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According to, ademetionine (generic) is SAMe, and SAM-e.
Just did a quick google search. It appears SAMe is fairly cheap and widely available as a nutritional supplement (no prescription required) in the US.
Thanks so much my friend. What a beautiful poem, and a beautiful heart.
I know you’re going through a rough patch at the moment with trips to and from the hospital, and barely have time to catch a breath. That you took the time to write such a beautiful verse means more than you know.
You’ve survived two courses of of interferon, gotten back on your feet, and fought like a champion to beat Hep C, and to be be there for your child. Together you will get through this too.
Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you always.
Your true friend,
Glad you had a moment my friend.
Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
Thanks Beaches, LG, Tommy, and Murr. Ya’ll rock!
Tommy – it does feel great. You are on the path, brother!
Aw, thanks Dr. James, RHF, GF, GAJ, and Fara! Ya’ll are the best!
Less than 24 hours now since I received confirmation of SVR12 from my US Specialist. On a holiday no less! She really came through.
Quite honestly “cured” still seems a bit surreal. Well, more than a bit really.
Its going to take some adjustment, not hiding my HCV status from family, friends, and strangers alike. Not making up excuses for the awful brain fog, the crippling joint problems, the skin lesions, the bouts of depression and desperation which for me were part and parcel to the illness.
Yesterday, I said grace with my family over the Thanksgiving meal. It was a simple prayer “Lord, we have much to be grateful for, and we give thanks. Amen”.
Of the people at the table, only my wife and daughter knew that I had been HCV positive, and only my wife knew that I had just received word from my specialist that I am cured. I’ll tell my daughter this weekend.
I would have liked to have shared with everyone, but knew through long experience that the news of cure would have been far overshadowed by the shock (to them) and the stigma of having had the disease to begin with. It was a bittersweet triumph, but one I value more than words have the power to express.
I’m so glad I can share it here, where others know how much it means – and where hopefully someone just tuning in will read about my journey and become inspired to begin their own.
25 November 2016 at 7:29 pm in reply to: India Patent Office approves Gilead’s hepatitis C drug patent #24475Whatever you choose to call it – and our outgoing President was quite proud of the moniker “Obamacare”, right up until the moment the tipping point had been reached – the following encapsulates the problem:
“It has not worked. In fact Obamacare has been a spectacular failure. Rather than providing affordable health care for all, it has been exposed at its core as a scheme which has indentured the entire populace to a system which is rigged to pick their pockets on a scale which is difficult to imagine unless one has actually seen it at work.”
So, I’m very happy to go back on topic, but understand this: The outgoing administration of which you are so fond GAJ, put a gun to our heads while big government, big pharma, and big insurance looted and pillaged the bank accounts of already hard pressed Americans.
The world press being what it is, I’m not sure you fully grasp the extent to which the US election was a complete rejection and repudiation of the above described practices and policies. In fact, in reading your ‘rebuttal’, it is quite clear you do not.
No doubt big pharma will continue to fight tooth and nail for their obscene margins, but for Generic DAAs, the train has left the station. That ship has sailed. We know it, Gilead knows it, and increasingly the entire world knows it.
If they [Gilead] are successful in quashing the Indian supply chain, we will simply source medications elsewhere. Bangladesh for example, or Vietnam, or any one of a hundred other countries where licensing laws are non-applicable.
Dr. Freeman has been very active in blazing that trail, which one can already foresee will eventually become a super highway for access to lifesaving medications.
The world wide market is simply too large and compelling, and the need so overwhelming, that supply will inevitably seek out demand – no matter what artificial barriers are imposed.
Need proof the writing is on the wall? Gilead is already distancing itself from reliance on HCV medication cash flow, and looking elsewhere to source its cash ‘pipelines’.
Preferring a ‘captive’ market, they [Gilead] have now set their sights on buying up proprietary cancer drugs (their greed and evil obviously knows no bounds) .
Time to put another notch on your stethoscope, Doc. We won. Thank you!
Just received the following message from my gastroenterologist.
“Dear *****
As you may have seen, your test results are back and are normal.
There is no detectable virus in your blood. This is SVR12 and a cure. Congratulations!Hope you have a happy thanksgiving.”
What an awesome, awesome surprise.
SVR12 baby, yeah!!!
Once again, heartfelt thanks, and gratitude to Dr. Freeman, Dr. Debasis, my US gastroenterologist who courageously stuck her neck out to follow my treatment, and to my friends and family here at FixHepC, without whom this would have been a very lonely, very frightening journey.
