Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Viral Load Results RNA detectable at 9 weeks :-(

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    I was really hoping to be UND at this stage, I even left my 8 week test another week to give the meds more time to work. I’ve just picked up my blood results from the GP’s surgery, my full blood count is normal as is my liver function, with my ALT reduced from 31 at 4 weeks to 27 which is an improvement.

    I was surprised that my viral load results were through as they usually take 8 days, but they came through the following day. There’s much less information and it reads:

    Hepatitis C: RNA Detected
    Quantification: <10 IU/ml

    My 4 week quantification was 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42

    The numbers are less now so I'm guessing that the virus is slowly getting out of my system. I'm just wondering what Dr. J thinks about this, and anyone else who is or has been a slow responder. I'm 68 days into the sof/dac treatment so not long to go before I finish the 12 week course. Really hoping that I don't have to take another 4 weeks medication, but if I do then so be it.

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
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    That is really low to nothing, you still on treatment, undetectable is nice to hear but don’t worry. I didn’t get the magic UND until week 18 on treatment. Just keep slaying and conquering.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

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    Thank you Hazel, I had no idea it was low to nothing so that’s brilliant news!

    Smiling now ….. :-)

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi 2b,

    This is an ok result. It’s not the best we see, or the worst. Undetected is nice, but at end of treatment 75% of people who are still detected go on the SVR12.


    Woobia 22
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    Wow you are going well dont worry about doing another 4 weeks or whatever just relax and know that whatever it is you are well on the way.

    I think I did 24 then 32 weeks and added the good Docs Ruski in for the last 6 weeks, all gone atm and clear since Jan 2016. I hope you dont have any side effects as I was lucky and had none.

    You have the Best advice here with Doc Freeman and listen to him and your body.

    Good Luck.

    First diagnosed Nov 2012 with Hep C 1a End Liver disease
    Failed peg and Sof/dac
    Given 18 mths to live Aug 2014
    Failed sof/dac July 2015
    Sep 2015 given till March 2016 to live as nothing they can do
    Sourced a supply of sof/dac from India told I was a fool by staff at SCGH
    Been in a coma twice 2016 6 stays in Hospital
    Last 4 weeks have been unreal back into life again
    Hope No One else is treated like Shit by Med Specialists as the Nurse are UNREAL The Good Doc Freeman is genuine Barry Ashton

    Barry Ashton

    Avatar photocoral
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    Hi 2b,

    Some of us are slower than others but the main thing is that your numbers are heading in the right direction and we get there in the end. You have absolutely the right attitude – if you and your doctor make a decision to continue with the medication for a few more weeks the outcome will be worth it. #flower

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    Thanks Coral, yes it is going in the right direction thank goodness. I guess I was just surprised at my slow response as 2b is meant to be the easiest to get rid of, but we’re all different I suppose. I’ve a phone call booked with Dr. J later today so no doubt he will fill me in as to how much longer I have to take the medication. The past 3 days I’ve had an upset stomach, it comes and goes during the day and night but it’s really getting me down this morning. Hopefully it will pass soon as I’m invited out to a lovely birthday lunch and I’d really like to go but no point if I still feel like this. Western medicine always has this affect on me so it’s just to get on with it, but some days it’s harder than others. I have really good days too so I’m not complaining, just struggling a bit at the moment. Anyway thanks again for your kind words of encouragement, my friends are lovely and supportive but no-one understands properly what it’s like to have this disease unless they have had it themselves. As you say the outcome will be so worth it.

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

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    Dr. Freeman knows best and hears from people all the time. A little longer and it will be nice to see undetected on your result.

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    I had a chat with Dr. Freeman last night and I’m having a 4 week extension with sof/dac. And yes, it will b nice to see undetected one day. Thanks for your input and your message, hope all good with you.

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

    Avatar photocoral
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi 2b,
    I’m pleased you talked to Dr Freeman. The extra 4 weeks should make sure that it is gone once and for all.
    Hope the side effects have eased now that the dosage has been adjusted. It won’t be long before you are telling us you are
    taking your last tablet. #flower #flower

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    Hi Coral,

    Thanks, yes it’s all sorted and the meds are on their way, and looking forward to taking my last tablet in 5 weeks time.

