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  • in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #22201
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    Well said mgalbrai!

    And for me, add hot flashes to the list! Sigh……

    in reply to: Checking in #22200
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    Thanks Fara!

    I still have 19-ish weeks to go on my treatment, but these week four results shows me it’s working.

    Another thing I’m still coming to terms about is my cirrhosis, but at least it shouldn’t get worse, and may even improve as the inflammation goes away.

    So, a new normal for me….but a MUCH better outlook that before! #flower

    in reply to: Matt Joins the Fray! #22197
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    Hi Matt,

    Your doc seems to be lacking a little in the empathy department. Making you wait for your labs is not only unnecessary, but cruel. This doc apparently doesn’t understand the heavy underlying stress during treatment of wondering, hoping, wishing, praying that it will work.Especially after waiting to get on these meds. I really hope your doc has a change of heart and lets you get the labs.


    in reply to: Hi everyone ! #22193
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    Welcome fixhepcnow!

    Congratulations on taking your ‘first steps’! You are on your way! There is a treasure trove of information here, and you will find you’re in the hug zone here.

    Best of luck on your treatment!


    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #21012
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    Hi Matt-Kenney and CCB2! Sending virtual hugs!

    I’m on day ten. I had a really hard workweek…I’ve been working four ten hour days with three days off, by choice. i don’t know if it was from the meds, but I just couldn’t fall asleep for hours, and also had the dreaded wake ups and couldn’t get back to sleep. I was crushingly tired all week, especially my last day. i really don’t know how I made it through. So, I’m changing to four nine hour days and a 1/2 day on Friday. I think that extra hour at night will help me wind down. I’ve felt better over the weekend (got in some good sleep). Waiting for my burst of energy!!!

    in reply to: No good deed goes unpunished #20787
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    Hope I’m not going too off topic, but Ariel, your post about the horrible care you were given when you found out you had hep c struck a chord. I was put on two clinical trial of the poison duo inf and riba, Failed the first one, didn’t respond, then my doc told me about the second trial. You inject daily. So, I felt like I had to tough it out and do it – willpower and all that…. OMG, it was brutal, it was cruel, it put me in the hospital and I nearly died. After I got out of the hospital the doc in charge of the trial asked me when I was going to start up again!!! I was shocked he even asked me. It took me quite a while to come back to some normalcy, and I still don’t know what kind of damage it did to my body. I’d like to see some research done on that. :angry:

    Later on I saw another hepatologist, this time a good, thorough one. He did genetic testing which showed I could never have responded to the interferon. All that for nothing, and worse, now I am not ‘tx naive’ and have to treat longer. I wish I wouldn’t have treated before, but hindsight is 20/20.

    So, done with my b*tching…. glad to still be around, and so lucky to be treating now!

    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #20786
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    Thanks to all and glad to meet you!!! #flower

    I thought I’d be posting on my first day. but I found myself needing some quiet time to really take it in – what this means, how long I’ve been waiting, and how I had resigned myself to not getting treatment….. and how scary that was. And now that it’s here it seems too good to be true! Surreal….

    I’m about to take my third one. So far, no sidesl, so different from the IFN/Riba poison. I’m elated, and in awe of this tx!

    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #20698
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    Cheese, you made me cry. Hugs to you!

    Tomorrow is DAY ONE!!!!!!! I’m excited, I’m nervous, and I’m sooo ready to start!!!. Woo Hooooo!!!!

    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #20686
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    Hi back to beaches, Tina and Ariel!! So glad to meet you!

    I am lucky that I have supportive family and friends, but it’s not the same as someone who has lived it. It is incredibly comforting for me to know you are all here.


    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #20685
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    Hi Sven,

    So very sorry to hear how they treated you. I hope they lose their a$$es once generics are accepted by the medical community. I’m glad that in the end you DID get your meds, and again TG for Dr. Freeman. He gives hope, something that has been out of our reach for so long.

    It seems we are starting our journeys at very near the same time. We’ve had different paths lead us here, but hopefully we will both end up in the same place- cured!!!

    All my best,


    in reply to: Hello to all my future friends #20610
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    Hi Fitz!


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