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  • #26932
    Avatar photoerica
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    When I first did all the lab work before starting this treatment, one of things SUPER out of range (besides viral load obviously) was my Ferritin. It was 988. Range is (10 – 232).

    So concurrently with my DAA treatment, I started getting phlebotomies every 2 weeks. I researched online and figured out what to eat and drink and what not to eat or drink for high iron, and I did ALL of it. So today it’s 1 month since starting DAA treatment and my new Ferritin score is 31 as of today!!! So that’s crazy different. That’s the LOW end of in range.

    I personally feel that doing this treatment and removing the virus so the liver starts functioning properly would probably have handled the iron all on its own, but I like to think my diet changes and phlebotomies were part of it, too. In any case, SOME of the side effects of this treatment are things like Body Functions Properly, Things that weren’t working, now work, Things that were hurting don’t. So bring on the side effects, I say. A bit of good news fo yo ass.

    XO, erica

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    That’s great news Erica! Did you also get any other blood work (viral load, enzymes, etc.)?

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Erica,

    Best you stop the phlebotomies!

    Ferritin is an acute phase protein. Long story short, any illness tends to elevate it and Hep C certainly can.

    A normal diet and no more being bled would seem to be in order…..


    Avatar photoerica
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    Greedfighter wrote:

    That’s great news Erica! Did you also get any other blood work (viral load, enzymes, etc.)?

    Thanks! Yeah I did 6 tests yesterday, but so far only the iron ones are back. I’m still waiting for the rest. But if the Ferritin is any indication, I’m very excited. :)

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoerica
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    Hi Erica,

    Best you stop the phlebotomies!

    Ferritin is an acute phase protein. Long story short, any illness tends to elevate it and Hep C certainly can.

    A normal diet and no more being bled would seem to be in order…..

    Hiya Doc! I was supposed to go yesterday actually. I decided not to because I like to give that vein a day or two to recover. But as it turns out, I don’t need to! How awesome is that?!

    How often do you think I should check the iron levels going forward? I was thinking I could go to the place where I get the phlebotomies in a few months, or if I’m feeling that funny, heavy iron overload feeling. They always do a little pin prick test to see the level before they do it anyway. So if I don’t need it, I won’t get it. I’m guessing it’s just something to check periodically.

    Also check this out:

    IRON, TOTAL 51 (ref range 45-160 mcg/dL)
    IRON BINDING CAPACITY 423 (ref range 250-450 mcg/dL (calc))
    % SATURATION 12 (ref range 11-50%)

    I’ve gone from hemachromatosis to almost anemia in a month! Haha. Good to know my body responds well to treatment.

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Erica,

    You will be having a few blood tests on treatment.

    People with haemochromatosis differ greatly in the need to bleed. For some it’s quite often, for others rarely.

    You mention the heavy feeling and many patients do seem to be able to sense when it’s time. Provided you’re checked from time to time, and bled as needs be….


    Avatar photoerica
    • Topics: 6
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    • Treatment Warrior
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    ”James-Freeman-facebook” wrote:

    Hi Erica,

    You will be having a few blood tests on treatment.

    People with haemochromatosis differ greatly in the need to bleed. For some it’s quite often, for others rarely.

    You mention the heavy feeling and many patients do seem to be able to sense when it’s time. Provided you’re checked from time to time, and bled as needs be….

    Yeah true. I’m kind of enjoying finding out so much information from blood tests. I used to be afraid of them and would rather not know. But something changed and now I’m all about confronting challenges head on. As soon as I get my insurance in November I’ll probably do more different kinds of tests, nutritional testing, gluten, etc. Maybe everything out of range was just more symptoms and side effects of Hep C. Maybe at the end of 84 days I will be a 15 year old russian athlete. Hahaha

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

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