Thanks Sirchinenge, I agree with everything you say there.
So for newcomers especially, or others just starting out:
What most of us should keep in mind is that all the trials with Sof plus Led or Dac have shown that the great majority of people experience very few sides and mostly they are minor. And even at FixHepC, of the hundreds (thousands?) of people who have commenced treatment, only a few are posting of feeling and suffering from more than minor sides that are sometimes hard to distinguish from the virus itself, other health problems they have or maybe they could have caught a bug that was going around? Speaking of which, cold & flu tablets have sides too but most find the relief they bring is greater than the disease itself.
I suspect that a lot of this is because we are part of a great new social experiment of treating ourselves and the emotional roller coaster for a lot of us of finally getting a successful treatment where we previously thought there was none, or it was unaffordable. And certainly, they are nothing like Peg/riba.
Perhaps if we were at the stage where we went to the doctor and he said in a bored tone "oh yes, your tests show you have Hep C, take one of these each morning and come back in twelve weeks so we can check that it has gone, you may feel a bit fluey and off colour but it's nothing to worry about." it would be different but we aren't quite there yet. And people tend to worry about anything that is new.
As Sirchinenge says, that is not to take away from the minority like Dan who unfortunately do have bad sides or interactions with other health issues, some of which may of course be hep related.