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Searched for: treatment
15 Oct 2015 19:47
That is great news. Having GPs able to prescribe could rapidly deliver treatment to all those that need it. I would be sad to see the rationing evident overseas repeated here.
Category: Q & A
15 Oct 2015 19:21
The figure they brandish about re NHS cost, is apparently higher than the price the NHS will actually pay.
To save the face of the fact NHS England are lagging embarrassingly behind Scotland in offering new treatments.
Anyway, for many, they would only offer 8 weeks treatment (GT1s) - So right away, that reduces that cost to £26,000
Am told by good authority it is less in reality and keeps patients & public thinking we can't afford when many other illnesses benefit from an equal expense. It also puts it above the £30,000 bracket for NICE - Conveniently!
But anyway, how could the drug cos stop mail deliveries without changing the law?
The whole thing disgusts me, with people so unwell
Category: Media & News
15 Oct 2015 19:08
I think that's the real reason for the delay. The trials are a smokescreen whilst they put practices into place imo. When you look at the figures, they make about $70 US in royalties on a 12 week supply sold in India. A 12 week course in the UK costs the NHS just shy of £40,000 ($61,000 US) +VAT. If they stop just 100 treatments from leaking through from India to the UK, that's well over $3,000,000 NETT profit in warehoused customers waiting to be made. I know most of us don't drink, but it's sobering (and quite nauseating) when you look at the cold, hard figures.
Category: Media & News
15 Oct 2015 05:03
Sanity rules; makes sense to me. Thanks Doc.
15 Oct 2015 00:44
Yes, Sof/Dac for 24 weeks would be a good option. You probably have some Riba resistance now.

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing again and expecting a different result. I would not repeat Sof/Riba for longer, but would go longer with stronger. You could add Riba to the Sof/Dac if you wanted and it would probably increase your chances of success by some small percentage.
14 Oct 2015 23:54
You should ask for (this is 12 weeks treatment)

Sofosbuvir 400 mg od x 84
Dalcatasvir 60 mg od x 84

OR (Harvoni generic components)

Sofosbuvir 400 mg od x 84
Ledipasvir 90 mg od x 84

If you need 24 weeks ask for the same as above + 1 repeat

If you need Riba you need 1000 mg daily if < 75 kg and 1200 mg daily if > 75 kg

Ribavirin 1000 mg daily in 2 divided doses x 84 days
Ribavirin 1200 mg daily in 2 divided doses x 84 days
Category: Experts Corner
14 Oct 2015 19:08
:ohmy: :ohmy:

Sounds like you need a tank!
Category: Patient Stories
14 Oct 2015 18:47
Good on you LG lol. Hope it was one from the road I travel on daily, 'no joking' even us Aussies appreciate the difference. Fairdinkum, I've hit 2 big eastern greys in the last 12 months, it's no use being super cautious as they can jump from the rear to the front of your car in a split second. I've had 6 footers jump completely over the bonnet. The poor old subaru looks worse for wear. Em
Category: Patient Stories
14 Oct 2015 12:33

Might be a dumb question - but I cant understand why after clicking nil co-infection, geno 1a, treatment naive & cirrhotic on the SVR predictor - the only DAA SVR which seems not to be demonstrated is Daclatasvir.
Category: Experts Corner
14 Oct 2015 10:02
Have a look at the link in the post at the bottom of the page below Slim:


It has all the up-to-date options in it.
14 Oct 2015 09:46
Hi all,
I am looking for info on which drugs best to use for retreatment of type 2a, no cirrhosis.
I had Sov/Rib, but relapsed at end of treatment. I'm here in the US looking for a new hep dr who will write me a script. The doctor who supervised my initial treatment has said its costs too much money to retreat me, since there are so many who have yet to be treated at all. Understandable I guess. So it's up to me to make this happen. What I'm finding in my research is this: the US standard for retreatment after relapse taking Sov/Rib is more of the same, only for 24 weeks. I see other information that says I should take Sov/Dak for 24 weeks with or without Rib. Anybody have input on this? Thanks..
14 Oct 2015 08:12
My viral load 3 years ago was 5 157 834
My GGT was 47 - this is odd as in 2004 during inter/rib treatment it was 27 (My AST and ALT at the time were very elevated)

I ordered my Sof/Dac yesterday morning - I've ordered 12w but know I will need 24w
Dr Freeman has given me a script for new tests which i will be doing late next week
I'll be monitoring things closely and posting the results in a separate thread rather than hijacking others

I'm quite excited and very grateful but nervous as well
My liver biopsy results were dismal 12 years ago and I'm mostly nervous that my fibroscan will show Cirrhosis
Apparently you can have it without necessarily showing symptoms - I will know in a couple/ few weeks
But i will leave the negativity there and think only positive thoughts from now on
i'm preparing myself for battle against this virus and will do everything i can to help it work

