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  • #27129
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    • Novice

    i have been on generic meds for 5 days now and i cant tell you about how i am starting to feel….I aslo cant believe MY own country would leave me to die as i still worked my ass off paying my taxes keeping a roof over my head…..for the cost of one pill in the usa is how much i payed for the WHOLE treatment from a country that prolly hates us ….theres countries that give this away for free,


    are making this country into a PILE OF SHIT…and its not just the medical and health profession/insurance companies and health care, its the whole shibang, everything about the U.S. is corrupt… wont last much longer, pretty soon the new age will be more the old school thinkin and the cat will be out of the bag……..

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    if i could i would slap the SHIT out of the person who turned me down for treatment when i WAS payin over $300 a month heath care..(canceled)

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi Nitro,

    Welcome. I can understand your frustration and you’re right that things in the US need to change.

    You may like this:



    Avatar photoMnem
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hey Nitro, Here is my message of congratulations to you – all the way from a small sheep-herding country at the bottom of the world. I am thrilled to hear that you’re already feeling the benefit from the meds despite being less on them than a week so far.

    It’s energising to read your analysis of your country’s medical neglect of so many of its HVC+ve citizens. The American way of doing medicine provides some of the best treatments in the western world, and some of the worst cases of medical neglect too. For the average US citizen the current system is far from ideal, so it’s especially sweet to see an American getting treated through generics.

    Keep on taking those pills!

    G2, infected maybe in 1971?
    Diagnosed HVnon-A non-B 1980s, revised to HVC 1990’s.
    Treatment naive. Fibroscan & bloods all normal ranges.
    Viral load 7million,
    began Redemption trial4, 12-week generic Sof/Vel (Incepta) 2017. Week 4 UND, Week 12UND, SVR24
    Thank-yous to my doctor for the script, to Jan at FixHepC for wrangling, and to Dr Freeman for courage.
    Kia kaha e hoa ma!

    Avatar photoerica
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    • Treatment Warrior
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    Hey Nitro! Congratulations!!! Yeah I JUST finished the treatment a few days ago. So so amazing. And it’s so awesome you found FixHepC. I’m very glad we both decided to keep searching to see if there was any other solution for people who don’t happen to have $84K lying around and have hep c. And now 80-some days later my virus is undetected. And soon, yours too.

    FUCK YOU, Big Pharma. Can I say that on here? Well too bad, I just did. FUCK YOU BIG PHARMA. This just became the venting thread. It feels goooooood.

    Gt 4ACD
    No treatment of any kind until FixHepC. <3
    Tx started Monday, Sept 18, 2017!!!
    Pre-tx: Ferritin 988, AFP 30.2, AST 109, ALT 148, VL 8864293
    4wk: Ferritin 31, AST 23, ALT 17, VL <1.18 Log (detected)
    8wk: Ferritin 8, AST 18, ALT 20, VL <1.18 Log (UND)
    12wk EOT: Ferritin 9, AST 18, ALT 19, VL <1.18 Log (STILL UND)

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    In the USA, it’s everyman/woman for themselves. Save yourself or you are doomed. It’s soon going to get much worse under Trump and the Republicans. They are going to try and take away Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Health care will be only for those who can afford it. The country is being turned into a third world shit hole.

    Avatar photorightsaidfred
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    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hello Nitro and everyone,

    I’m so pleased for you, and sorry that the system let you down so badly. Just one small note of caution: I can quite see why you cancelled your health insurance but although your health is almost certainly going to improve a great deal, do you think it may be a good idea to take out a policy with another company just in case?

    Meanwhile you could have the pleasure of writing to the bastards who let you down so badly, letting them know what you think of their behaviour, that they’ve lost your business, and also that you’ve made a start on publicly trashing them. Do tell us who they are because some of us may want to join you in telling them what we think of the way they do business.

    It’s always a good idea, when you have (an) important point(s) to make, to do it in the form of a letter rather than an email. That’s because it is much harder to ignore whereas an email can just be deleted. You could address it to the chairman or chief executive and copy it to all the heads of departments in the company (you can get their names in a few minutes from Dr Google) with an extra note to ask them how they can bear to work for a company which treats people so badly.

    You could ask them how they square their consciences with what it says in the bible about loving thy neighbour as thyself and go on to ask them whether they think Jesus would have approved of their company’s policy. This may bother them as most Americans say they are Christians and claim to take the contents of the New Testament seriously.

    You never know your luck, it could be worth a try and would be a bit of fun anyway!

    President Kennedy said that “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” and that’s more or less right but he should have included women and those of us who are something in between!

    All the best,


    G3a. Probably infected 40 years ago.
    Diagnosed July 2015
    7/7/2015: ALP 69, ALT 209, WBC 5.8, VL 40,000. Fibroscan 9.5 Kpa.
    Commenced treatment Sof/Dac (Natco Pharma) 24 wks in Feb 16
    VL UND @ 4 wks, 12 wks

    EOT 6/7/16
    SVR 12
    SVR 24

    PHEW! Thank you so much Dr James, Monkmeds and all at Fixhepc

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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Hi Nitro,

    Welcome. Last year about this time, I received my meds thru fixhepc. I am cured. I was mad as hell also with our system. I spoke with doctors, Gilead, posted negative reviews, and on and on. As I started feeling better, and weeks then months went by, I realized that I had landed in OZ. For $1600 bucks, I had the best, the best of the best, doctor in the world. I had the best “front desk” (Jan) in the world. I had immediate questions answered by either Jan or Doc Freeman and when I just needed to hangout, I had the best support group in the world…The Forum. Now, looking back, even if I got medical coverage, I don’t think I would take it, if I new then what I know and feel now.

