Author Archives: Dr James

So you’re cured of Hepatitis C – What next?

So you’ve made it! SVR12 and you are cured of Hep C. Maybe you battled your insurance company for access to the medications. Maybe you sourced generic medications yourself. For most patients at this point that’s it. It’s over. You’re cured and Hepatitis C can drift quietly into the past, but there is one group […]

The Use of TRIPS Flexibilities for the Access to Hepatitis C Treatment

Here is an article from the South Centre in Geneva. Abstract: In late 2013, a new Hepatitis C treatment called direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) was introduced in the market at unaffordable prices. The eradication of the disease is possible if medicines can be purchased at AFFORDABLE prices within health budgets. IF THIS IS NOT THE CASE, governments […]

Cabozantinib delivers hope for patients with HCC failing Sorafanib

For patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) the options are limited. Caught early enough RadioFrequency Ablation (RFC), TransArterial ChemoEmbolisation (TACE) or surgical resection can potentially be curative. For some patients with advanced disease a liver transplant may be an option, but what about everyone else? Up until recently, Sorafanib was the mainstay of treatment and the only […]

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