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    Hello, has anyone successfully purchased Darvoni from the USA? If so can you describe the process you went though?

    Thnx much,

    Avatar photosplitdog
    • Guardian Angel
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    See ‘Splitdog in the US’ thread. Patient stories.


    Genotype 3
    VL 4,100,000
    ALT 101 AST 71
    Treatment Naive
    Started Sof/Dac Jan 12, 2016
    VL= <15 4 weeks in. AST/ALT normal.
    VL=UNDETECTED 8 weeks in.
    SVR4= Virus back. 3,300,000

    Started generic Epclusa Sep. 23, 2017

    4 weeks in <15 *Detected.
    12 weeks in <15 *Not Detected.
    16 weeks in <15 *Not Detected.
    Finished 24 weeks treatment 3-17-18
    SVR5 <15 Not Detected.
    SVR 20 <15 Not Detected.
    SVR 44 <15 Not Detected.

    Thank you Jesus.
    Thank you Dr. James

    Avatar photoSirchinenge
    • Guardian Angel
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    If I could make a suggestion; I think Beacon and its reps should be taking and processing orders
    at your a beacon@ emails I think using G Mail is strange.

    You are handling sensitive information for all kinds of best reasons,best practice suggest you use
    your companies email address.

    I don’t know of anyone buying Dav I do know of plenty of other patients in the US buying Hep C
    medications for any number of sources listed on this site.

    Sob/Dac from Oct 29 2015
    Geno 1b
    Fiberscan 9.9 Pre treatment
    Fiberscan 7.4 week 10
    VL 1.3 million pre treatment
    Week 2.5 VL 96
    Week 5.5 VL 17
    Week 10 VL UD
    SVR 3 UD
    SVR 16 UD
    All liver functions in normal ranges.

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    Dear Sirchinenge,
    Thanks for your concern. That gmail also our company mail. Due to continuous travel outside of the country we face sometimes we faced problem in outlook mail. so we are prefering gmail. But if you visit http://www.darvoni.com then there you can see my outlook mail also (official mail ). So don’t worry.

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    Please add Copeg also.

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    We started commercial supply of our Darvoni from January 17, 2016. From the starting we are supplying our Darvoni to more than 54 countries, mainly in Europe, CIS, USA, Honk Kong, China & Latin areas. All are satisfied about our product quality and got better efficacy.
    We want to share one story from Romania. We got her mail on January 13, 2016.

    She wrote bellow-

    “ I found that by some miracle your facebook address . I discovered that I had hepatitis C three years ago. I did treatment with interferon but I did relapse after completing treatment. Please give me more details on the acquisition of treatment for 12 weeks.”

    She made payment on 20 January and we send her parcel on 25 January, 2016. She received her parcel on 27 January 2016-

    “Hello , it seems that the goods arrive Friday . I gave an affidavit that I have hepatitis C and to use this properly . Thank you so much guys are special people.”

    She started her medication on 29 January, 2016 and send mail on 4th February about her updates-

    “Hello, I started the treatment on January 29. I made analysis after 3 days of treatment. transaminases are ok , blood count and bilirubin so are ok . fatigue disappeared from the third day of treatment. viremia you advise me to do ?”

    Doctor’s feedback was about at 2 weeks 50% chance viral load 0, at 4 weeks it is 80%, 6 weeks 90% and 8 weeks 100%. Good time to test is 4 weeks.

    She again mailed me 03 March, 2016 after getting her viral load test after completing 4 weeks of treatment. She wrote-
    “Hello, I made tests for viral load after 4 weeks of treatment with Darvoni and the virus is undetectable . You are wonderful.”
    We are sharing her report after getting permission from her.

    We wish her good health.

    To find details about Darvoni, please visit http://www.darvoni.com

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    Hello, I’m successfully order and received over courier, this product Darvoni from beaconbdd. Thank you all for helping me. Tomorrow I start with battle.

    G3 since ’93
    VL 1.283,000 log 6,11
    Fibroscan 1.2 m/s
    Prior TX-Naive
    16wk Tx – Sof/Dac DARVONI 08/03/16
    Pre Tx = ALT 70 AST 49
    22/03/16 = ALT 26 AST 24
    21.06.2016. EOT UNDETECTED
    20.09.2016.SVR 12 UNDETECTED

    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Tomorrow I start with battle.

    Good luck! Please keep people posted over in the Patient section


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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common cancer, the third most common cause for cancer death in the world.

    Patients with chronic hepatitis C & hepatitis B virus infection which account for more than 80% of HCC cases worldwide and responsible for approximately one million deaths each year.

    HCC risk increases to 17-fold in HCV-infected patients compared to HCV-negative subjects. Approximately 80% of HCC occurs in developing countries, with the highest incidence rates in the Asia-Pacific region and Africa.

