Times flown Beaches!
I inboxed you so check its been sitting there waiting to let you know when I am heading up your way. I'm catching up with another generics friend in Sydney too and would love to meet if you have time. It's refreshing to read your posts about the pioneering work that Dr James, Greg Jeffreys and many activists have done which yes I agree put pressure on the Aust Govt. I find it interesting to read your PBS story too, I haven't seen much PBS action at my huge Liver Clinic yet and my GP is interested in generics for private patients of his, it's very sloooooow down here getting the PBS!
I have finished tx as you know however I wanted to say my generic is Gileads own branding. I also have another course of tx from Mesochem here which was rejected by my liver clinic (because they lacked education) so that's going free from me to a deserving Vietnam Vet when we can sort it, again with the assistance of the team here. It's a great feeling being able to donate! All the same drug just the result of paranoia at my clinic I had to buy twice haha!
Yeah my generic was Gilead! Isn't it nuts that they just pump the price up despite owning the Indian labs
All the FixHepC meds are the bomb! Tested, monitored etc. For Meg, if you read this and cannot get PBS meds contact the team at FHC yes and do what I did buy them because they work
Beaches enjoy the week ahead and good luck as you swim toward EOT and check your pms please missy mermaid xxx you're going super well on tx xxx
Love from Ariel
Gen 1a
Peg/inf/riba 2012(!) stop @ Wk 43 potassium low +issues (rlps week 4 post tx, VL120,000) scnds eg. adenomas.
pre sof/led VL 240,000 Fibsc F0
Day 25 <30
Day 32 UND
Week 10 UND
SVR12 UND ALT14 AST19 GGT12 Bili 5
EOT +18 ALT13 AST20 GGT9 Bili 5
EOT +21 ALT11AST15
Cured SVR12
Dysplasia Adenomas RemvdAug '16
ColonoscopyClear Nov17
LumpectomyClear ‘18
LithotripsyCytoscopyBiopsy 4/18