Just an update that may make the outlook better for second treaters:
Started again beginning of October 2016.
By 4 weeks into treatment: LFTS down but still bit elevated, AFP normal, fatigue a bit down but general 'don't feel that good feeling', moody ++ and lack of strength which was not there first time around on treatment - Ribavirin side effects? Results of detection test not available - big deal, I can wait.
By around 8 weeks: LFTS all normal, anything Ribavirin can affect blood wise is affected. AFP normal and now I am UND. Insomnia which was not there first time around has ceased; less feeling crook in the gut and the head feeling like I had one too many swampies last night has diminished as well.
Latest CT scan a work (wait) in progress.
Apart from feeling a bit off, good to be back in the saddle desexing Hep C virons; the least I can do for my loyal little friends. Maybe having the chance to breed a few more of them to neuter is some consolation too.
And many thanks for the posters, both those who have to have a second try, and these who get better first time around showing it ca be done.
And also the medicos who have stood by their patients for many years, often having to silently witness them pissing Interferon + Ribavirin into the wind for no good end. Hope the DAA's have come as a welcome and well deserved relief.
And a big thanks for for Dr Freeman et. al. who first gave me (and many others) a taste of the good life back in late 2015. This was the first time I defeated the 'have to wait' tyranny, and fuck all mighty, that may me feel GOOD!
Yours all,
GT3a 1990 Failed Inter 1998, comb in 2000. HCC 2012
Started 24/52 Sof/Dac 27th October 2015.
1. Bloods 2 October 2015: AST - 165 (20-40), ALT - 265 (5-40), GGT 189 (5-50)
2, Bloods 20 November 2015: ALT etc normal; VL 19
3. Bloods 8 January 2016: AST - 40, ALT - 59, GGT 48 VL RNA UND
4. EOT 12 April 2016 - blood tests: all is well, CT scan: okay
5. AFP 11 June 2016: 4 ref< 11
6. VL July 2016: DET
7. Oct16 start treat - June17 UND
8. Jun 18, lfts okay, platelets a bit low.