    Approval of sorafenib as the first targeted therapy for treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a milestone in the treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

    Soranix is a generic version preparation of NEXAVAR containing (Sorafenib 200 mg) indicated in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), Renal Cell Carcinoma(RCC) & differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC).

    Beacon Pharma’s goal is to provide an affordable treatment option to everyone, everywhere all around the globe.

    Soranix is available for export direct from the factory. If you are unable to access costly medication in your country then importing it might well be a good option. Most countries allow the legal importation for personal use. If you would like to contact us to beaconbdd@gmail.com

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    • Guardian Angel
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    “Approval of sorafenib as the first targeted therapy for treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents a milestone in the treatment of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).

    Soranix is a generic version preparation of NEXAVAR containing (Sorafenib 200 mg) indicated in Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), Renal Cell Carcinoma(RCC) & differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC).”

    I am mainly posting this reply as a book mark for me – in case I manage to get another HCC in the future.

    What is the mechanism by which Sorafenib treats ‘advanced HCC’ if anyone knows?



    dope-on-a-rope.jpgDr James
    • Guardian Angel
    • ★★★★★

    Sorafenib is a chemotherapy drug in the class of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and can hold HCC at bay for a while


    Cabozantinib is possibly better and under trial for HCC.

    I know a patient who was failing Sorafenib (almost looked like cure with the tumours calcifying), was refused entry into that Cabozantinib trial after a 2 week workup, and then started himself on a generic version.


    He’s travelling ok. We wiped out his Hep C last year and his AFP has fallen from 2000+ to below 500 last time we looked. We are due to have a look see with CT this week.

    Like any single agent therapies resistance and breakthrough are likely, so it’s not a magic bullet like Sofosbuvir.


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    anyone? has already tried to purchased and tested darvoni?? thanks

    Avatar photobeaconbdd
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    Darvoni successfully Delivered in USA

    • POD_5053194753-page-001(1)usa.JPG
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    We started commercial supply of our Darvoni from January 17, 2016. From the starting we are supplying our Darvoni to more than 54 countries, mainly in Europe, CIS, USA, Hong Kong, China & Latin areas. All are satisfied about our product quality and got better efficacy.
    March 03, 2016, we shared a success story from Romania. Today we are sharing another feedback from Italy.
    We received her below mail on January 08, 2016
    “Dear Mr. Shahariar Tamal
    i’m XXXXX, my Brother wrote to you on Sunday 27december to have information about DARVONI , a treatment of Hepatite C.
    I’m writing to you because i read on your facebok’s page that it will be commercially available from 7th January 2016, so i want to know if there is an opportunity to receive this type of treatment , that is the only solution for my hepatite .
    This is very important for me, and my Italian doctor prescribed to me the correct dosage for treatment, for THREE MONTH (maybe 16 boxes).
    If there is the possibility to have this treatment i would to know how i can pay it, the timing for receiving .
    I hope to receive your answer soon.
    Best wishes
    After launching of Darvoni on 17 January, 2016, She paid and send below mail
    “Dear Tamal
    i made the payment on Monday 25 January, but maybe you should see the payment on your bank only Tomorrow, but i send back you the receipt of the payment!
    We received her money on 29th January, 2016 and send her parcel on 31th January, 2016. She received her parcel on Wednesday, February 03, 2016 and mailed me
    “I’m so grateful!!! Today i received the treatment!!!
    She mailed me on 07th March, 2016 about her test
    “hi Tamal, i’m fine thanks… i’ll check my blood on Wednesday 9 of march, then on Thursday i’ll have the result…
    She again mailed me on 11th March 2016
    “Yes i am fine thanks and my test is negative!!! Next week i will send you the test report. My doctor told me that it’s all ok.
    Thank you a lot. i am so grateful to you.
    One of her friend mailed me on 11th March 2016 and informed
    “XXX is a friend of mine after 1 month of Darvoni treatment she became negative. I told her about your company 2 months ago. This morning she phones me caring of happiness.”
    We are very happy to know that she is ok and caring happy life after using Darvoni. Thanks Darvoni.
    We are sharing her report after getting permission from her.
    We wish her good health.
    To find details about Darvoni, please visit http://www.darvoni.com

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    Hepatitis C generic medicine have made BEACON’s revolution in terms of export.

    Like-wise number one in Oncology, Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited is the first company in Bangladesh who is proudly exporting Hepatitis C generic medicine more than 45 countries around the Globe. Under the patient support program Beacon Pharmaceuticals Limited can deliver their generic medicine to everyone everywhere around the world. The countries under the coverage of BEACON Pharmaceuticals Limited includes:
    Hong Kong
    New Zealand
    Bosnia & Herzegovina

    We are in the process of delivering in another 30 countries.

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