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  • in reply to: MonkMed #24131
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    Wow… That is FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!!… All the best and thanks for all you have done to try to help others in Canada. I have passed on the information you gave me to quite a few people.~~~~ :)


    in reply to: Taking oral medication for toenail fungus #24037
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    Tea tree oil has had great results with treating toe nail fungus. There are clinical trials on this. I too have toenail fungus and now that I’m cured of HCV I’m using tea tree oil.. Dab it on twice a day.. I’ve really reduced the area affected

    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22647
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    Super thanks Gaj.. Man I am so blind.. You should have seen me when I had hep!!!!! OMG.. Brain fog and fibromyalgia so bad. I’ve been clear now about 11 months.. The difference is AMAZING!! Fibro episodes down by 95% and brain fog episodes down by about 80%!!!

    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22642
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    Thanks Gaj.. Okay.. I’m clear on what you say, and I read the info on the trial and see the price of the drugs but need to know how much more people in BC will have to pay for shipment. I have sent an email to Tim at Monkmed and am waiting for an answer. I need to know if shipping is included in the price of the trial (US $1600)..and if not, how much to Vancouver BC.


    in reply to: Delivery #22641
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    Wow!!! What a journey!!!!!! You are amazing!!!!

    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22633
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    This is very interesting. We have found a Dr. in BC who is willing to help out, so that the people will have a script and also follow-up, vl tests, and fibroscan. So, we were thinking that we would steer the patients to enroll in the Redemption Trial and then get their meds at Monkmed. If they do it this way, will it be the same price as Beacon?

    I’m running around right now … It’s afternoon in BC, so I’ll check back in a couple of hours..

    Thanks muchly splitdog


    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22631
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    Okay.. Right, I’m in the right thread. I’m cured now, and just trying to help others who are scared, poor and being denied treatment. Our organization HepCBC is totally for the Redemption trials. We are trying to gather as much info as possible so as to make the journey easier for those who come to us for advice. So please educate me: I thought that the fixhepc club had an arrangement with Monkmed for the trial, or is there also an arrangement with Beacon. I don’t know and I’m not trying to cause trouble. We just need to know that if we send someone to the Redemption trial that they will get certified meds with guaranteed delivery. Is this the case for Beacon?


    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22629
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    Wow.. that is amazing. And the price you got was from the drugs in the trial and via Monkmed? I need to be sure ..The price listed in the Redemption trial says $1600 US ( “Affordable treatment for Hepatitis C is now available for $1600 via parallel importation of Sofosbuvir, Ledipasvir and Daclatasvir. These are active molecules that make up the new age Hepatitis C treatments Sovaldi (400mg sofosbuvir), Harvoni (90mg ledipasvir / 400mg sofosobuvir) and Daklinza (60mg daclatasvir).” or am I reading this wrong? Does this mean $1600 for all 3 drugs?


    in reply to: Sofosvel (velpatasvir) #22624
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    Can anyone give me a ballpark figure for shipping to Vancouver BC? I’m trying to put together information for people who contact HepCBC about getting treated. I’d like to be able to tell them how much 12 weeks of Harvoni equiv will cost them. I see the $1600 US price for the drugs but can’t figure out how much the Fedex courier costs.


    in reply to: MonkMed #22526
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    Hello Dr. Freeman. We may have gotten a break. Dr. Tam from the LAIR Centre in Vancouver, BC has responded to my inquiries and is willing to take on patients who have a referral from a GP in the BC MSP. They will guide and monitor patients who choose to enroll in the Redemption trials.

    My question to you is: if the patient in BC goes this route then I suppose they go directly to Monkmed. Also, I was looking at the procedures for GP2U and Monkmed online and I got lost with GP2U (sorry.. :S ) Is GP2U necessary for a Canadian with a BC doctor?

    The question then is: If I am in BC and want to register for the trial and have a doctor here, what are the simplest steps? I am counseling people as we speak.

    Thanking you in advance

    CD Mazoff, PhD

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    Hi Nadia.. Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear about your afib! I have afib as well. That’s a whole other journey!! All the best to you. I find that since my hep has gone and the constant inflammatory response that my asthma and my afib episodes have really diminished!!!! If your heart is in good shape there are lots of ways to cope with afib other than by taking a lot of meds. I am on meds for it and they do help, but I am also not on certain other meds (like coumadin) which is very ugly. However, you need to be careful with this. If you wish to discuss afib please PM me. I can tell you what I do (diet and exercise wise).


    in reply to: MonkMed #21985
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    Hello Dr. Freeman. Thanks for the suggestion. I don’t know if it’s do-able (we have very limited funds)..I will pass on your suggestion to our Board. It would be good if we could get a physician to take this on in BC… But they are afraid to, I guess. That’s my understanding.


    in reply to: MonkMed #21984
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    Thanks Will. I was wondering whether you might like to write up your story for the next and very last issue of the hepc.bull? We are ceasing to publish in the format we have for the last 20 years.. Too few volunteers and too pooped. But we intend to continue the website and and online “blog/commentary”… Anyways, let me know. We’d like to get this message out to as many people as we can!! You can PM me the story when it’s done if you wish.


    in reply to: Looking for Canadians that have joined the trial #21949
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    Yes. please share your experiences so we can get the information out.


    in reply to: MonkMed #21947
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    Hi Willeert. I just sent you a PM


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