This has all happened very quickly and quite out of the blue after reading the SMH article
I've ignored my hep for a long time mainly because there has been nothing i can do other than try and look after myself
Nothing makes me feel sicker than hanging around doctors surgeries, hospitals, and blood labs with worry inducing results

Thanks to all of you here, and particularly Dr Freeman, who can think outside the box and give the finger to the rich and ruthless
i taped Dallas Buyers Club on the telly the other night and will be watching it for the first time this week :P

Edit: Sorry for the thread hijack, Em but not worth starting my own thread yet and wanted to get my thoughts on a thread i follow
Category: Patient Stories
13 Oct 2015 15:34
PBAC recommend in March 2015 and July 2015 that the new drugs should be s85 not s100, which means they will be able to be prescribed by a regular GP and dispensed at a community pharmacy. This is in recognition of the fact that the current models of care (hospital clinics) will not be able to meet the demand for treatment and the fact that treatment will be much less complex with the new drugs. If you have cirrhosis you will probably still need to be treated at a hospital liver clinic.

PBAC have indicated they are not keen on prioritisation of certain patient groups (by disease progression, treatment history or drug use history) which is great news for Australia. Many other countries are having to fight this battle after access to the drugs was provided.

The earliest possible announcement for PBS is now 1 December 2015, which could mean access in April 2016. The Health Minister has indicated she will not hold back PBAC recommendations once the pricing negotiations are concluded.

All we need now is the successful conclusion to the pricing negotiations.
Category: Q & A
13 Oct 2015 12:50
I don't know all the technicalities of prescription form.

I do know that the old way of scribbling on a script pad and handing you the paper seems to be getting uncommon. Most offices send the script electronically to your choice of pharmacies now. However, my doctor in Thailand wrote it in letter form, on hospital letterhead, and provided to me electronically. Therefore I can simply print it out as needed, or forward electronically.

If you're ordering from overseas I see no need to get separate scripts or two scripts for 12 weeks each. Third world sources aren't likely to be that particular, and if you're ordering two shipments of a drug from the same source, just explain why and they'll understand. Just tell them what you want done and when to fill the order.

The more important part is the inclusion of shipping documents:

You want a clear explanation of what is in the package, a copy of your prescription, and if you're getting APIs you'll want MSDS sheets and a paper from the manufacturer again explaining what the powder is. These should also be available to the shipper in electronic form so that the shipper and customs can inspect your paperwork without opening the package.

Greg Jefferys explains it more fully on his blog.
Both Greg and Mesochem have been doing this and should be able to do it without your needing to explain anything.
Category: Patient Stories
13 Oct 2015 10:57
These are the forum guidelines of a forum I've been a member of since its inception.


As a bit of background, all the original members were a bunch of Apple tragics who were members of another forum, appleinsider.com. That forum was set up in the mid 90s when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy. That forum went through a very acrimonious split mostly because of Americans arguing American politics in an unconstructive way. Applenova formed. But then Apple took over the world, we all moved on with our lives and got a lot older. So we're not very active today but keep the forum going so we can stay in touch.

These are, however, still some of the best drawn up forum guidelines I've ever come across. They served us well and I can assure you we were a very opionated bunch who didn't shy away from robust discussion.

For me, points, 4, 9, 10 and 16 have always been the most important. I am guilty of breaching point 9 myself on this forum by calling my VL result thread "Science vs HCV" instead of "Chester's 4 week VL results". But as I never thought I'd see a medical breakthrough like the DAAs for hep c in my life time, I continue to be overawed by what science has achieved. So I cut myself a bit of slack. :P

In terms of this forum, 9, 10 and 16 are my biggest issues at the moment. Although experience tells me the issue of disputes and bad behaviour will inevitably rear its head sooner or later. However, a well run forum that doesn't form its own internal cliques will largely self moderate that sort of thing from what I've seen.

But at the moment I struggle with the organic nature of the forum. I want to be able to find stuff more easily. It was difficult finding the drug interactions link at the hospital last week and twice I resorted to calling Greg for help. Which I prefer not to do.

I think there is room for a compromise though by setting up a separate sub forum where more organic discussions can take place. I think this is especially pertinent regarding people's experiences on treatment. These discussions are well suited to rambling threads where everyone can compare notes rather than individual experiences threads which seem to turn into rambling threads with everyone comparing notes anyway.

Edit: all the credit for applenova's guidelines go to our admins and mods of which I am not one. They have ruled us well. Like a rose in a fisted glove.
Category: Technical Support
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