    So, Nitro, you will feel better and blessed. Just follow the yellow brick road.

    Now, on a side note, since I know Doc Freeman is a Monty Python fan, I’ll assume “Fawlty Towers” is up there also. I was thinking about working on late night comedy draft called “Fawlty (Trump) Towers”.

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    • Novice

    really youve been clear for over 80 days…are you still scared it might show up again? i went back to work today after the first week of meds and .was all hunkie dory, then that frigen flu shit feeling about noon, 30 minutes later it went away, and now im all AMP up…i havent felt this way in years…lol…

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    • Novice

    yes i understand about concern for health care…but i dont think its a system worth puttin any money towards, its going to fail…i cant be turn down for medical attention so if anything serious happens ill deal with it then..i dont know where ur at but in the “choice” of insurance company isnt a “choice”, unless a private company is sout out..and im just a construction worker. not a lottery winner…lol..heck if i had the 300+mo. i was paying i would buy myself a new truck….

    if i come out of this clean i will start the hell raising…i just have to make sure im going to be the 95%er so i have a leg to stand on…

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    here ill help…you love this if you havent seem it..

    and yes JAN and FREEMAN is kick ass…..

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    That is funny as hell!


    • Topics: 2
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    • Treatment Warrior
    • ★★★

    Hi Nitro,

    Yes, clear as can be! I am not scared it will show up again. I don’t know about you, but I had many extra-hepatic manifestations, that I didn’t even know were a result of the hep c. As time went on and they were clearing, and my head was clearing, and read the odds of svr 12 like it was a racing form, no I am not worried one iota. Live each day to the fullest!!!

    Re: Ins. – I have medicare part A & B – I pay for that, but have no Rx coverage.

    Now, when you are ready to raise hell, let me know.

    Good video – Thank you.

    Take good care!

    And, just to keep your juices flowing, here is a news story from:


    With Trump’s HHS pick Big Pharma takes over our health system

    By Justin Mendoza — 11/14/17 01:40 PM EST

    His pick? Alex Azar, the former U.S. president of drug giant Eli Lilly and Co. This would put the pharma industry in charge of regulating its own exorbitant prices and it seems likely that his private interests would swamp aspirations towards public service…

    To read the full article, click the link.


    Avatar photofretboard
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★
    Greedfighter wrote:

    In the USA, it’s everyman/woman for themselves. Save yourself or you are doomed. It’s soon going to get much worse under Trump and the Republicans. They are going to try and take away Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Health care will be only for those who can afford it. The country is being turned into a third world shit hole.

    You’re absolutely right but it was bad even before shit head Trump was elected! Now it’s gonna get worse, way worse! If anyone on this forum is thinking about getting generics through REDEMPTION etrials and you’re in the USA you better get on the stick and start the process asap!! Big Pharma in the USA is about to get bigger with “Trump and the Republicans”, at the helm. If I could, I would order barrels full of Sof and Dac from Mesochem or Monkmed even and sell them to HepC patients here in the US and other countries as well. Some ppl in the US are totally inactive about their HepC when they need to be proactive, it’s ridiculous!! And the doctors here, suck big time!! They will do nothing unless you ask and push for blood tests, all blood tests. Viral load tests, genotype tests, you gotta ask for the whole chingadera or they will do nothing for you and I have good insurance, I’ve had BlueShield for years!! Wake up USA!!!

    G1a dx’d in 1992, Biopsy F2 VL 8mill +. Tried tx with Interferon/Riba, back in 2008 didn’t last long it felt horribly ugly!! I stopped tx, after 5 weeks!!
    Started tx 6/1/16 with Harvoni.
    12 Month Labs= UND

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    • Acolyte
    • ★★

    I couldnt agree with u more Nitro!!! Im In the USA and I have went to doctor after doctor and constantly been lead to false hope. Everytime I felt like this Is It, “Im going to get approved and I may be given a chance to get the cure to kill this horrific virus I always got let down. Its 84000 for the medicine here and you have to basically be dying before they will even think about you being a candidate for It!!! Its just BS!!!! Im new to this amazing trial and Im so grateful I have a chance to live a healthier life and get cured for a generous price!! But seriously the hoops Ive gad to jump through to just get the meds delivered Is beyond me!!! Like wtffff. They have the most outrageous questions they ask and even after I give them all the paperwork they request, Its still not approved yet. I just kept telling the women that my life Is In your hands so please please please take that Into consideration because In a few years this could turn deadly!! I told her Dr. Freeman and all of his team are the most compassionate AND caring people that Ive came across that just want to help us get the treatment at affortable prices so we can LIVE and they offer us support, knowledge, and truth with no additional cost!!! Its just a waiting game now and Im so anxious but excited all at the same time because I have an amazing 2 yr old boy that needs a healthy mommy so I will continue to pray and I know that everything will fall Into place when Its suppose to. But all these ridiculous laws are just INSANE!!

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