24 November 2016 at 7:56 pm in reply to: India Patent Office approves Gilead’s hepatitis C drug patent #24459No arguments with regard to US health care costs. Using the metrics Dr. Freeman stated, cutting US healthcare costs in half without sacrificing quality of care is absolutely do-able.
The current administration has had their shot at it, and no one wanted to see it work for the common good more than I .
It has not worked. In fact Obamacare has been a spectacular failure. Rather than providing affordable health care for all, it has been exposed at its core as a scheme which has indentured the entire populace to a system which is rigged to pick their pockets on a scale which is difficult to imagine unless one has actually seen it at work.
For Americans with Hep C, it has become a particularly onerous nightmare. On one hand we are forced under penalty of stiff fines to purchase exorbitantly expensive, second rate, catastrophic health care coverage. On the other hand if one can even get to the point where insurance will begin to pay necessary medical expenses, the chances of being denied coverage for lifesaving DAA therapy for HCV are currently between 98 and 99 percent.
By the way, for non-US forum members who are just learning about this – before one can access health insurance to pay medical expenses in the US, there is a $7,000+ per person, per year “deductible” which must be paid out of pocket. This deductible does not include the cost of the insurance itself which is paid monthly.
Yearly increases for the cost of the insurance itself averaged over 10% nationally in 2016. For 2017, the iincrease for the cost of health insurance will average over 25% nationally, with increases in some states exceeding 50%, and in one state (Arizona), exceeding 150%.
A major driver of higher US health care costs has been an unprecedented and unchecked increase in (greed driven) pharmaceutical costs. Take for example the ‘Epi-pen’ which is a lifesaving emergency self injection device used to counter anaphylactic (allergic) shock.
Pre-Obamacare, a prescription for two Epi-pens was $100. Post Obamacare the price has risen to $700. Politicians, the health care industry, and especially the pharmaceutical companies are lining their pockets as never before, and the current (outgoing) regime has been run out on a rail due in no small part to the well justified outrage of Americans who are absolutely sick and tired of being used and abused in this manner.
Look, the point of all of this is that we in the US were pretty much ‘on our own’ in terms of seeking out and paying for effective treatment for Hep C. That fact has not fundamentally changed, and even if the new administration is able to get meaningful reforms through (and that is a big ‘IF’
– it will take years to fully implement.
Those of us with Hep C in the US don’t have years to let the politicians sort it out for us, and none of us are foolish enough to believe they’ll get it right if they do.
The election is over, but for us – Americans with Hep C – nothing has changed. While the politicians head off to DC to divide up the spoils, we are left to our own resources and devices. Our choice remains “Treat or Die” – and for almost 100% of us generic DAAs remain the best and only option.
24 November 2016 at 3:44 am in reply to: India Patent Office approves Gilead’s hepatitis C drug patent #24440Rather telling just how consistently wrong the US press has been. At this point, one has to take anything they print as suspect, especially when they pontificate about what the President Elect will do, based primarily upon their own political leanings, and their not so excellent tea leaf reading powers.
TPP being dead on arrival is good news.
The fact is, any workable reform of the US healthcare system will require three things: Tort reform, to lower the cost of malpractice insurance, pharmaceutical price reform, for reasons which are all too clear, and a dismantling of the artificial structures which prevent interstate price competition between US health insurance companies.
Even with these reforms, the cost of a full course of DAA treatment will probably remain well out of reach for most Americans (the vast majority of whom cannot hope to meet the $7,000+ per person, per year, deductible to access care under their current government mandated Obamacare insurance plans).
While we really don’t know what the new administration will do (or not do) to deal with obscenely high pharmaceutical prices, I agree with Dr. Freeman that generic DAAs will likely continue to be the only viable choice for many of us in the US.
Hi Murr,
Congratulations on your result!
The text states: “Thank you for your request. Your results are as follows:”
The sensitivity of the test is: 0.01 kIU/ml. Your result is less than 0.01 kIU/ml
For our purposes <0.01 kIU/ml = UNDETECTED
Once again congratulations. Looks like SVR4 to me!!!
Hey Sven
Went in for labs Mon. morning. Metabolic panels, and blood tests are in, but no word yet on HCV quantitative analysis.
So far so good. Bottom line – LFTs are well within normal ranges, so I’m hopeful that HCV remains UND.
The Thanksgiving holiday (US) means I probably won’t have access to the results until sometime next week. When I get them, I will post them here.
Thanks for thinking of me Brother. I appreciate you!
Meg wrote:Thank you fitz!
What about you? When are you getting your next labs?
Monday Nov. 21, but I probably won’t get the results until the following week due to the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. Will post the results on my treatment thread when they become available.
Once again, heartfelt congratulations!
Congratulations on your big win, Meg! Cured!!!