Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Any success in getting scripts in the US?

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    Greetings from the US. Was diagnosed abt 18 months ago, genotype 2a, no cirrohsis.. I was very lucky to get on Gilead assistance program for Sov/Rib treatment. Treatment went very well, but at completion, I relaped. Zero insurance coverage until I get much worse (I’m F2). Its become apparent that future treatment will not happen for me unless I arrange it myself. I understand it’s nearly impossible to get a US doctor to write a script for generics. Has anybody from the US actually been able to obtain a prescription? What are people here doing if not? Hoping to not have to quit my job and move to Australia or India for 6 months while I go through retreatment. I know there are many other folks out there who face the same dilemma. Just looking and hoping for a miracle in the form of a doctor who is willing to help patients who are trying to help themselves. Good luck to all in your quest for treatment, and thanks to all for your posts; they give me knowledge, insight, and hope.

    Avatar photoklhilde
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    There are two separate issues …. getting the prescription and sourcing the meds. Some people have imported the meds into the US without a prescription, but I wasn’t ready to try that.

    I’ve said elsewhere that the clearest, simplest method is to come to Australia, and I still believe that, but it’s certainly not your only option.
    As for the length of time necessary, if your trip was properly planned it shouldn’t take that much time anywhere you go. If you have the prescription in hand, good paperwork on the source and nature of the meds, and you’ve already started treatment outside the country, I can’t imagine customs not allowing you to bring back your meds.

    The Australian part of my trip was not planned. I intended originally to either get my meds in Thailand or travel to the source. Then questions arose about Mesochem selling to individuals followed by a lack of response from the Bangladeshi sources. When my Thai doctor wrote my script for Led rather than Dac I started considering coming here to get a different script. Also, I was concerned about bringing powders (APIs) back through customs and the compounding here means the meds are packaged in a standard pharmacy bottle with a proper label. But not warning Dr. Freeman I was coming means that the arrival of my meds has taken time. With proper communication this should not be so time consuming.

    But again, there are other options. As for getting the prescription in the US, it almost comes down to doctor shopping. My insurance company would never have paid for that and the nature of my job didn’t give me the time. If you want to try that, I’d suggest either an alternative medicine clinic or looking for a doctor that is presently prescribing medical marijuana as both are willing to think outside the box and defy traditional protocol.

    I decided to just go where getting tests and a prescription would be easy and inexpensive. There are many such places. Depending on where you are, various places would be more workable. From the west coast Thailand is currently rather reasonable. From the mid-west or east coast you might prefer going to the medical tourism hospitals in Medellin, Colombia. Just look through this site to see many options. Look for gastroenterologists.


    Once you have the prescription from a US doctor you can either ship directly or travel to get the meds. Either way people are currently successfully getting their meds through customs.

    If you do have to travel to get the prescription, I would suggest sourcing the drugs there as well and starting treatment before your return. It just makes it less likely they’d try to challenge the meds.

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    Thanks again for your prompt reply. I do have another question….since I will be retreating, I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking meds for 24 weeks. My first most feasible option is to have the meds sent to me here in the US. To adhere to the 3 month supply rule as well as the $1500 import limit, would you suggest that I get two separate scripts for 12 weeks each, and send for two separate shipments? Do you know if it’s acceptable to put all 3 meds (Sov/Dac/Rib) on one script? As always, thanks for sharing.

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    Or you could come to Panama where you can see a Gastro and get a script. My Dr was very excited when I told him what I was doing. Now Ribavirin is available here in Panama, but I had no luck finding it, so I bought it through India, had it shipped through the US then forwarded on to Panama. And it was a 6 month supply. Customs never even looked at my parcel.

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    Thanks very much. Did you buy direct from the manufacturer in India? Did you have your meds tested? Very good to know the US is not shutting down incoming scripts; thanks for the input, and good luck with your treatment.

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    I bought from a company called http://www.GandhiMedicos.com I heard about them through a forum in Russia and they come highly recommended. I ordered on Oct 1 and received them today Oct 12. Very impressed. The other meds from Mesochem I will not bother having tested as the good folks in Oz are testing theirs and all is well. I’m sure they are doing it because of legalities. Nope, I’m just going cap my own and be on my way to treatment by this week end. I’ve done this treatment so many times. I have no fear!

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    I don’t know all the technicalities of prescription form.

    I do know that the old way of scribbling on a script pad and handing you the paper seems to be getting uncommon. Most offices send the script electronically to your choice of pharmacies now. However, my doctor in Thailand wrote it in letter form, on hospital letterhead, and provided to me electronically. Therefore I can simply print it out as needed, or forward electronically.

    If you’re ordering from overseas I see no need to get separate scripts or two scripts for 12 weeks each. Third world sources aren’t likely to be that particular, and if you’re ordering two shipments of a drug from the same source, just explain why and they’ll understand. Just tell them what you want done and when to fill the order.

    The more important part is the inclusion of shipping documents:

    You want a clear explanation of what is in the package, a copy of your prescription, and if you’re getting APIs you’ll want MSDS sheets and a paper from the manufacturer again explaining what the powder is. These should also be available to the shipper in electronic form so that the shipper and customs can inspect your paperwork without opening the package.

    Greg Jefferys explains it more fully on his blog.
    Both Greg and Mesochem have been doing this and should be able to do it without your needing to explain anything.

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    • Acolyte
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    Hello All. All of us trying to live in spite of Gilead. I just now realized how much more expensive treatment is here in the US than anywhere else in the world (except Canada). I was wondering if anybody here had heard of anyone bringing in to the US? Regulations are different here in that both the FDA and the DEA have rules. I find that when I can get by one the other becomes the problem. From what I can tell they are more concerned with things being brought in for resale? All the ED generics for personal use seem to get by and patents are still in place. I wonder if Mesochem will be a problem? Any Ideas?

