Hi all,
the last of 24 weeks worth of Sof/Dac taken on the weekend.
Had CT scan on liver and bloods done week before I saw specialist the Monday before EOT.
No HCC recurrence which is good news.
Blood tests okay but I seem to keep slightly higher ALT's.
Side effects during treatment minimal.
This week seemed to have had that energy rush I remember after the first week of treatment so long ago.
Specialist said I still needed to watch out, cancer wise - fatty intrusions etc ....., but with new energy I am chaffing at the bit to go to the gym and I am losing weight again.
Will have blood tests done in July for SVR result and see specialist in August.
Until then...... the WAIT!!! ....... previously for a cure, then for UND, and now for SVR. Go figure that one out.
Could have waited until I saw the specialist this month and gone on the freebie route through the PBS.
Got Nov, Dec 2015, and Jan, Feb and March in by using generics and would not have done it any other way.
Many thanks to Dr Freeman and the many others here that share their stories.
Have often thought that this forum is one of the few avenues that people living with this shit of a disease can use to have some time to feel appreciated and know that someone cares.
Reading the ups and downs of people on the way through to being rid of Hep C, has and will continue to mean a lot to me.
All the best to all of us and keep posting.