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    Good to hear !!!! This will give you a laugh, My wife asked me if I was smoking weed ( cause I’m eating a lot ) I told her no, I am actually hungry !!!! and a lot of my aches are going away. I have to keep telling myself to slowly get back into the swing of things. I have another guy that is ready to get treatment. He is very healthy now and feels just fine. He was just worried about side effects. He’s a smart man seeking treatment before he feels the down side of Hep-C. I’m hoping to convince others I know to do the same. Man I’m really hungry, you don’t know what a blessing that is. The best is yet to come !!!! B)

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    Sounds like you are right where you need to be! For me it took quite some time to feel the energy fully returning.

    The generic DAA medications kill the virus pretty quickly, but once the virus is gone our bodies have the monumental task of healing the deep systemic damage caused by HCV.

    I remember feeling frustrated because I didn’t seem to be feeling the same level of energy and well being that others were experiencing even early on in treatment. On the other hand, I had lived with the virus for decades, and by the time I received treatment was F3/A3 (very sick, and on my way to becoming much sicker).

    Finally, around two months post SVR 12 I am finally re-experiencing what life was like before HCV began to take hold, slowly destroying my body, and draining my vitality, emotional resources, and creativity

    This is not a magical “new me”. What I am currently experiencing is simply me without Hep C, with a body and mind beginning to function the way that nature intended.

    So Doxner, you are right on schedule! Your body needs to heal, and by resting, drinking plenty of water, and taking care to properly nourish yourself, you are doing exactly what you need to do. Nature will do the rest :)

    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi Doxner
    I read your blog it’s honest and raw and I like it and yes the first few weeks were a bit testing I recall but that’s the tx doing it’s job as most of us quickly find because this stuff works darned fast on a high percentage of people.
    I will be excited to follow your progress to cure and reading your story
    Sending you happy splashes for a great outcome
    Love from Ariel #flower

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    Doxner and Sumblues, just remember with Gen 1a you both have a 98% chance of a cure from 12 weeks of treatment, hang in there!

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    Dear brothers & sisters, thanks a lot for your words and support!

    Still have plenty of side-effects, but I still be very motivated for the therapy. As Fitz truly said: time will help to overcome everything. It’s a long journey, life, the illness, the healing. I’m glad that it takes some months to do the therapy, gives time to do the process and transformation to heal slow by slow, step by step…

    so, best wishes & luck to everybody :-)


    Genotype 1a, since 1990
    Results 2009: ISHAK 2, METAVIR Score 1, Fibrose Stiffness 6.4 kPa
    Results 20/12/2016: HCV RNA (2016) >10 Mio. / AST 60 / ALT 88 / GGT 248
    Starting Therapy: 29/12/2016 with Panovir (Incepta, for 84 days)
    Results 18/01/2017: CV RNA quant. PCR * < 10 / AST 23 / ALT 31 / GGT not tested Results 02/02/2017: AST 25, ALT 38, GGT 54, HCV RNA UNDETECTED

    Avatar photoAriel
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    Hi Sumblues
    I put on 11kgs on Harvoni (sofled) it was the weight that peginf riba took off me. It was fantastic watching it go on after spending two and a half years trying to put it back on finally banmmm I was hungry and keeping it on!
    I find stress is the thing to watch out for now I’m cured apart from that all good and steady in the weight dept so I will cheer you on
    And no weed! Why risk ruining tx? I was against anything at all on my sofled but others have different ideas. Please don’t shoot me down anyone but I really think committing to the DAAs is a full person thing
    Wishing all the best don’t wanna preach
    Happy splashes from Ariel

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    Hey Doxner, Glad to hear your hanging in there !!!! Yea some days are better than others. I have gained 8 lbs in the last two weeks ( I used to vape some weed just to get rid of nausea and to eat ) I haven’t had the need to use since I started treatment. But I thought y’all might find this interesting though. The doctor said to me come in we need to get a baseline blood test, I told him come on now I’m 9 days into treatment and my blood test look the same for the last 3 or more years ( almost a mirror image to one another) so the one’s that stuck out were the AST and ALT. They have been AST 55 and ALT 49, I mean everytime. They read AST 18 and ALT 15, so something is going on. B)

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    Mr. Sumblues, nice to read your posts. We travel on the same train ;-) !

    Today I feel so much better, day 17. I quit smoking tabacco and weed 3 months before the therapy, used it all life long, but decided to start the therapy ‘clean and sober’ like a baby. I wasn’t smoking tabacco all the time and prefered to vaporize. But I had to reflect that lately nicotin was a really big harm to my lever and thc too, less, but effecting health a lot negatively. Lot’s of tireness and lot’s of transpiration, during night and daytime too. Stopping all substances for me is a big help for my health and also increased my mental and physical situation a lot. I feel just smoother (mostely), balanced. I also think and feel, like Ariel said, the therapy itself needs so much attention right now that for me, there is not much space for other stuff actually. And it should be like this for me. Also to give the lever the space and awarness a 100% is very pure & nice to feel. For sure, everybody needs to find themselves the way things are the best.