    The side effects have definitely decreased on the lower dosage, my son keeps remarking on how much energy I’ve got and I feel so much happier in myself.

    I’m thanking my lucky stars for finding out about Dr Freeman and this site, and for having the money to buy the drugs. I am truly blessed!

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

    Avatar photocoral
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    Hi 2b,

    Thought I’d say hello and see how you are travelling?? I hope the side effects continued to ease with the adjusted dose?
    Feeling the energy come back and the brain fog lift is amazing. Keep taking those magic little pills. :) :)


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    Hi Coral,

    I was doing great until about a week ago and then took another dive. Stomach pains/feeling sickly/bloated tummy/zero energy, no pains today but have all the rest of the side effects. I feel hungry but find it hard to eat as I don’t know if the food will settle my stomach or make it worse. I’ve lost a few pounds in weight so now have skinny arms and legs with a distended tummy – not a good look!

    I’m 3 days into the last 4 weeks of the meds. Dr. Freeman said it’s preferable to take 8 weeks at this point with being a slow responder, but understood that I’m not rolling well with them and figured that 4 weeks would be enough. I’m going for my 12 week blood test in a couple of days and I’m trying not to dread the results, probably because of previous disappointments.

    So I’m feeling fed up at the moment, I stopped taking my herbal HRT medication 12 weeks ago so that isn’t helping my frame of mind. The hot flushes are back some nights and I’ve tossed and turned so much that I’ve triggered my old back injury so am headed to the chiropractor again this week.

    I’m still taking the reduced dose so no idea why I’m feeling so awful, maybe it’s just the build up of chemicals in my system and my body really doesn’t like them. I know it’s just to give my head a shake and keep taking the tablets, I’m very lucky to be in this position and don’t have any right to complain and I keep reminding myself of this when things start to overwhelm me. My landlord has sent various workmen round to do maintenance on my 300 year old house which has been really disruptive, and I could have so done without all the dirty boots and bags of plaster traipsing through my home. Hey ho! At least the work is done now and it’s just to clean up the mess, slowly I might add.

    So my dear I bet you’re sorry you asked! :-) Thank you for your concern though. I hope I don’t sound too miserable as I do my best to be as upbeat as possible and don’t want to put years on you!

    The good news is that I’m going to stay with some friends up north in the Lake District next week and hope that the break will do me the world of good. I’ll message you when I get home and hopefully tell you that I’m doing good again.

    I hope all’s well with you, bye for now x

    2b diagnosed about 10 years ago
    Alt was 150 but got it down to a consistent 49 with Chinese herbal medicine
    Started dac/sof 27/03/17
    4 week test – liver function normal – alt 31
    full blood count normal
    RNA detected 26 IU/ml Log = 1.42
    9 week test 26/05/17
    bloods and liver function normal – alt 27
    RNA detected <10 IU/ml

    Avatar photoHazel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hey 2b- on the hot flushes, that was taking the shine right off my youthful feeling of wellness- I can take quite a lot but was just either awake hot or awake cold- maybe 20x a night- and a friend mentioned, my doctor suggested- I don’t have a mood disorder,( although many of my favourite people do) but a little bit of prozac turns the dial right down to barely a problem. I took half every day, tried every second, but it means sleeping every 2nd night-
    I’ve been doing that about 6 months, now down to 1/4 a day, will try none again soon. Way easier on the system than hormone treatment, it has been around for years so the sides are well known. There might be stigma attached to taking it but that never bothers me. There had to be a declaration, for I think insurance purpose, should they ever look at my medical records, that the doctor made, it was not for mood. she was prescribing.

    Genotype 3 30 years, 2x treatment interferon/ribavirin non responder. Cirrhosis 17 years. Fibroscan, decompensating, 40 down to 22 by 29/3/16- now down to 6.5, normal, no cirrhosis. Started Buyers Club Sof/Dac 14 Nov 15. SVR 12 29/0716

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