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  • in reply to: Maternal Antibodies #25474
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks James. The lady in question is in the US, so I suppose, to do a test on herself might be expensive, I will let her know the best course of action…….. fore armed is fore warned.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

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    • Guardian Angel
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    Shut your computer or whatever down after logging out. Then try again. Usually works for small time interference.

    What evil pricks there are in the world.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

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    • Guardian Angel
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    So……. I find Elbasvir on the Mesochem search function but no Grazoprevir.

    Does anyone know anything. I read a link about Beacon being the first to copycat it but so far it does not look like the link has the right info. I’m still looking but I reckon James already knows the answer.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Log measurement for VL #16777
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    Long time no see Tweakmax. I hope you are coping these days mate. Read my post above….. testing again next week.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Log measurement for VL #16760
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    Thanks… That is what I thought it meant but I couldn’t believe it. Maybe the cocktail of alcohol and prescription drugs he takes frightens the little buggers off. :)

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

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    Well, I can see myself and my mate up there in the Northern Territory. Two more SVR12s on the way soon. Love your work.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Liver Conference Barcelona 2016 – #15583
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    • Guardian Angel
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    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: ALT/AST ratio #15176
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    Crossed fingers…… He is living with us and grog free ATM. Hopefully he stays off it. My other mate has changed his life and been off everything eight years. We have least shown him it can be done and it worth it. We will see.

    Thanks James for your your comment too, hopefully he will see you when you return from Spain. It will be PBS drugs so it will be up to you how long he gets treated for.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: ALT/AST ratio #15124
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    • Guardian Angel
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    My mate has had another LFT and yes, they didn’t do AST either. They did do his platelets this time and they are 291.

    The abdomen scan only suggests an enlarged liver, no further info on the liver. However the scan has found two kidney cysts and and a prostate on the upper limit of enlargement. He is treatment naive but has a long history of alcohol abuse.

    The SVR calculator asks for an F score, which he does not have and I’m guessing he is at least F3 …… a doctor has said recently he doesn’t have cirrhosis. I’m thinking he must be close. When I put his figures in, it says twelve weeks and I’m convinced he will require more. Of course I’m a lay person.

    So…ALT 37
    AST 73 tested a month ago.
    291 platelets gives an APRI score of 0.627

    The calculator will only go to 24 weeks if I put in treatment failure and/or F4.

    I will be getting him an appointment as soon as his viral load and genotype confirmation come back in a week.

    I suppose I’m wondering if these figure suggest that Dr Freeman or his offsider Dr Devsham will give him 24 weeks or at least more than 12. I’ve heard of too many relapsers on twelve weeks and I’m sure my mates liver is pretty stuffed. A fibroscan will take far too long to get done and we want him treated ASAP.

    Perhaps James can tell me when he will return and be available or maybe he can ease my concern by suggesting which treatment length he would give. I don’t want to make an appointment without having the ducks lined up. He is G3.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Doctor in the house. #15084
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Thanks again peoples.

    We are onto it.

    So happy for JF and GJ. Pioneering is difficult thing to do these days but they are certainly pioneers….. and bloody good blokes as well.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: ALT/AST ratio #14722
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    Thanks for your reply and time.
    I will re-check the paperwork later tonight….. Is it possibly called something else?

    He is seeing a local doctor today and apparently the Qld paperwork is going to be there. I want to get him organised before he sees you. His brain is pretty fried and he is on too many pills so it’s a nightmare getting info. Will make appointment when we know a bit more.


    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: ALT/AST ratio #14715
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Strangely his full blood test doesn’t have a platelet count or I would have used the tool. The tool suggests twelve weeks but I’m sceptical about that length. Yes, he is going to see JF for sure, I’m just trying to get the background info organised as he has communication difficulties. Going to get another test including platelets and chase up his Qld doc for older info.

    He also had some serious damage from a fall (split pancreas, bruised liver and detached bowel). That’s a story in itself. How about this for luck………he fell from a seventh floor balcony (like the cartoons, hands slowly slipping away), but was found a day later on the sixth floor balcony!!!

    Thanks for the reply.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Shakes (SofDac) #13795
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    • Guardian Angel
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    As an aside…. I was told by a world leader in enyzmology that virus feed, in fact feast, on undigested protein floating around the bloodstream and in sitting in the bowel. This is also true for bad gut bacteria. He suggested a very low protein diet to control it. I also did this to a certain extent. Of course I’m a pretty normal dude and still ate normal food but I’m pretty sure it helped keep the virus in check and helped my liver stay at F1/2 over the many years.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Shakes (SofDac) #13789
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    • Guardian Angel
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    Great discussion folks. Thanks again.

    This is what my sister said:
    Great to hear your appetite has improved. Carbs are in many things, not just seeds. I know you love your juices but if you have Type 2 diabetes you will need to limit them as you are essentially drinking refined carbohydrate – a big ‘sugar’ hit to the body.

    So, I see I have probably over done the sugar hit. In fact I am starting to think that the nausea I had previous to treatment (it stopped on the very first day!) was actually a different manifestation of these shakes. Maybe??

    I think juicing greens with HCV is an issue because of the iron. I never did that. My viral load was a pathetic 54k and I think that was because I use wheatgrass (powder form and limited amount) and I the fact that I used juice. I can’t think of any other reason it remained so very low for so long.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

    in reply to: Shakes (SofDac) #13765
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    • Guardian Angel
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    You guys are being very helpful, thank you.

    My sister tells me that because I juice a litre every day……. Carrots apples and celery, that I am doing myself an injustice . I thought I was doing a very good thing. time for a re-think and a better load of fibre from different veggies too.

    G1 58yo F1 54,000 viral load Relapser 2003/4 Sof/Dac started 21/9/2015

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