Home Forums Main Forum Patient Stories Viral Load Results Low blood cell counts?

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    Avatar photoerica
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    Ok this is very different from my first tests before starting tx. Everything that was high a month ago is now in range. So that’s awesome. Ferritin was 988 and is now 31, which is CRAZY. But here are the things that WERE in range 4 weeks ago that are now OUT of range.

    White blood cell count 3.5 (range 3.8 – 10)
    Red blood cell count 3.79 (range 3.8 – 5.1)
    Absolute neutrophils 1001 (range 1500 – 7800)

    And this is just called “ABNORMAL” in my test result:
    HCV RNA Quant <15 iu (detected)
    HCV RNA Quant <1.18 log (detected)

    In my quick internet search, it looks like it's possible that some DAAs can cause red and white blood cell counts to show as low, but not necessarily mean what they normally mean when low. Don't know if that's true or not. I don't feel bad or anything. It's just a strange test result to me. And the HCV RNA tests show the virus is there, just too low to be detected in a Quant test. So that's good. I prefer exact numbers, but whatever. Compared to 8 million I'm good with that for now. :)

    Anyone else get low red and white blood cell counts mid tx? Is this common?

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Hi Erica,

    Those blood results are all fine and barely out of range. You have been having phlebotomy so it would be unusual if your red cell count was not a little low and your white cells are fine.

    You are still detected, as in <15 detected at the 4 week mark which is ok, but not as good as <15 undetected.

    This HCV result does have some predictive value about SVR. We found (in a study of n=448) that 23% of patients are still detected at 4 weeks, but these form 44% of the failures. The VA found similarly in a study of n=4365 - for them the 22% still detected formed 50% of the failures. Failure rates are low, but in rough terms a circa 97% pre treatment success rate currently looks like about 93% for you. It's worth noting that 75% of patients still detected at End Of Treatment still SVR.

    The consideration at this time is if adding an extra 4 weeks treatment is worth it for the insurance value. At best it adds 3% or so versus a basline of over 90% so on a "% cure per $ spent" basis it is a bad investment but some people see the value in it.

    Nothing to panic about, just something to consider. For patients with GT1 there are lots of retreatement option. There are less for GT3 and it responds slower (which is why we suggest 16 weeks Sof/Dac for it).

    I'm happy to have a chat with you in person about it via video if you'd like.


    Avatar photoerica
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    Thanks Doc. Yeah, I’ll make an appointment. That sounds like a good idea. :)

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
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    Great results Erica! You’re on track to a cure.

    Listen and follow all advice given by Dr. Freeman ;) :+1: Just saying….I think you already know that you are in good hands.

    Avatar photoerica
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    Thank you, Greedfighter! Yes, I definitely do what the Doc says. I trust him with my life. He’s quite amazing.

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

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    Am aceiași problema și eu .La mine in prima săptămâna analizele de sânge a fost ok alt si ast a scăzut numai la 4 săptămâni celule roși mărite,celulele albe scazute(neutrofilele) iar trombocitelor 240

    Avatar photoMnem
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    Hi Nelu-Covaci-fb, Minunat să citești postarea ta, sper că rezultatele testului de sânge sunt mai bune acum.

    G2, infected maybe in 1971?
    Diagnosed HVnon-A non-B 1980s, revised to HVC 1990’s.
    Treatment naive. Fibroscan & bloods all normal ranges.
    Viral load 7million,
    began Redemption trial4, 12-week generic Sof/Vel (Incepta) 2017. Week 4 UND, Week 12UND, SVR24
    Thank-yous to my doctor for the script, to Jan at FixHepC for wrangling, and to Dr Freeman for courage.
    Kia kaha e hoa ma!

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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    Care sunt numerele pentru eritrocite și celule albe?


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    Pot sa spun ca la 3 luni după terminarea tratamentului toate analizele au ieșit foarte bine și nedectabil .Dupa 6 luni mi-am făcut și ultra sound iar doctorița care mi la făcut mi-a spus ca de la F3 am acum F1 iar restul de analize foarte bine.Vreau sa mai adaug ca nu fumez de 2ani,nu beau alcool și de mâncat mănânc cam tot ce poftesc dar cu limita.Va mulțumesc de informațiile primite

    Avatar photoMar
    • Guardian Angel
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    Asta este o veste minunată Nelu, felicitări pentru tratamentul tău și pentru nivelul tău de Fibroză care coboară de la F3 la F1, e minunat #woohoo!

    Making the world a better place – one patient at a time.

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    Merci pt mesaj și sper ca toți care fac acest tratament sa scape de virus

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
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