horribly ugly!! I stopped tx, after 5 weeks!!
    Started tx 6/1/16 with Harvoni.
    12 Month Labs= UND

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Bumping again because look how close to one million views! Let’s get it there

    :cheer: :cheer:

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

    Avatar photofretboard
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Ok Hazel et. al.,
    I just left another huge comment on youtube! Screw Big Pharma and their price gouging!! Thank God for all the hard work y’all are doing to get people cured! God Bless you!!

    • BigPharma.jpg

    G1a dx’d in 1992, Biopsy F2 VL 8mill +. Tried tx with Interferon/Riba, back in 2008 didn’t last long it felt horribly ugly!! I stopped tx, after 5 weeks!!
    Started tx 6/1/16 with Harvoni.
    12 Month Labs= UND

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