    Avatar photoSirchinenge
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    Hello Wilson.

    Are you asking has anyone manged to have drugs sent via Mail or Fed Ex?

    I believe Greg has arranged shipments via Fex Ex to the US so yes its being done there would
    be no problem what so ever bringing them in on your person.

    Sob/Dac from Oct 29 2015
    Geno 1b
    Fiberscan 9.9 Pre treatment
    Fiberscan 7.4 week 10
    VL 1.3 million pre treatment
    Week 2.5 VL 96
    Week 5.5 VL 17
    Week 10 VL UD
    SVR 3 UD
    SVR 16 UD
    All liver functions in normal ranges.

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    Hi Sirchinenge,
    I have read Greg’s blogs and did see his opinions on FDA regulations. I don’t recall ever seeing where he shipped to US. Lotsa “rules” regarding legal shipping to US. It is not legal.
    As for bringing them in on person a good DR. suggested that I go that route. Gets expensive, passport, price of meds, script from US doctor, script from Aussie doctor and a trip to Australia is $3000 rnd trip. I need 24 weeks so multiply x 2. There are lots of other regulations that make it just as illegal to go that route. By chance last 2 times I flew I got the full search and those were not international .Don’t believe there is a legal route to take. I believe either way is a game of chance. Generic Viagra makes it through shipping . plenty of things get through customs and the FAA. Planning on taking my chances. Is a short list of other options. Guess I could get arrested, wondering if they give meds there?

    Avatar photoSirchinenge
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    There is nothing in US law that prevents you seeing a Dr overseas and taking back
    medication you have being prescribed there is plenty of US citizens flying to

    In terms of shipping; I’ll have a read of the FDA again and comment later.

    Sob/Dac from Oct 29 2015
    Geno 1b
    Fiberscan 9.9 Pre treatment
    Fiberscan 7.4 week 10
    VL 1.3 million pre treatment
    Week 2.5 VL 96
    Week 5.5 VL 17
    Week 10 VL UD
    SVR 3 UD
    SVR 16 UD
    All liver functions in normal ranges.

    Avatar photoAlsdad
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    WILSON1 wrote:

    Hi Sirchinenge,
    I have read Greg’s blogs and did see his opinions on FDA regulations. I don’t recall ever seeing where he shipped to US. Lotsa “rules” regarding legal shipping to US. It is not legal.//cut

    Hi WILSON1, here is Greg’s August 8th blog entry:

    “USA deliveries of Sofosbuvir for personal use.
    My friends from India recently successfully completed a “worst case scenario” delivery of a three month treatment of Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin tablets to the USA.
    As some of you may know the way that Customs works in most countries is that there is a random sampling of goods arriving from overseas origins. In the USA this random sampling has increased due to the issues surrounding international terrorism.
    In practical terms this means that, lets say, one in every ten parcels comes in for superficial scrutiny and one in every twenty comes in for close inspection.
    Close inspection means that contents and documentation is thoroughly inspected.
    This happened recently with a shipment of Sof/Riba to a person with Hep C in the USA. This shipment had all its documents and contents inspected by Customs. The recipient was contacted and further supporting medical documents were asked for. The parcel and documents were then brought to the attention of the FDA who also inspected them closely. The result was nearly three weeks of official inspection of this shipment by every related US government entity.
    The shipment of 84 generic Sofosbuvir tablets and 504 Ribavirin tablets was delivered to the person who ordered them and that person has now begun treatment.

    So much for all the nonsense being peddled around by the fear mongers that it is illegal to import medicines for personal use into the USA.

    My message to you folk in the USA; don’t get sucked in by the fear mongers, right now hundreds of people around the world are being cured of their Hep C by using Indian generic medicines. Despite what some people say your government does not want you to be sick or to die. If you can find a couple of grand then you can be well on the way to curing yourself of Hepatitis C.”

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    Hi Alsad,
    I forgot about the US part in Greg’s blog. I have a very good friend is a Mexican citizen. He lives near me and goes to Mexico very often where he owns a house and much land. I spoke with him and he said I can ship to his nephew’s and he would bring it over. He said “if they ask about medications I’ll have to show them”. He brings me amoxicilina when I am out. He said that they have confiscated meds from him before. For some things he needs a script. Have nada to say about Greg’s experience.
    I remember pee pee’s 1st post here in “special movement”. She quoted straight from FDA rep. I would consider the items we refer to as “human drug products” and both are approved by the FDA. Is all about chance but as for the law

    There are many instances which make the importation illegal. Is as I said, it’s all about chance.

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    I just read your post regarding starting treatment overseas then bringing the meds back to finish up in the US. . I relapsed on my first treatment, so will be extending this second treatment to 24 weeks. If I end up having to go abroad, my biggest fear is not being allowed to bring 6 months worth of meds back into the US; either because the value of the meds might exceed the allowed amount, or because I would only be allowed to bring In 3 months of meds at a time. I hope I am worrying for nothing, and it wouldn’t be an issue. I’m gathering info and learning as much as I can about this wonderful and scary quest for The Cure. Am so glad to have found this site, & glad of everyone’s willingness to share their experiences. Am getting my finances together, and of course trying to find the most efficient, budget friendly way to do this. As they say, “where there is a will, there is a way!!” Wonderful news to hear so many of you are getting treatment and are feeling better. Yahoo!!

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    Looks like my link didn’t copy right. Try again. Sorry


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