I find that really interesting Em. For myself, I don't feel I want to risk a 12 week duration without riba, even though for my hepC profile the AASLD recommends it. I read the Gilead trial results for ION2 and Sirius, which are the trials most interesting for me, and it seems clear that for 12 weeks I could expect <100% but for 24 weeks it would almost certainly be 100%. The 12 weeks with riba option would for me probably also be 100%, but based on previous experience the riba would give me a repeat of the rash from hell, which I don't fancy. Like you I am favouring the sof/dac combo rather than the sof/led combo.
Therefore, as there seem to be no safety issues with the 24 week option, even for cirrhotics, I am going for that if I can get it. I don't care if it is more than necessary. The recommendations are meant to be for everybody but each individual has to look to their own circumstances. I do wonder if more doctors would be willing to prescribe 24 weeks if it were not for the swinging price of the drugs and the fact that their hands are tied. I wouldn't do 2 NS5As either, for the same reasons as you. The thing I am not sure about is how good an indicator it is to be UND or not at week 4? So because I am not sure I would just carry on to 24 weeks regardless. Do you know of any research which can tell us more about this? My thinking around it has been to have a PCR before EOT and in time for the results to arrive before EOT. IF I were not UND at that point then clearly I would carry on, but if I were UND then what would I do? I'm not sure.
I am genotype 1b
no cirrhosis
treatment experienced with Telaprevir (NS3 protease class)
I would be most interested to hear how you go with your tx.