Forum Replies Created
e Joy said…
“The story was on my TV tonight . . it is quite extensive and certainly should be enough to move . . something . .
Of course they’re painting Gilead as the ‘greedy bad guy’ and totally smoothing over the reason WHY so many vets need tx . . ‘Bloody battles and inoculations OVERSEAS’ . . right.”Obviously eJoy has her facts screwed up so we need to get her to stop being so dumb.. I’ll write down some facts that you can go post to her. Goal: Make her look like an idiot. Be creative….add your own message. I’m posting this in our forum too.
But Joy….
A study was done in 1967-69 with a total of 107,803 soldiers stationed in Korea. Half got gamma globulin, to see if it prevented hepatitis. half got nothing. The soldiers that turned yellow were hospitalized for a month. 467 soldiers turned yellow and were hospitalized for a month. Obviously they were examined to see whether they used IV drugs.
So out of 467 that got hepatitis and turned yellow, how many do you think used IV drugs?
———-Buy Joy…..
Boscarino et all says that jet guns did it. You have read Boscarino et all, right? Want me to email it to you?But Jooooyyyy…..
The heroin in Vietnam was so pure if they’d injected it they would have died but instead, 233,000 are infected with hep c.
But Joyyyyyy…..
The numbers of those that needed to be enrolled in a quick detox program when the war finished were very small compared to 233,000 that have hepatitis C.But Joy…..
In 2005 the FDA SAID…..
“The devices that we have seen without a protection cap, we have data from the calves and the data from the Hoffman study in Brazil to show that frequent contamination of the ejected did take place. And that contamination was clearly of a level of blood that we are convinced can carry disease. So the devices which do not have a protection cap which are to be used for giving intramuscular injection we are convinced that these carry a significant risk.”THE FDA SAID….
“So for a 100 samples with the first generation JET INJECTORS ALL WERE CONTAMINATED, a 100 percent with an average contamination rate of 268 picoliters.”You know how many picoliter it takes to infect someone with Hep C?
I’ll give you a hint. You have to use all your fingers to count how many.
——-Buy Joy…..the vaccines were contaminated and the gun was filthy. See? 200 doctors and nurses say so! Joy…..
I proved it 8 different times!!!P.P.
Medicaid is given to people considered “poor” but also to people who have disabilities and people who have children and low income or no income. But also others like dialysis patients, nursing home patients, etc.
Someone who is let’s say 65 will get Medicare and if they are also poor then they get Medicare/Medicaid which covers pretty much everything.
Otherwise you pay for your insurance and your employee pays for part of it. You get whatever you pay for. I pay over $300 a month and my employer pays for half.
Each state has their own rules so someone who has Medicaid in one state may get treatment while 20 other states don’t approve it. Right now they’re approving people who have Stage 4, have had no alcohol or drug use for 6 months, is considered “compliant”, and all sort of other rules.
Joy banned me by saying she received 8 different letters complaining about me. All were written with the same handwriting
I was then forced to write things like my now famous piece, “I’m a lurker and I like to steal people”
I gave hints about the people in her forum who were in trouble and the others would go in there and rescue them.
She obviously doesn’t realize that when Veterans speak up like they did in the CBS story, they can suffer repercussions.
This is what the VA is like….
40,000 Packages of Backlogged Claims Material Discovered at Single VA Office
Saying something against people who suffer that much without knowing the real facts is idiotic and cruel.
If you dose he Riba so it drops hemoglobin by 3 grams that’s supposed to give you a good blood level of Riba.
Someone I know had problems when he was taking Zocor and Harvoni. He stopped the Zocor and the symptoms went away.
You need Vitamin B’s and folic acid to make red cells. So if they’re low then it would be harder to make red cells. Have you asked your doctor about taking supplements?
So are you taking supplements? If not, ask your doctor.
Hep C patients are known for having low B Vits and interferon also lowers them
Plus you need B vitamins to shift the transmethylation pathway towards producing glutathione
to reverse the effects of HCV on Jak-STAT signaling pathway and restore STAT1 methylation you need SamE, Betaine, Vit B12, B6, and Folate because they are cofactors.
A study showed that adding SamE and Betaine increased RVR.
Yes, but they must use the Sofos with Ribavirin and interferon and it has to be approved by their Minister of Health. I hear that Roche is behind it. They’ll pay for the Sofos so their interferon will be used for a while.
Just a nurse. I won’t tell you how many years because it will make me sound old
So now you know your blood pressure is a little high but nothing to be concerned about. A blood pressure of 150 is not going to cause a stroke.
But I found you something that can help. The song that has in studies proven to lower blood pressure a little. Just don’t listen to it when you’re driving.According to Scientists, This is The Most Relaxing Tune Ever Recorded
Here’s the 10 hour version in case you want to play it all night. It’s very relaxing…
I said you help people access generics. What’s wrong with that? I dotted the i.
Here’s what I posted Em. Tell me what you want me to change.
“I have met Greg, Dr Freeman and their team and found them to be genuinely caring people who are doing this to help people and not to make money, which is truly refreshing in this day and age.”
“I went over to the site, the place that helps people access generics to treat hep c and there was this thread that I totally found shocking. They were talking about pitching in to pay for treatment for one of our veterans that got treatment denied by the VA. One man gave $500, and Dr Freeman said he’d match donations and one of the pharmacies did the same and there were others and I couldn’t believe it. So if we can just get them to do the same for the other 200,000 Veterans that need treatment we’ll have this little problem licked.”
“I think if people choose to use generics they should go to a place like your site because they are assured of getting real meds that have been checked and it’s the only way they’ll be able to keep the prices down. So I’m in favor of the Buyer’s Club.”
I made a stupid joke Em, I didn’t think it was a big deal but obviously it was and I won’t do it again. Believe me, I no longer feel like joking.