    Have a great day everybody #flower

    Genotype 1a, since 1990
    Results 2009: ISHAK 2, METAVIR Score 1, Fibrose Stiffness 6.4 kPa
    Results 20/12/2016: HCV RNA (2016) >10 Mio. / AST 60 / ALT 88 / GGT 248
    Starting Therapy: 29/12/2016 with Panovir (Incepta, for 84 days)
    Results 18/01/2017: CV RNA quant. PCR * < 10 / AST 23 / ALT 31 / GGT not tested Results 02/02/2017: AST 25, ALT 38, GGT 54, HCV RNA UNDETECTED

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    Dear Friends,

    I wanted to give an actual update about my situation. As I already mentioned I had/have a lot of hard headaches. I went for a blood test last monday. The blood pressure was extremely high with 170/110. That’s the reason for the pains and the bad feeling. I visited my my ‘house doctor’ for a general check up and try to chill and relaxe to calm down the pressure. Mostly I’m fine lately but sometimes having some serious side-effects, but now the best: just received the results of the blood test:

    HCV RNA quant. PCR * < 10 IU/ml --> undetected !!!!

    Also the lever results are fantastic:
    ASAT (GOT) 23 U/L, ALAT (GPT) 31

    Today I will take the 23rd tablett of 84 and will go further my journey :)

    So after 22 days of therapy I can realise that PANOViR is a extremely high effective medicament that works absolutely wonderfull. Thanks to FixHepC, thanks to all of you guys, thanks Mr. Freeman and also thanks to Incept Pharma for this therapy.

    I will keep on giving you all the news that are around.

    All the best,

    Genotype 1a, since 1990
    Results 2009: ISHAK 2, METAVIR Score 1, Fibrose Stiffness 6.4 kPa
    Results 20/12/2016: HCV RNA (2016) >10 Mio. / AST 60 / ALT 88 / GGT 248
    Starting Therapy: 29/12/2016 with Panovir (Incepta, for 84 days)
    Results 18/01/2017: CV RNA quant. PCR * < 10 / AST 23 / ALT 31 / GGT not tested Results 02/02/2017: AST 25, ALT 38, GGT 54, HCV RNA UNDETECTED

    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Hi doxner, congratulations on your excellent blood test results. :cheer:

    A number of us have experienced higher blood pressure during treatment, mine jumped by 30-40 points during the first month but then settled back to normal. Not sure whethther this is a side effect that the medication has on some of us or just the excitement and stress of being on treatment. I see you have discussed this with your doctor so they should be able to monitor and advise.

    G3a since ’78 – Dx ’12 – F4 (2xHCC)
    24wk Tx – PEG/Riba/Dac 2013 relapsed
    24wk Tx – Generic Sof/Dac/Riba 2015/16 relapsed
    16wk Tx – 12/01/17 -> 03/05/17 NS3/NS5a + Generic Sof
    SVR7 – 22/06/17 UND
    SRV12 – 27/07/17 UND
    SVR24 – 26/10/17 UND
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

    Avatar photoAriel
    • Guardian Angel
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    Great labs Doxner
    I agree it’s better to do any treatment really easy on your body no yukky stuff eat well exercise and take time to chill with music meditation and old movie faves.
    Re the BP yes mine went up on Harvoni (sof/led) and all I had to do was change bp meds on the advice of FHC docs. My own GP just changed my script and after a short time I was fine it was just slightly elevated during the twelve weeks of tx. I’m really sporty so I was quite surprised.
    I agree with Gaj anything just get checked at the docs. I think these drugs are miracles.
    Looking forward to reading your story counting down to EOT.
    Sending happy splashes on those great labs from Ariel #flower

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    Good news Doxner !!!! :) I hope you discover something that will relax you and get that blood pressure down some. You had me going with that blood pressure thing and yea I just checked mine it’s a little up there too. 128/88 anyways I am glad to hear of your results and prayers to rid you of those nasty headaches and for your BP to settle down. Remember the best is yet to come !!! B)

    Avatar photoGreedfighter
    • Guardian Angel
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    Great news Doxner! Sounds like a cure is on the horizon. You can’t get any better than Incepta quality. They cured me!

    Sumblues, Beacon is also a quality provider endorsed by this site. All approved vendors are the generic equivalent of Gilead medications. Time to rock the cure <img style=illy:' /> :+1:

    Avatar photodoxner
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    Hi everybody, thanks for your words and comments.
    I will keep you posted and wish everybody all the best and looking forward to read about your journeys of course
    Denis #flower

    Genotype 1a, since 1990
    Results 2009: ISHAK 2, METAVIR Score 1, Fibrose Stiffness 6.4 kPa
    Results 20/12/2016: HCV RNA (2016) >10 Mio. / AST 60 / ALT 88 / GGT 248
    Starting Therapy: 29/12/2016 with Panovir (Incepta, for 84 days)
    Results 18/01/2017: CV RNA quant. PCR * < 10 / AST 23 / ALT 31 / GGT not tested Results 02/02/2017: AST 25, ALT 38, GGT 54, HCV RNA UNDETECTED

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