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  • in reply to: Ariel takes the Plunge #8823
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks so much everyone
    The first night was sweaty I wonder if anyone else had that ?
    I’m starving this morning have a headache.

    Thanks all
    Splashes of happy from Ariel

    in reply to: Ariel takes the Plunge #8747
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    #love Day One
    I raced to the Post Office this morning and yes, my 12 weeks of Sof/led has arrived.
    I could not think of a better day for this to start!

    Thank you to the peeps who encouraged me.

    Peace to all, Ariel

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8715
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Chester wrote:

    Verily, the song from whence my screen name cometh.

    [video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]2Vou51-755I[/video]

    I love this song Chester thanks awesome morning vibes :)

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8711
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    My fave version of this song by Franti; makes cleaning the house into a rasta dance here yew!
    Happy vibes to y’all

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8710
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Here’s one I love from the Flamings
    It’s so pure and poignant but happy too

    It’s early morning here and I have one more to share its a happy dance song but I will kick off with this great reminder of collective spirit :)
    Have a fantastic day x

    in reply to: My parcel of Magic Pills has arrived!! #8708
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    All the very best for tx Chejai won’t be long until you start here’s to us all I should start today or tomorrow keep in touch cheers for a better 2016 to us all

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #8707
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    So pleased for you LG good to know you got the doctor backup you need thanks to this awesome network and monkmed
    I’m looking forward to being tx buddies
    Hoping you are doing well in Week One with low sx
    Lots of hugs from Ariel
    Keep the updates coming now our party is in another room its nice and peaceful here for you to share your tx story which I certainly appreciate

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8676
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks Chester :) Changes is my all time favourite along with Wild is the Wind
    While we mourn Bowie I was also thinking about Stevie Wright
    Those days of toe thongs tie dye skirts and crochet bikinis and singing along to this iconic Trilogy
    Sad times eh
    But those epic tunes will live on forever
    I’m loving this music page thanks Paul and LG for the inspo for this sharing it’s really uplifting

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8657
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Feeling emotional posting while shedding tears
    Rest in Peace you incredible human #love

    in reply to: FixHepC – Party Playlist #8529
    Avatar photoAriel
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    This is a JAM SESSION people loving it RAWK
    I have a sneaky suspicion that there are enough of us here to save on hiring a band for this party

    in reply to: ‘In which LG seeks Redemption & makes new friends’ #8433
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Yay yay yay London Girl I am doing a happy dance for you so so happy we can put on weight together okay? Mine arrive this week, anyway how are you feeling hun ? Cheers

    in reply to: Shaving Blades , Toothbrushes, Nail clippers etc ? #8432
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Thanks for this reminder! I will get a few new personal grooming things too just to be careful

    in reply to: So, the battle is joined! #8429
    Avatar photoAriel
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    Thanks for the update Zhuk my meds will arrive this week and I hope that I have as smooth a ride as you have described
    I used to get restless leg syndrome a lot it’s gone these days so I will hope that one skips me haha know the feeling!
    Seriously its sounding really good
    Cheers from Ariel

    in reply to: 2 week blood work results #8428
    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Great stuff Spook rawk! Best news yew! :)

    in reply to: liver u/s w/added bonus of kidney stones? advise #8095
    Avatar photoAriel
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    CC2B wrote:

    So finally got the gastro nurse to tell me that my liver u/s showed a fatty liver with inflamation due to HCV. No other details besided the fact that I also have kidney stones :unsure: great ;) I plan on attempting to get an official copy of the report of the u/s so I can get more details this week.Got my script from gp2u and still in the process of trying to obtain meds through kingswood. The holiday seems to have slowed down communication :( So has anyone else had this added complication and how does it relate to sof/dac tx which I hope to start in the near future. I know I need to increase my fluid intake anyway and this should also aid in ridding the stones as long as they are not to large. If anyone has info about this added diagnosis any info would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, CC

    Hi I have had a lithotripsy for stones post tx peg/inf riba I was hobbling around and hardly able to walk that uncovered ten polyps one was adenoma now gone, and the stones. The lithotripsy was only a day procedure but I did feel like I had been in the ring with Mike Tyson for a few days post the procedure. After that life was markedly easier, the polyunrination and pain and the shooting sensation down my leg were gone. My kidneys have each got cysts one is 4cm since the old tx but I highly recommend getting rid of the stones I feel much better
    I hope this helps
    Wishing you well

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